How to Calculate the Position of Planets My Research Astrological way

by astrodocanil

How to Calculate the Position of Planets My Research Astrological way.

In this article I am going to discuss, how to go about construction of Horoscope when we have 2 -3 Parameters , Like I will give you my personal experience on going on the Linkedin and found a Query put by a querist as follows ; How will be the dasha of a Planet Mercury which has started now and placed in the 11th house along with 4 planets Saturn, Sun, Jupiter, Rahu .

If you look at it in the first instance it will look ambigious and incomplete data and since there is no mention of the Lagna , the Balance of Dasha and the Birth details . I was wondering , if I could make the chart on the basis of these 2 parameters 1. 5 Planets as mentioned in the 11th house 2. Dasha of Mercury started on the 8th July 2014.

Amazingly I could construct the exact chart of the native as 15th Sept. 1979 09-35 hrs Delhi.

My reaching the above analysis is as follows. I knew the following Parameters in Astrology which successfully I used to reach the exact horoscope of the native.

1.Saturn and Jupiter conjuct in a sign every 20 years , they are also in opposition every 20 years and when ever they are in opposition then after 10 years of opposition they are conjuct., See the Parameter 1. Saturn and Jupiter are conjuct in the 11th house and important to reach the birth details.

2.Saturn and Rahu conjuct in a sign every 10-11 years. Now see as per Parameter 1. Saturn and Rahu are in the 11thhouse . Hence we have to first look for a period when Saturn Rahu and Jupiter slow moving planets are conjunct.Transit

3. Open the Transit Chart of the 8th July 2014 as below any time.

One can imagine very well from the above chart that when Saturn was in Virgo, Jupiter was in Pieces in the year 2010, and in 1999-2000 Saturn and Jupiter were in conjuction, 10 years before as mentioned above. Now Saturn and Jupiter were also conjuct 20 years back from 1999-2000 Hence in the year 1979-1980, at this time Rahu and Saturn were also in conjuction in a sign, since the period from Saturn and Rahu conjuction 1979-1980 will be approx. 33-34 years and satisfies the condition.

Now we have come to the conclusion that the slow moving Planets Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu were in conjuction in 1979-1980 in a sign.

Now we have to see the Transit of !979-1980 when the above 5 Planets are in the 11th house .

Now I have deviced another Mathematical formula   to see where will Saturn will be in 1979-1980

As Per my own Chart Saturn is in cancer 22.52 degrees in Cancer and I am Born on the 4th May 1948

To see where will Saturn be on the 4th May 1979 the calculation will be as follows

Formula :Rashi + Number of Months from reference point ( 4th May 1948 here)/29.46

29.46 is number of Months Saturn stays in a sign

Since Saturn in 1948 on 4th May was 22.52 degrees the Sign value=4 +22.52/30=4 + 0.750=4.750.  Now 1979 is 31 years plus from 1948

Hence 4.750+ 31×12/29.46= 4.750+12.71=17.46-12(12 signs) = 5.46= Leo 13.8 degrees =Leo 13 degrees 0.8×60= Leo 13 degrees 48 minutes This is the value.4-5-1979

On the 4th May 1979, see the chart above. The calculation is almost 100 % as far as Saturn sign and degrees are concerned Saturn is  13.32 Degrees

Now for Sun to be in Leo the month has to be from 18th August to 17th Sept. 1979, When Sun will be close to Jupiter it will be attichari and travel very fast. Let us see the chart of 12th Sept to 17th Sept 1979 in which Sun and Jupiter are also in Leo. I found the chart of 15th Sept. 1979 to be most accurate as per the Parameters given for 5 Planets. 15-9-1979


Now we have all the Planets in the 11th house along with Mercury as mentioned by the Querist, but Dasha is of Jupiter, since we want Dasha of Mercury on the 8th July 2014, Moon has to be in Gemini and the chart thus formed will be of 15th Sept. 1979 09-35 hrs. New Delhi . Charts of 12th to 18th Sept. 1979 not given here .

Hence the correct chart of the native is of 15th Sept. 1979 09-35 hrs New Delhi . In the Article the formula could also be used to finmd the position of various planets depending upon theirmovements like Jupiter we have 11.86 months Saturn 29.46 Rahu 18.55 months , but Rahu will regress instead of going forward . Moon Placement is according to Dasha sequence. Mercury can be maximum27 degrees from Sun and Venus 47 degrees . Astrology is most amazing

  30th March 2015

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012



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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

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