Jupiter In Leo in 2016 on Rampage Like Mad Elephant

by astrodocanil

 Jupiter In Leo in 2016 on Rampage Like  Mad Elephant 

There is a superstition that Jupiter in Leo is not good for MARRIAGES. As per some books on Muhurat Jupiter in Leo is considered inauspicious and all acts which are avoided in Jupiter-Venus Combustion are avoided iwhen Jupiter is in Leo, specially when Jupiter is in magha Nakshatra or the first quarter of  Poorva Phalguni. As per these Texts when Jupiter in Leo and Leo navamsha Marriages should be avoided .

In 1990 there was conference of Astrologers and it was unanimously decided by astrologers that based on their experience there was nothing wrong in performing marriages during this period. It has been found that there is no astrological logic for marriages being prohibited in the first five navamshas of Simha. It seems to have come down as a tradition which has been followed without questioning or examination through any research.

Jupiter the Benevolent Planet gets afflicted by the following ways

  1. Retrogression
  2. Combustion
  3. Debilitation
  4. In Rahu-Ketu axis
  5. Fallen

A Planet when in a sign is also considered weak if during its Transit in a sign cannot be Exhalted in navamsha , Example Jupiter in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

For Jupiter the best Placement is in Aries and in Krittika Nakshatra.The Lagna of the natural Zodiac where it is also digbali.  The reason is logical and clear , since then it will be in the Kendra from the Exhaltation sign and in Trikona from the MoolTrikona sign. Jupiter in Krittika nakshatra is Extraordinary strong , since Jupiter and Sun Conjunction forms the highest Rajyoga the Sanrakshan Yoga or the Shivrajyoga  of the highest Order.

Jupiter is Karka for wealth, Finance, Children, Education,Prosperity, 9th house,2nd house and 5th House , it is also karka for Spouse for Women , Mool Trikona sign Sagitarius and Exhaltation sign Cancer and Degrees 5 

In the Present context in the year 2016  on the 9th Jan. 2016 Jupiter was in Leo at 29.09 degrees when in Stationary Position when Rahu ingressed over it and Eclipsed it and at that time both  were in the same navamsha.

A Benefic Planet in stationary mode is most powerful to give the benefic effects , but since Jupiter gets afflicted due to Retrogression and being with Rahu  forming a Guru Chandal Yoga and aspected by Saturn  Afflicts Jupiter badly.

Aspect of Saturn on Jupiter is also not good due to the following reasons

In the natural Zodiac Jupiter is the Lord of the 9th and the 12th House and Saturn the Lord of the 10th and the 11th house , as the Lord of the Kendra he forgets the maleficiance , but as a Lord of the 11th house Saturn is bhadak  and hence aspect of Saturn on the Jupiter cancels all the Rajyogas . The aspect of Jupiter on Saturn will make Saturn Yoga Karka but connection of Saturn on Jupiter is most malefic.

Unfortunately when Jupiter separates from Rahu and in Retrogression Touches the Stationary Point of 19.10 degrees between 5th May to 14th May 2016 to become direct , it is aspected by Saturn degreewise and exact degrees on the 22nd May 2016, Thereby afflicting Jupiter badly and not capable of giving Protection and Benevolence

Unfortunately Between the 19th to 2nd April 2016 when Saturn was Stationary mode about to go in Retrogressionat 22.19 degrees aspected Jupiter degreewise on the 20th March 2016 at 22 Degrees . A Stationary Malefic becomes extremely malefic to give the negatives and almost 3 times , hence afflicts Jupiter badly. The worst is the Influence of Saturn on Jupiter in the navamsha as well.

Banks Scandles may Sprout during this Time with magnitude , Jupiter is in Earthy navamsha and as per Tatwa Theory The Financial Institutions  and banks with Letter D and T will be influenced Most . The Stock market could take a Strong Hit around this Time  and could initiate from US, Europe , China as per tha above Timings mentioned in this article 

Now when Jupiter becomes Direct it gets degree conjunct with Rahu again on the 6th June 2016  they are in the same Navamsha and Degree conjunct on the 20th June and same navamsha till 4th July 2016

Hence Jupiter is totally malefic and loses its benevolence in Leo after 9th Jan. 2016 till 11th August till it is in Leo. Unfortunately when it goes in the sign Virgo it gets debilitated in the 1st Navamsha , in the 2nd Navamsha it is af=gain in Saturn navamsha , it will only Improve when it goes in Pieces Navamsha but then it will be in the Bhadak House from Pieces  the 7th house Virgo. Also Jupiter is Behind Saturn .

we have see the effects of the Guru chandal Yoga since Jan. 2016 and Scandles sprouting in the Educational institutions , since Jupiter is Karka for Education, Students, banks, Financial Institutions, When Jupiter was afflicted By Rahu it had Exchange with Sun in Sagitarious and when Afflited by Saturn now on the 25th March 2016 Jupiter has Exchange with Sun in Pieces , Damages the Kings, Kingly Countries

With the Eclipses in the Month of March 2016 and Specially  the Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd March 2016  Saturn aspects Jupiter degreewise and Exchange of Jupiter with Sun in the Pieces sign is Explosive for India and countries with Leo Ascendant

From 25th March 2016 there have been endless cases of rapes, suicides, murders, accidents , The Placement of mars and saturn in the Kendra From Jupiter the Karka for Spouse  sprouts Extra marital relations and hence the Scandles. Saturn aspecting Jupiter makes the spouse resort to Criminal activities as per Prashna Marg.

Afflicted Jupiter is like a mad Elephant and is capable to Ruin the Jungle, similarly Jupiter when Afflicted has the Capability to Ruin Us  and since in transit afflicted badly , the  results will be Explosive  for the significations of the Planet .

Venus has also been in affliction in the Eclipses , when ever the 4th and 8th from Venus is afflicted it further escalates the marital problems . Dispositor of Venus at the Moment is afflicted badly although Venus is in Exhaltation and with Sun who has exchange with Jupiter , What would you rate this Year good or bad for marriages , specially for those Born with these combinations Late 1979 born or till April 1980 and then 1983 Born who have afflicted Jupiter with Ketu in Scorpio  or the Ones who have Nodes in the Leo-Aquarius axis in the age bracket of 26-27 years. and such Planetary combination s of Jupiter affliction in the chart like Combust Jupiter in Leo  and the 4 other States of affliction 

According to me the Marriages Performed in the year 2016 are liable  for Extra marital relations but strictly as per the Parameters mentioned, This article does not suggest 100% will have breaks or Extra Marital relations , but yes Improper Muhurat and Parameters above  will definitely indicate such issues sprouting till Nov. 2016

Needless to write the countless suicides, Scandles of Extra marital Relations sprouting  along with Scandles of the Educational institutions

Planetary Cycles will be completed in the 1st Week of Oct. 2016 and Crucial Period for the World Economy Meltdown with Magnitude 

Please relate the following article  with this article ——https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/04/roman-god-saturn-stationary-point-22-19-degrees-scorpio-triggers/

Wait for some Banking Scandles coming out of the bag very soon  and other associated scandles for the significations of Jupiter the most Benevolant Planet of Divine Blessings 

Please also read my article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/04/will-red-planet-mars-roman-god-saturn-squaring-jupiter-conjunct-demon-sprout-communal-roits/

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 7th April 2016 09-00 am New Delhi 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

 Video Lecture Planetary cycles   https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : This is only Astrological Explanation and not my Personal Opinion, the same are indicative factors only. the writer is not responsible for the writeup if taken in any other Offensive. the writer does not hold himself responsible for any events related to Communal Roits. This is just the astrological Analysis only.


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