EU Referendum Poll : What Stars Foretell As Per 23rd June 2016 For Brexit

by astrodocanil

EU Referendum Poll : What Stars Foretell As Per 23rd June 2016 For Brexit

This is with reference to my earlier article ” Will Britain Exit From EU ?” link dated 9th April 2016

Let me reproduce it here

Will Britain Exit From EU ?

This is with reference to my Earlier Article ‘Gloomy Fate of United Kingdom After 25th March 2016″ link…-23rd-march-2016/ dated 25th March 2016. 

Let me reproduce the same here in this article 

This is with reference to my article “  Dated 8th March 2016

I have discussed various countries  for the 3 aspects of the Eclipses in 2016. Let me also throw some light on the chart of United Kingdom Chart of Reorganisation of 1927 as Below Taken from The Book of World Horoscopes Nicholas Campion

12th April 1927 00-00-00 hrs  GMT Westminister  England  51N30  00W07

UK 1927

The Country is running the Dasha of Saturn-Ketu till 8th Jan 2017  and the Eclipses in the 4/10 axis  and the 1/7 axis of Moon are some critical Parameters for the country

As Per K.N Rao , In the Book Nehru Dynasty  Page 80 the Chapter ASTROLOGICAL INEVITABILITY  Mr. Rao has mentioned , that if the Eclipses are falling in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun, Moon and Dasha of a Planet who has the capacity to kill then the Nation has a fall., If the above combinations are also in the 4/10 axis of the foundation chart then it is Explosive for the Country and the Inevitability factor for a Fall of the Country can be Predicted  As per my research here the 8th Lord is also to be added.

Finally when  Mars aspects the Eclipse point, it  is a ammunation dump and Explosion .

The connection of Mars and Saturn in the Chart of the United kingdom of the 3rd 6th house and the 7th house will surely create a war like situation in the country after 24th April 2016 when the dasha will be of Sat-Ketu-Mars. There could be the Following activities in the nation  and the Country taking a plunge in Recession 

1.Terrorism and War Parameters   For Point no 1,2 and 3  the Parameters as Per K.N Rao are activated 

2.Fall of the nation

3.Economy Meltdown Eclipses in the 4/10 axis and over Jupiter the Lord of the 2nd and the 5th House and in Transit Jupiter totally afflicted since 9th Jan. 2016, between 6th June to 3rd July  2016 a Colossal wreck for the Country , Since then in Transit  Rahu will be with Jupiter in degree conjunction and same navamsha. 2nd House of the chart has Ketu in the House of Jupiter and Transit Ketu will be over the natal Ketu Degreewise on the 25th April 2016 , hence the Issues pertaining to Exit from EU will sprout with Dimension till 3rd July 2016. During the Period starting from 17th June to 13th July Mars in Transit will be fallen in Libra the 12th house of the Foundation chart and aspect the 7th house of Treaties  and . Incedently the 11th Lord of Legislation Mercury in the chart is Debilitated, In Transit Mercury will be in the 7th house of Treaties after 8th June and also join venus the 7th Lord in Transit over the natal Venus  and Transit Venus going in the 8th house after 13th June Opens all the hidden things and Exit of the Country From EU  

For Terrorist Activities the Parameters are as follows

Karka for Terrorism are Mars and Rahu . External Terrorism is from the neighbouring countries , hence 3rd house , Terrorism inside the country.  4th house from 9th house afflicted Terrorist camps  inside the country. Hence 3rd and 12th house most important. 

1. Saturn in Rahu-Ketu axis or in Kendra from each other, at the time of Terrorism.   At the moment in Transit Saturn aspecting Rahu by 10th aspect and Both Stationary in the Lunar Eclipse of 23rd March 2016 this will be most crucial.

 2. Transitting Rahu and Ketu activating the natal Rahu and Ketu in the foundation charts of the country.Transitting Rahu and Ketu are in Trine .

3. Transiting Mars activating the natal 8L/8H or Transitting 8L activating the natal Mars.  These periods could prove fatal.  Transit mars activates the natal Mars in the 8th house .today at the time of writing of the article Mars is at 15.53 degrees over natal Saturn in Scorpio at 14.49 degrees  and Transit Saturn over natal Saturn are some Parameters which cannot be digested easily .

4. Placement of Mars becomes most crucial since Karka for terrorism. Placement in the 9th House, 12th house  2nd House , 3rd house most crucial in Transit  and since in the Lagna is crucial .

5. Mars Placement in the 8th House and Transit Mars in Lagna aspecting the natal  Mars in the 8th House is an Explosive Parameter in the Present Transit , specially when Mars is Stationary on the 12th April to 21st April 2016 and will be over the natal Saturn at 14.19 degrees and Mars will be at 14.49 degrees . Also both Mars and Saturn will be in Degree conjunction in the Lagna at the degreees of Saturn between 23rd August to 26th August and then Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in Virgo will further enhance the bloodshed as the Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter is Bloodshed as per Mundane Classic Myur Chitram.

6.  Eclipse falling over Natal Rahu-Ketu. , 8th Lord or Mars., no such combination.

7. Dasha of Planets influenced by Rahu-Ketu , Mars or 6,8 or 12th Lord . Dasha of  Planets who have the capability to kill. the dasha Saturn-Ketu -Mars can be explosive.

8.Jupiter and Venus are strangely times of disaster  . In the Future  transit Both will be in Virgo in August 2016 forming a Yoga of Blood shed .

