Stars Foretell 9th-10th May 2016 May Turn Black Monday, Tuesday For Financial Markets

by astrodocanil

Stock market


Mercury Messenger of Gods will prove on the 9-10th May 2016 to be a Messenger with Break in the Stock market 

This is with reference to my Earlier Articles on the Global Meltdown in Economy on my webpage way back  and on the 24th May 2015 when nobody could even dream of .I have written number of articles Link these articles , I have written crystal clear that a Bank with Letter D and T will be responsible for a Scam between the 5th May to 11th May 2016. Now read this Deutshe Bank involved in a  Scandle .…/deutsche-bank-has-systemic-money… I have also Put a Video on the Planetary cycles on the Youtude .and also on my webpage.  Video on Planetary cycle on

My Prediction on the Bank name and Date  Proved 100% . Now the Date 9th -10th May 2016 we  will find all of a Sudden changes and downfall for Financial markets Globally.

 There are 3 Parameters in the Present Transit which acquire a special dimension .
1. Mercury abnormal motion from 8th Feb 2016 to 30th April. 9th May 2016 Mercury  will be on the  Disc of Sun totally Combusted. Mercury went in Retrogression on the 28th Feb 2016 evening. Mercury  was set in the west on the 2nd May 2016. It has been observed in the passed that when ever Mercury gets into this Mode there is a Crash in the Stock Market Globally.On 9th of May 2016 on the Day of Akshaya Tritya , we will see the Transit of Mercury on the Disc of Sun which means a planet comes in between the Sun and the Earth,when observed from Earth It will be seen as if  a small black disc is moving gradually in front of the Sun. On an average,  Such Mercury transits the Sun about 13 times each century. This may happen and be visible at 16.42 hrs IST. Mercury will be in Retrogression till 22nd May 2016 and this Period will be a Colossal Wreck for the World

Mercury is also a Planet which signifies Communication, weather , hence there will be abnormal conditions on account of this also and a Strong Earthquake cannot be ruled out when Mercury is behind Sun and has connection with Moon.

I have already written an Article ” Mercury Planet Messenger of Gods :What it Foretells for 2016″ link…retells-for-2016/ dated 12th March 2016.If one goes back to find out what happened at earlier occassions then we find that  Stock market Crashed  on the 9th May 1970, 10th November 1973, 13th November 1986, 6th November 1993, 15th November 1999, 7th May 2003 and 8th November 2006. All the above dates there was Economy meltdown  and Stock Market Crash  and the Economy Suffered  world wide along with Banking Institutions . I have already Predicted that the Scams related to the Banking Sector could be responsible for this Crash and the Banks with Lettter D and T could be responsible for the same. The worst Position will be when Jupiter will be  again eclipsed between the 6th June to 4 th July 2016. 

2. Saturn is the Karka for Depression and Jupiter the Karka for Expansion, In Transit Jupiter goes in Stationary motion between the 5th to 11th May 2016  and Jupiter Direct on the 9th May at 17.44 hrs IST and aspected by Retrograde Saturn almost degreewise. Saturn will again aspect Jupiter and Rahu very closely between the 6th June to 20th June 2016, which could further aggravate the situations world wide.
Hence the Markets could Crash on the 10th May 2016 with a 4 Digit Figure for Sure , Jupiter will be also Stationary then.
The Countries which will suffer most will be Britain, Europe, China, US,Hongkong, India, Pakistan Etc .
3. Sun Ingress in Taurus on the 14th May 2016 at 16-42 hrs  is an Enigmatic Ingress and following Parameters acquire a special dimension.
Lagna is Libra and in the nakshatra of  Chitra Mars a strong Malefic, Lagna Lord in Planetary War with Mercury in the 7th house and Losing in the war , Lagna Lord is also 8th Lord .
Both Lumanries badly afflicted as below. Dispositoros Sun Lost in Planetary war, and Dispositor of Moon is Sun who is also afflicted as below, hence the King and Queen of the world Suffer
Sun the Royal Planet at the time of Ingress in Taurus in the 8th house afflicted badly by both Mars and Saturn Retrograde
11th Lord Sun in the 8th house afflicted .
2nd House afflicted by both Mars and Saturn and Karka for wealth and Finance Jupiter  badly afflicted by Retrograde Saturn and Rahu who is in forward Motion and Poison.
10th Lord Moon in the 11th house afflicted badly along with Jupiter.The Navamsha is also pointing out grave situations  as below .
  Mercury influencing the Lagna of the Rashi and the Navamsha are indicative that there will be significations of Mercury sprouting with Dimension.Hence as already Pointed out in all my articles Economy meltdown is on the cards worldwide .
Mars and Saturn influence Sun the Royal Planet and Kings and Kingly Countries will be influenced most
Scandles relating to Wealth, Stock market , Politicians , Educational Institutions, Banking Sector will sprout with Dimension and specially the Banks with Letter Dand T will be the Breaking News .
Karka for Stock markets, Weather,Messenger of Gods  Mercury in Retrogression, Combustion and Lost in Planetary war in the 7th house.
War like situation in the country , Strikes, Political Turmoils Foreign Trade will all suffer, Specially the Eastern Part of the country will be influenced Most .
Earthquakes ,between the 14th to 17th are the Probable Time Frame , since Rahu will be in Adverse Motion during this Period . As already Pointed out the Month of May and June will be the Period of Scandles sprouting in every field and what has been discussed in this article.
 The Planetary Cycles  will be completed in the 1st week of Oct. 2016 and could be the 2nd Bubble Burst in 2016
All this comes on the 5th May 2016 the Date I have Predicted  Comes True 100%

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 6th May 2016 11.30 PM Singapore  


Video on Planetary cycle on

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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In Singapore from 22nd April to 18th May 2016 ph. +6591484182

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 


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