Interesting Episode on Child Birth

by astrodocanil

Some interesting Episode on the 20th June 2013. One of my friends Called me up to see me . He came earlier by one hour than the time scheduled , which through astrology I expected . I had even calculated the exact time he would come. Now see the Prashna chart  below.Query for child Birth

Now he put me 2 queries one for his Son and the other one for his Daughter.After looking at the Prashna chart  I told him that the query is for Child birth ,and there are Post Natal problems of conceiving, which he agreed. Now Looking at the Prashna Chart  . Second Query is to be seen from Moon The Moon  is totally afflicted with  and with the 5th Lord Saturn is R and with Rahu who is also in Mrityubhag. The Karka for Children Jupiter totally combusted  in the 5th from 5th house the 9th house and Sun in 9th and Mars in the 8th house   Showing Post natal Problems for Progney Prompted me to ask him the marriage date of his daughter.  The Marriage date given by him was 12th Feb 2008. I now quickly made the Transit chart on the 12th Feb 2008 , which is as below.Transit                                                                               Now I used a Parameter Of Mars at the time of Marriage. Why I made the Aquarius Lagna of the Transit chart is Mars has to be in the 5th house  afflicting the 5th house/lord and Karka Jupiter at the time of Marriage to create Progney Problems after marriage. Now see here all the Parameters are influenced by Mars 5th house, 5th lord Mercury who is also Retrograde and also aspecting Jupiter the Karka for Progney. If you analyse it from Moon also Mars is aspecting the 5th

From Moon, Sun in the 12th house , 5th from Lagna and 5th from Moon both in 12th house  from Lagna, I told him according to the day of Marriage given , If the native has Mars in Transit in the 5th house at the time of marriage then there is possibility of Problems concerning Progney  ,and since on that day Mars was in Gemini. I told him that his daughter has Aquarius Lagna , which he denied and said she has Pieces Lagna , I told him if it is Pieces Lagna then it the Asc. will be few minutes meaning 00.25 degrees or so and if you make some correction in the birth time by 1 or 2 minutes reduction it will be Aquarius Lagna. He did not remember the Lagna degrees and we decided to cast the chart.  See the chart below. I have corrected the time to 07-21 hrs

Most amazing it was Pieces Lagna Asc 00.37 degrees  at Birth time  -7-23 hrs as above . See the chart below after correction of 2 minutes .

The Date of birth is 29th Feb. 1976 07-21 hrs Farukabad U.P  Corrected Horoscope by 2 minutes below.Birth chart of girl

As Per Prashna Jyotish if Mars is placed in the houses before 5th house and there are other afflictions on the 5th house then there will be Prenatal Problem and if ahead of the 5th house then Post natal Problems but purely on the promise of the Birth chart and Prashna chart. Mars in the Prashna chart was in the 8th house on the day of query in Taurus, hence the Query is of the Conceiving , because Mars is ahead of the 5th house and in the 8th house , through this I could tell him that at the time of Marriage in Transit Mars was in the 5th house and she has Aquarius Lagna. My friend was surprised to note the importance of Mars . Second Query  is from Moon and Moon is totally eclipsed, afflicted by R Saturn.Mars in the 8th house, Jupiter totally combusted , In D9 5th Lord Saturn aspected by Deblitated Mars . The most amazing parameter is the Mars.

Prashna 20th June 2013 Time 14-59 hours .

Saturn is the main Planet in the query, it is placed in the Lagna and R and with Moon, failure of Query UdayLagna Libra, ArudhaLagna Aquarius and ChaitraRashi Sagitarius and all influenced by Saturn who is also afflicted being placed in Lagna for Progney query and with Rahu and in turn also   afflicting Moon and Moon is totally eclipsed and Rahu is in MrityuBhag.  Mars is also aspecting the ChaitraRashi  which is also aspected by  Saturn and Jupiter, Jupiter totally combusted, Mars aspect on Rashi of Jupiter not good and even the future is also not secure for the Progney.

In Prashna for Progney  the following parameters are to be seen  Rahu in Lagna conforms pregnancy, here Rahu is in Mrityubhag, hence failure.Also Saturn in Lagna is a negative for Progney and Moon with Retrograde Planet and that to Saturn is strong negative.

Some more observations.

At the time of Marriage 5th lord Mercury R in 12th house , Mercury is also the 5th lord of the natal chart and also placed in the 12thhouse. Mars in the Transit chart on the day of Marriage  00.59 degrees is in the 5th house in the Natal chart it is 29.06 degrees and about to enter the 5th house, in Prashna chart it is in the 8th house  and will go in Gemini again the 5th house of the natal chart on the 5th July 2013, and Joining the 5th lord Mercury there, the Karka for Progney Jupiter is also there . On the 27th June mercury will also turn Retrograde.

On the query day Transit Rahu was over Natal Rahu see the degrees Natal Rahu 21.16 and Transitting Rahu 22.05.

Dasha at marriage Jup-Rahu-Rahu Jupiter Fallen in Gandantha and in Rahu-Ketu axis In D9 also in Rahu-Ketu axis.

At the time of marriage Transit Rahu-Ketu in 1/7 axis of the natal chart, see the degrees of Saturn 12.09in Leo  and in Transit in Libra 11.01,  the transit Saturn at marriage is degree aspecting at the time of query. My experience is the transit planets do influence your life if the event which takes place at the time of a major . I have already written an article for this Muhurat chart influencing the native life over 15 years. Astrology is applied properly is most amazing

  Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  30th March 2015

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