9. Role of Rahu-Ketu, Saturn and Mars is most  damaging in Terrorism and natural and unnatural disasters.This could be most damaging since in Square position in transit  till 18th Sept. 2016.

10. Saturn-Jupiter conjunction or opposition. This mitigates or even saves the situation, In the present transit no such combination, but Saturn aspecting Jupiter degreewise in Transit and is also Stationary. Between the 5th and 11th May 2016 Saturn Retrograde will aspect stationary Jupiter degreewise is Explosive .

11. Importance of Mars placement in the foundation chart of the nation. Mars is Placed in the 8th house of mass happenings . Transit Mars in the Lagna has activated the Natal Mars and Rahu in the 8th house and in the Eclipses of March 2016 Mars has activated the Ketu, this combination is disasterous .

12. Mars aspecting the Eclipse point on the 7th to 9th Sept. 2016 of the Solar Eclipse of 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecting the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 are most explosive Parameters.

3rd to 5th June  23rd to 29th August and around the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 most Explosive Parameter and then from 5th Sept  till 1st week of Oct. 2016 when the Planetary CYCLES ARE COMPLETED , Most Explosive Periods.

Jupiter is the Karka for wealth, Finance  and the 9th and the 12th lord of the natural Zodiac, getting afflicted badly will become mad like a mad Elephant and will ruin the Jungle  and in this case the Country

 In the Foundation Chart above  Ketu is Placed in the 2nd house of Sagitarius  in its own nakshatra and in Transit , Ketu is Placed over the natal  Jupiter at 26.48 degrees and Transit Ketu will ingress in this degrees on the 25th April 2016 will be explosive.

Mars and Sarturn stationary Points in Scorpio are 15 degrees and in the foundation chart Saturn is Placed in the Lagna Scorpio at 14.19 degrees is the most Explosive Parameter in the Chart and there fore 23rd augusst to 29th August and then from 1st Sept. to 14th Sept. 2016 will be most sensitive and Explosive dates fot the Country since the Eclipse Points will be activated and the Eclipse point of !st Sept. 2016 is 15 degrees . Transit Mars aspecting the natal Mars in the 8th house is also a sensitive Parameter and specially when Mars is also Fallen bet ween the 17th June to 13th July 2016

Let us see the Transit of 23rd June when the Poll will take place for Brexit

23-6-2016 Transit

The Day is Thursday and Lord is Jupiter totally Eclipsed by Rahu and in the same Navamsha . Negative for the Economy of the Country

Tithi Chaturthi A Negative for the Finance of the Country

Nakshatra  is Shravana

Karna Bava Lord is Placed in the 8th house is Negative for the results of the Country

Yoga Vaidrithi Negative

Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord is Fallen in the 12th house of Loss and is a Fallen Planet who is like a snake bite for the Country . the 7th Lord is stronger then the Lagna Lord since placed with Sun and is not Retrograde .

Parameters acquiring a special dimansion to give the Results 

1.Lagna Lord fallen till 13th July 2016 weaker than the 7th Lord

2.Moon aspected by Mars and Saturn both in Malefic State, Saturn influence on the Lagna , Lagna Lord by retrograde aspect and aspecting the Moon is Failure for Positive results for the Country. Moon is also in the 6/8 axis of the Natal Moon

3.Day is Thursday and Lord is totally eclipsed and aspected by Saturn placed in the Lagna in Mrityu bhag , Both Rahu and Jupiter in the 10th house at the Stationary degrees of Saturn between the 20th and 30th March 2016 is explosive Parameter  for Negatives for the Country .

4. Karna Lord in the 8th house with 7th Lord

5. 7th and 8th Lord Exchange and 8th Lord aspects the Lagna at the MEP

6. Ketu over the Natal Jupiter and Rahu over natal Moon  and Ketu has already activated the natal Jupiter Degreewise on the 25th April 2016.

7. Dasha of Saturn -Ketu  Malefics is strong netaive for the Brexit good results

8.Mercury the 8th and the 11th Lord in the 7th house and has relation with 7th Lord due to Exchange hence the ruling Govt. loss is shown .

Hence from the above we can say that the Planetary Positions are not placed in a Favourable position for the Country and there may be  Reversals and Economy in Meltdown condition and a stagnation in the growth of the Country and hence in all Possibilities it may Exit the EU, but irrespective of the Exit , the Country will reel in Ecocnomic Stagnation, Political Turmoils, Terrorism, Natural and unnatural disasters  and a Fall in the Status of the Country and the King of the Country

Now Read this

Also Read this –EU ref-erendum poll: Support for Brexit edges ahead of Remain

Obama warning on the risks of Brexit ‘failed’ to boost the campaign to keep Britain in the EU.

EU referendum poll: Support for Brexit edges ahead of Remain

The survey, carried out by YouGov for The Times on Monday and Tuesday, puts Out on 51 per cent and In on 49 per cent, when non-voters and unsure voters are removed.


Hence The Chances of Britain to Remain in EU are very Gloomy as per the reports and the Planetray positions, although in both cases the Country will reel in Economic Stagnation and PoliticalHence Turmncoils with Magnitude 

Adverse Planetary Positions and Adverse Dasha for Britain may put the Country in Reverse gear  it so seems  the Planetary Positions on the 23rd June for the Referendum is an Strong Negative for the Country and hence the country will reel in Economic Stagnation , Political Turmoils , Terrorism etc. Mars the Lagna Lord Fallen , Moon affliction, Jupiter totally eclipsed are strong Negatives for the Country Progress and Growth

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 1st May 2016 09-00 hrs Singapore 



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