Theft Prashna

by astrodocanil

On 31st March 2012 at 18-10 hrs., one of my client called me for some money missing from his Almirah. the chart is below.Theft

When ever the Lagna Lord or the 7th Lord is placed in the 3,6,8or 12 houses the query is regadring some missing articles . Further if Saturn is also posited in the 7,8 or the 12th house then it is called a chorprashna . PrashnaGyan of Bhattopala says that as per lord Shiva, if Mars or Saturn is in 3,6,8 or the 12th house , where the Lagna happens to be in the sign of2,4,5 or 7 , the query pertains to theft of the articles . Some other parameter indicating the subject matter are

1. 6,8 or 12th Lord in KendraMars or Saturn in the 7thhouse , or 7th Lord being Mars or Saturn, being posited in the 3,6,8 or the 12th house.

2 or 12th Lord in 6H or a combination of the 3 in any other house.

3.There are number of other parameters also but , in the above case the above parameters are satisfying.

Lagna Lord placed in the 6th house.

2nd lord placed in the 7thhouse . Money of the querist with the Thief (7th house is chor )

Moon being aspected by 7th Lord the chorgraha Jupiter.

Moon in the nak. of Saturn and aspecting the 4th house 8th house and the 11th house .

Saturn is Retrograde .

Now my analysis

6. 8th lord in the 7thhouse along with 12th Lord , article is lost for ever.

Rising Dreshkkane is 2nd , hence the money is removed from the centre of the house.

Whereabouts of the thief are the planet aspecting Moon, Jupiter , hence the thief will be a female since Jupiter is aspected by female planet Moon and also has exchange with Venus again a female . The female will be huge may be over weight with big eyes, wearing a Red or Yellow top and will be of a young female since Jupiter has exchange with Exh. Venus, she may even be a newly married women since Mars and Sun alsoin the 7thhouse , she may be of cruel nature slender appearance ,attractive .Since Lagna is dual she may be occasionally visiting their house . The female has support from a person of status whos age will be 42 years.

Position of the 7th lord is not in the Kendra and is in the 9th house , the thief comes from a different city which may be around 30-32 kms from the place of the querist.

There is Poornaithasala yoga between 2nd lord and 7th Lord , Venus and Jupiter , shows the money is with the thief who is a female.

There is ishraaf yoga between the 7th lord and Mars , the thief has committed a theft earlier also in the same premisus.

Lagna Lord is Mercury hence the thief is of Shudra caste.

The virgo sign rising isdurinal hence the theft is committed by the Lady during the day.

4th house is aspected by Malefic planet Saturn who is retrograde , article will not be found and the thief has committed the crime the 3rd time , since Saturn is aspecting the Lagna (UL) by Retroaspect and also aspecting the AL and CR. In Navamsha it is in own house with Navamsha Lord in the 8th house which is a fixed sign articles lost for ever.

The Lagna rising in the D9 is of Cancer and aspected by Mars who has become Exh.The thief will also have significations of Mars.

According to Krishneeyam the sign rising in Lagna Virgo and being aspected by Venus, Sun,Mars and Jupiter the articles stolen will be expensive ones.

Lagna Lord Mercury and the 7th lord Jupiter are having ishraafyoga , the person who is suspected is the thief. . The querist is suspecting a Female who visits then occasionally and is exactly the stature and whereabout mentioned by me wearing a red top attractive and a newly married women heavy weight and lives about 30 kms from the house of the querist and not in the same city. She is also suspected of committing a theft 2 times earlier.

The querist rang up the female and told her parent about the currency of Rs. 20000/- missing from the almirah during the day, which they outrightlyrefused . The Querist was surprised that we could almost reach 100% on the event of the theft. On earlier occasions she had stolen currency and an ipod . This was the third time she had done , but since the lady is connected well they could not believe it that she could have done the crime.

    30th March 2015     

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012



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