Heart Throbbing Predictions By Prashna Jyotish : The Exact Time of Query Fructification in Minutes.

by astrodocanil

One of the most Amazing  Predictions made by me applying the Prashna Jyotish Classical Texts of Tamil . In this article I am sharing my analysis  of a Query Raised by a Facebook Friend from US on the 11th March 2013 at 18-40 hrs. about a Purse she had lost having Valuables

She told me that she had Visited a Temple and when reached home found her Purse having valuable Missing .

Let us see the chart below at the time of query  New Delhi


My Analysis as per Prashna Tamil Classics an d my Research

  1. Prashna Triangle The Planet influencing the query is Mercury and is placed in the 6th house ,showing a query pertaining to lost Article. Mercury although Retrograde is Vargottam, hence The misplaced Purse will be recovered with Efforts .
  2. Nakshatra  Number 26  P.Bhadra The Missing article is in the West Direct from the Place of Query  and will be traced with Difficulty
  3. Query Starting with Letter I is Watery Tatwa hence Favourable Results to find the Purse.

The Querist confirmed that the temple is in the west Direction

Panchang of the Day

Day is Monday and the Lord is Placed with 6th house with Benefics and very close with Venus in Degrees. In the Yama chart Moon has just entered the Yama of Scorpio whose Lord is Mars and aspects the Lagna from an inimical sign, before that it was in the yama of Virgo and the Lord of the same is Vargottam, hence the Purse lost will be found shortly.

Nakshatra  is P Bhadra and the Lord is Jupiter and placed in the 9th house of Temple , There is also Exchange of Jupiter and Moon Nakshatra, hence there are strong chances of the lost Purse being Found

As per Principles of Lost Articles  , if Lagna Lord is placed in the 3,6,8 or 12 th house , the Prashna relates to missing article, where the Lagna happens to be Taurus, Cancer , Leo,or Libra, the query pertains to theft or misplacement of articles, this combination should be devoid of aspect or conjunction of Jupiter, here Jupiter is aspecting the Lagna and Leo sign has just changed to Virgo, hence the article is not stolen and is misplaced. Mars as 8th lord placed in Kendra also show query pertaining to missing articles .

As per the Yama chart Mars is Placed in the Yam of Pieces and also in the Query chart and Jupiter aspects the Lagna, hence the Lost Purse will be recovered soon

Location of the Purse 

Planets in the 4th house or 4th lord , since there are no planets and 4th Lord is Jupiter  and signifies  Place of Worship or Garden.

Person who will hand over the Purse 

A person young in age  attractive,slender Personality, since Mars in the Kendra and the 7th house wearing Red clothes


Reasons  For Finding the Purse Lost 

Lagna Lord or Moon with benefics , Lagna Lord Moon and Venus the 2nd Lord are together .

Lagna is aspected by Jupiter , the Purse is not stolen and is misplaced only.

Exchange of Moon and Jupiter nakshatras .

Navamsha Lagna Lord is Exhalted in the Prashna chart, The Lost Purse will be found  after efforts .

My Research Parameter 

Since Mars is placed in the 7th house a young Person with Red color clothes will reach the Purse much faster than 7th Lord Jupiter reaching the Lagna , since Mars is closer to the MEP of Lagna.

Hence I told the Querist  to rush to the temple to get the Purse,  But since Mercury the Lagna Lord  is Retrograde she cannot reach the Lagna in time, hence I told her that and since  Jupiter the 7th Lord is Placed in the 9th house her  Husband can reach the Temple faster , I therefore  told the Querist to  ask your Husband to go and find out from the Priest from the same Temple . She told me that the Temple is nearer from her Husbands office and he would go there.Just to confirm my research theory for analysis , I asked her if a Police Station will be on the way of her husband to Reach the Temple , she confirmed the same. To Reach the Lagna from the 9th house one has to go to 10th house asnd so on 

Now I told her that the Young person in the Temple  will Reach the Purse in 19-20  minutes and your husband will reach the Temple in about 60 minutes , since there is a Police Station  10th house on the way he would also make an FIR. I therefore told her to  contact the Temple on Phone . Since the Karka for Communication was Retrograde she had to make a call 3 times when Finally she was able to Contact the Priest who conformed that a Young Priest Handed over the Black-Blue Purse  with Valuables , note the Exhalted Saturn Placed in the 2nd House and having Exchange with Venus  the Karka for Valuables, Driving Licence  and other Valuables and the Color Black.

Her husband Reached the Temple in 60 Minutes and Got the Purse.

 Amazingly the Above Predictions were Confirmed By the Querist and Specifically the time of 20 minutes rthe puse Picked By the Young Youth wearing Red Clothes and her Husband Reaching the Temple in 60 minutes and Finding the Purse In Tact

Is it not amazing to  Predict the Exact time of the event . This Part is My Research and will be Taught to my Sincere and Honest Students  

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  8th April 2016 21-00 Hrs New Delhi 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

 Video Lecture Planetary cycles   https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : This is only Astrological Explanation and not my Personal Opinion, the same are indicative factors only and My Research Parameters

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