How to Enter in a Horoscope In A Nut Shell Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

Astrology is a scientific study and application of the language of heavenly bodies. These heavenly bodies determined on the basis of astronomy and mathematics, are mapped in the form of a sky map called the Horoscope. Their specific locations in the horoscope indicate specific happenings in case of individuals, of multitudes and of geographic regions..what is important to us is the variations in the dispositions of the heavenly bodies, determine variations in the events on the earth; the corelations are to strong to be brushed aside by the critics of Astrology.

How to enter in a Horoscope is a Parameter which decides the Success in Predictions. It is like entering a Hall where there are multiple entrances and reaching the destination where the Clue is hidden . There are 3 Basic concepts in Predictions.

1. Promise in the Chart of a native . It is like having a Passport.

2. Condusive Dasha. It is like having a Ticket to travel.

3. Favourable Transit of Planets. It is Like having a Visa to Travel Abroad  and Flight available.

Most of the Astrologers after looking at the horoscope will start to give instant Predictions , which according to me may not be correct. The Birth chart may be wrong , since every minute of time is = 13 seconds of Movement of the Lagna and the Varga Charts  would change thereby the Predictions will  be hampered. If there is difference of more then  5 minutes and Mathematically there will be change in the Ascendant by more than 1 degrees  thus the Varga charts will also change accordingly. Use Panch Tatwa Theory to Correct the Horoscope. I use Prashna to Correct the Horoscope by raising a Prashna chart when the Querist approaches you for Consiltation and from the 5th Dasha LevelCorrect the Horoscope by looking at the 5th Level Dasha in the Birth chart and the Planets should indicate the specific house and same in both cases.I found this method working well.

Let me elucidate the Points of Concern before we start to give predictions.

Check the CORRECTNESS of the Horoscope.

Before you enter the horoscope for predictions , see the age of the native. No predictions should be made for natives less then 12 years, in such cases check the Balarishta yoga and check the relevant charts D40, D45 only for the first 8 years.

Check the LONGEVITY of the horoscope by PAM method

Check the Panchang Parameters as seen in the Muhurat and Prashna Jyotish.

If the current age of the native is ess then 42 years concentrate on the KENDRAS and if more then 42 years of age concentrate on the TRIKONA.

Dasha at birth Garbhasishta MD/AD/PD are the seeds of our life along with Lagna Lagna lord , Yok Karka planets and the Lumanaries etc. Checking the 5 parameters Lagna, Lagna Lord, 5th house, 10th Lord and Moon to be seen from the Garbshishta Planets , this will give a clue about the horoscope.

Dasha at birth of Lagna Lord, 5H,9H 10 L, Exh. planet, YogKarka and planets forming good yogas takes the native to a high different platform in life , If such planets dasha is for a good period and the successive dashas are also in the same order, I mean the first 3 dashas the native has strong, then the free will in the horoscope will be immense.Such natives with their determination can change things to quite an extent. Follow PAC DARES principle.

Look for any arishta coming in life of any disease, for which you can for warn the native.

No.prediction should be made with out analysisng D9 Navamsha and D3.Dreshkanne.

The Panchang at Birth also Gives vital clues . People Born on Benefic days are generally better than those Born on the Malefic Days . Those Born on Tuesday will nwever have good Friends in life. The Tithi, Nakshatra, Karna and Yoga also contribute their effects and hence must be seen before giving any Predictions

Use Prashna Shastra also for Astrology and relate it with the horoscope. If the Birth chart Promises an event, and Prashna chart does not promise, ask him to improve his karmas, If both are promising, then The event will happen for sure with force. On the contrary, if Prashna chart Promises and Birth chart does not promise shows person is doing his karmas and shall definitely get some Positive results pertaining to the query.. The Prashna chart helps us give the happenings concerning day to day events and most helpful in giving comprehensive predictions

Super impose the Transit planets as per Prashna chart on the natal birth chart and analyse, Thus by using these type of techniques one can achieve good results.Use minimum 2 dashas for confirmation of the event . Use conditional dashas where ever applicable, they give better results.

Use of Transit with respect to Ashtakvarga must be done in detail along with Kakshas benefic or malefic.

Astrology should only be done for those who respect astrology science and not for those who criticize it. Analysis of the chart should be done early Morning if possible after taking bath and Surya namaskar.

Dasha and Disha should be given utmost importance, Dasha in Natal Horoscopy and Disha in Prashna Jyotish for ascertaining the Arudha Lagna

Predictions should be started with Prashna chart first since we know the time of Query and accurate predictions can be made from the same , The Direction he is facing at the time of Query, the first letter uttered by the Querist , The Body part touched by the Querist ,the color of clothes worn, the Breath by left or right nostril will give loads of information about the Native approaching the Astrologer, then Proceed to the birth chart and Corelate the two to give final Predictions Using Shakun Astrology which Helps the Astrologer to reach the exact point of Concern.

Life is like a Pendulum of Watch where the Fulcrum is the Lagna the free will, 5th house the Poorva janma Karma 7th house the road map and 9th house the Dharma . The Pendulum of the Watch keeps on connecting these houses in intervals of time and we experience the Results accordingly , if these houses are connected to the 10th house the Zenith, Heaven then the Native experiences good Effects in his life

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 3rd May 2015



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