Will Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Squaring Jupiter Conjunct Demon Sprout Communal Roits

by astrodocanil

Will Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Squaring  Jupiter Conjunct Demon Sprout  Communal Roits ?

The year 2016 started with Guru chandal Yoga when Rahu ingressed over Stationary Jupiter on the 9th Jan. 2016 and aspected by Saturn . A yoga which is highly malefic  and already explained in  my various articles

Mars and Saturn Conjunction squaring Nodes and Afflicted Jupiter By Rahu is explosive for Communal Roits  till 7th Oct. 2016 for India and the State being Jammu and Kashmir is most Prone  since the Foundation chart of Jammu and Kashmir is Trouble Ridden. the oath chart of the chief Minister is also Not strong to control the Communal Roits pertaining to Educational and Financial Institutions . I have written a number of Articles regarding this Parameter  

Jupiter Owns the 9th and the 12th house of the natural Zodiac  and is the Dharmapati of the natural Zodiac,  since afflicted in the 5th house of the natural Zodiac by Rahu and aspected by Saturn The Communal Roits Pertaining to Educational Institutions , Students will sprout with magnitude , specially when Saturn is Stationary and aspects Jupiter degreewise between 19th March to 2nd April 2016 .Jupiter is Karka for Education, Students , Educational Institutions.The Scandles pertaining to Educational Institutions will be more serious after 25th March 2016 .5th May Jupiter is stationary till 14th May 2016 and will be aspected Degreewise by Saturn Retrograde and with retrograde mars will be most Explosive .

Let us see the events which have sprouted after 9th Jan. 2016

Date 17th Jan. 2016

Rohit Vemula’s suicide.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dalit student’s suicide takes political turn; Opposition, BJP trade charges – See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/behind-dalit-student-suicide-how-his-university-campus-showed-him-the-door/#sthash.2kVV2bLf.dpuf   Hyderabad University suicide: Rohith Vemula http://www.firstpost.com/india/dalit-phd-student-rohith-vemula-commits-suicide-hyderabad-central-university-students-cry-foul-2588166.html

Date 9th Feb. 2016


What really happened on the night of Feb 9: A JNU student recounts http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/what-really-happened-on-the-night-of-feb-9-a-jnu-student-recounts/story-Hz3USZC3NwntZFwKpF2g1M.html

Date 31st March 2016 night after T20 Cricket Match 

Unrest At Srinagar’s NIT Campus Again, CRPF Deployed, Batons Used http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/news/unrest-at-srinagar-s-nit-campus-again-crpf-deployed-batons-used/410660

Asper my article Solar Ingress of Sun in Capricorn: What it has in Store for India  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/12/solar-ingress-of…-store-for-india/ ‎ dated 7th Dec. 2016 . I had mentioned the following for the Malefic combination of Guru chandal yoga 

Guru Chandal Yoga

The avove chart has Guru chandal yoga aspected by Saturn  and the most sensitive Parameter is the Close Proximity of Rahu and  Jupiter degreewise . Jupiter is also  at the mouth of Rahu. At the time of Rahu ingress in Leo Jupiter will be  Stationary motion and in very close Proximity with Rahu and aspected by Saturn. This yoga is capable of Producing the Most malefic results since Jupiter is also the 8th Lord in the Foundation chart and the 6th Lord in the Solar ingress chart. As per the Foundation chart this combination is taking place in the 4th house and the effects are as follows “Guru chandal yoga 4th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 4th house:  shows good education and native will be sharp, intelligent, witted and government job. Person will have own house or property, if aspected by benefic planets. If Jupiter is malefic, there will be disturbances in family life and may involve in immoral deeds. The combination is aspected by Saturn hence there will be acute disturbances in the country and the Peace will be disturbed for a long time  due to Educational institutions, Financial institutions .

As per the Solar ingress chart above it is taking place in the 11th house and the effects are as follows .”Guru chandal yoga 11th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 11thhouse: Guru chandal yoga in 11th house not good. This placement may give huge amount of money but from wrong places. Sudden loss and gains of money also seen from this yoga. If this Yoga is strong and benefic in the eleventh house, there will be influx of money, though the money may come through wrong channels. The native will enjoy a luxurious life.” Hence the corruption will be on its heights.  The worst effect of this Yoga will be after Mars transits in the Scorpio after 20th Feb. 2016 and  the time of the Eclipses of March 2016, Mars aspecting the Solar Ecliopse of 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecting the 23rd March Lunar Eclipse. The Money may come  to Youths from the ISIS organisations to lure them in Terrorism.Religious Provocations and Terrorism between to Countries can sprout , For India Pakistan can be responsible for it.

The Period when Jupiter is aspected by Stationary Saturn or when Jupiter is Stationary and aspected degreewise by Saturn  will be explosive Now the Future Periods from 5th May to 14th May  and then When Jupiter and Rahu again get conjunct on the 6th June 2016 onwards .There could be explosive activities due to Terrorism, War by the neighboring Countries involvement . The Period when both Mars and Saturn are in retrogression from 17th April to 29th June 2016 and then In August 23rd to 29th August 2016 and then After the Solar eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 till 13th Sept. 2016 are explosive Periods for Communal Roits , Terrorism, war like situations  and the Targets will be educational institutions, Financial Institutions, Banks , Temples, Courts, Embassies, Ambassadors Etc 

I have already mentioned in my other articles that the Paksha Kundalis of the 7th may, 22nd May and 5rh June are Explosive and Enigmatic and Govt. will face issues from all ends

I have already mentioned in my earlier Articles that till mars and Saturn are in Scorpio and the 7th house of the Foundation chart of the country there will be Communal Roits, Political Turmoils, Natural and Unnatural upheavels with magnitude . Economy melt down cannot be ruled out  as mentioned in all my articles .

The answer to the above article is yes 

Govt should Put strict Vigil at the  Boarders and Communal elements which take advantage of the situations for Arson, Terrorism  and Roits .

The Combination of Mars and Saturn  is Deaded one and need not be explained in detail 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  6th April 2016 20-00 hrs 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

 Video Lecture Planetary cycles   https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : This is only Astrological Explanation and not my Personal Opinion, the same are indicative factors only. the writer is not responsible for the writeup if taken in any other Offensive. the writer does not hold himself responsible for any events related to Communal Roits. This is just the astrological Analysis only.



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