What Stars Foretell For North Korea In May 2016

by astrodocanil

What Stars Foretell For North Korea In May 2016

This is with Reference to my earlier Article “Stationary Saturn, Jupiter,Mars and Solar Eclipses in 2016:What Stars Foretell”https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/03/stationary-saturn-jupitermars-and-solar-eclipses-in-2016what-stars-foretell/

Let me reproduce the Text again here

North Korea 10th Sept. 1948 12-00 hrs Pyongyang

North Korea


The chart above  is crystal clear showing the Country is War Mongering by the placement of mars in the 12th house, Dasha of Rahu-Saturn  and Transit Saturn Stationary over natal Moon and Jupiter from 20th March to 2nd April could be Crucial for taking wrong decisions and enter in a War like situations  Mars and Saturn over Natal Jupiter and Moon and Transit Saturn also aspecting the Natal Saturn and Sun in the 10th house could prove Explosive . Eclipses over the 4/10 axis and 1/7 axis of Sun , The Country is bound to act with aggression and enter into war like situations .  The moment Sun goes in thesign Aries natal Mars and transit Mars will activate the Sun and then after 14th May 2016 will be Critical period for the Country

A sensitive issue on the 6th May 2016 when Jupiter will be in stationary Position and Saturn will aspect degreewise . Read My articlehttps://www.astrodocanil.com/…/stationary-saturn-jupitermar…/. I have already mentioned that around the 14th May 2016 is a Sensitive Period for the Country enteringinto war like situations , The Period from 5th May to 14th Maywill be a Sensitive Time Frame for the Country to put it in Reverse gear for the Growth and War like conditions

The Transit of  Mars and Saturn in the Lagna over the Natal Moon and Jupiter and specially Saturn at very close degrees of Jupiter and exact degrees of moon will trigger some untoward happenings for the country growth. Transit Saturn also aspects the Natal Sun and Saturn in the 10th house will bring about a Change in the Political Scenerio of the Country. The Country is also Running the Dasha of Rahu-Saturn Prone for Such happenings  andthen Rahu-Mercury will be worst . The Country will reel in Political Turmoils and Stagnancy in Growth due to Strict Sanctions on the Country .

Now Read this N. Korea Vows to Rapidly Advance Nuclear Attack Capabilities http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-30/n-korea-vows-to-rapidly-advance-nuclear-attack-capabilities

North Korea vowed to make rapid advancements on nuclear attack capabilities if South Korea and the U.S. continue with joint military drills, with the warning coming days before predictions that the nation may conduct its fifth nuclear test for the Worker’s Party Congress on May 6.

“Our capability to make nuclear attacks will make fast advancement every time enemies conduct war exercises,” the regime’s official news agency reported, citing an unidentified spokesman at its foreign ministry. North Korea called a joint military drill between South Korea and the U.S. “the worst military provocation.”

The statement came after North Korea’s failed attempts to fire missiles this week, and days before Kim Jong Un’s regime is scheduled to hold its first ruling party congress in decades. South Korean President Park Geun Hye said Pyongyang has completed preparations to conduct its fifth nuclear test and vowed to seek stronger sanctions against North Korea if it conducts the test.


In an interview with the AP, North Korea offered to halt its nuclear test if the U.S. and South Korea would suspend defensive drills. U.S. President Barack Obama dismissed the proposal.

Before it’s here, it’s on the Bloomberg        

North Korea’s Ruling Party Sets May 6 for Start of Convention http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-27/n-korea-s-ruling-party-sets-may-6-for-start-of-convention

Seoul, South Korea (AP) — Facing mounting international pressure over its nuclear and missile ambitions, North Korea has set a date for its biggest political convention in decades next month that is expected to bolster young dictator Kim Jong Un’s grip on power.

The ruling Workers’ Party, led by Kim, decided Tuesday to open its 7th congress in Pyongyang on May 6, the official Korean Central News Agency reported Wednesday.

It will be the first time the congress, the highest-level decision-making party organ, will be held since 1980, when Kim’s late dictator father Kim Jong Il was awarded a slew of top jobs in a confirmation that he was in line to succeed his father, North Korea founder Kim Il Sung.


Since taking power upon the death of his father in late 2011, Kim Jong Un has been struggling to revive his country’s troubled economy and grapple with international standoffs over his country’s nuclear and missile programs.

The standoff deepened earlier this year when North Korea conducted a fourth nuclear test and a long-range rocket launch, which led to the U.N. slapping its toughest sanctions on North Korea in 20 years. South Korea and the United States also made their ongoing springtime military drills the largest ever.

In response, Kim last month ordered tests of a nuclear warhead and ballistic missiles capable of carrying warheads. That sparked outside speculation that North Korea could perform a fifth nuclear test ahead of the political convention to burnish his image as a stronger leader fighting hard against foreign aggressions.

South Korean President Park Geun-hye said last week that the North was believed to have completed preparations for a new atomic bomb test. Park warned that such a move would result in stronger sanctions and pressures that would speed up North Korea’s collapse.

The North’s state media did not say what would be discussed and decided on during the congress. A previous KCNA report said the North decided to hold the convention as the country was faced with “the heavy yet sacred task” of building a “thriving” nation.

South Korean analysts say Kim will likely use the convention as a chance to reshuffle top officials, reveal policy directions and further strengthen his authoritarian leadership.

Kim has orchestrated a series of high-profile executions, purgings and personnel reshuffles in what outside analysts say was an attempt to remove potential rivals or show he’s an absolute ruler. Among the executed were his powerful uncle, then the No. 2 in North Korea, and his defense chief. Some experts said repeated bloody power shifts may indicate the young leader has not established the same absolute power that his father and grandfather enjoyed.

The North’s state media did not say how long the congress would last. The 1980 convention lasted five days.

The Period from 5th May to 11th May 2016 and then from 6th June to 20th June will be Disasterous fro N Korea and may put the Country in Reverse gear and Economic Stagnation and war like situations The Month of August 23td to 29th August and then 1st Sept to 14th Sept. 2016 Time Frame may be explosive for the Country as well and also the Other countries mentioned by me in this and the Articles on my webpage .

Some text of the Previous Article is also reproduced here for the Globe and other countries also .



Yemen , Iraq, USA, Libya have  Leo Lagna and the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis , and connection of lagna lord and the 8th Lord Jupiter in 2/12 axis or 6/8 axis will bring terrorism in these countries after the Lunar Eclipse of the 23rd March 2016 when there will be exchange of the Lagna Lord Sun and jupiter . This could bring Terrorism in these countries with magnitude   , when Saturn is stationary in the 4th house aspecting the 6th House or Lord  Lord Saturn ,

From the above it is clear that Certain Countries the Effect will be Phenomenal and some countries will have a Little effect , those countires where Saturn , Mars, Nodes will be influencing the natal Degrees of the Planets specially the Nodes,Mars and Saturn in Stationary motion the Effect on those country will be Maximum along with the Most effective Point at 15  or 22 degreesRahy Ketu at these Degrees and any planet at these degrees will be Maximum influenced to sprout the Results, The Good and Bad Results will depend upon the Degree of Affliction as mentioned above , the more the affliction the more the effects

On top of above the 2 Solar eclipses taking Place on the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial Since Mars and Stationary Points will be 14.49 and 15.41 degrees and The Eclipse Point of the 1st Sept. 2016 will be aspected by Saturn  . see the chart below

Eclipse of Sept 2016

When  Saturn , Mars, are Stationary at 22.00 or 15 degrees in Scorpio or about to come in Stationary motion for the above countries or any other Country where the Eclipses are taking Placed in the 1/7 axis or the 4/10 axis then there will be Earthquakes  followed by  Cyclones, Trunami with Magnitude . Mercury is Escalating its speed till 30th April 2016 and give abnormal conditions in the weather , Watery sign affliction in the Present Scenerio is Scorpio. This is strong Possibility of the above combinations 

Planetary cycles of all planets will be completed when Jupiter and Mercury will be both in Virgo on the 4th Oct. 2016 and Jupiter Rises Helically on the 7th Oct. 2016 could Sprout very strong Parameters for the Kingly Country and the Globe and significations of the Signa Virgo, Pieces the 6th and the 12th house of the natural Zodiac ,Jupiter and Mercury sprout Loudly.needless to write the details since written in all my Articles on this 

Also Read my article “What Stars Foretell For Planetary Drama of 4 Planets In Retrogression From 28th April 2016″  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/04/stars-foretell-p…-28th-april-2016/  dated 16th April 2016


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 1st May 2016 09-00 hrs Singapore 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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