Air Asia flight QZ8501 from Indonesia to Singapore Missing Article In The Times Of Astrology Magzine.

by astrodocanil

An AirAsia Indonesia airliner flying from Indonesia to Singapore with 162 people on board has gone missing.  This article  written by me and  has been Published in the Astrology Magzine  The Times of Astrology in the April-May-June 2015 Edition  was earlier written on the link dated 28th Dec. 2014. The Article was written on the 28th Dec. 2014 and the whereabouts of the missing Plane were known on the 30th Dec. 2014 exactly as per my Predictions thus 100 %  .

Flight QZ8501 lost contact with air traffic control at 06:17 local time (23:24 GMT Saturday) over the Java Sea.The plane, an Airbus A320-200, disappeared midway into the flight of more than two hours from the city of Surabaya. No distress call was made.

Bad weather was reported in the area, and an air search operation has now been suspended for the night.

Planes from Indonesia and Singapore had been scouring an area of sea between Kalimantan (Borneo) and Java. Some boats were reported to be continuing to search as night fell.

No wreckage has been found, an Indonesian official told the BBC.  AirAsia’s Chief Executive Tony Fernandes, who has flown to Surabaya, said: “We don’t want to speculate but right now of course the

plane has been missing for 12 hours and there’s a deep sense of depression here.

“This is a massive shock to us and we are devastated by what has happened. It’s unbelievable.

“He said the captain had more than 20,500 flight hours, almost 7,000 of them with AirAsia.

The flight left Surabaya in eastern Java at 05:35 local time (22:35 GMT) and was due to arrive in Singapore at 08:30 (00:30 GMT).

The missing jet had requested a “deviation” from the flight path to avoid thick storm clouds, AirAsia said.

Indonesia’s transport ministry said the pilot had asked permission to climb to 38,000ft (11,000m). Ministry official Djoko Murjatmodjo said the request “could not be approved at that time due to traffic, there was a flight above, and five minutes later [flight QZ8501] disappeared from radar”.

This has been a difficult year for aviation in Asia: Malaysia’s national carrier Malaysia Airlines has suffered two losses – flights MH370 and MH17.

Flight MH370 disappeared on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March with 239 passengers and crew. The wreckage, thought to be in southern Indian Ocean, has still not been located. MH17 was shot down over Ukraine in July, killing all 298 on board.

Indonesia’s air transportation Director General Djoko Murjatmodjo told AFP the plane was carrying seven crew and 155 passengers – 138 adults, 16 children and a baby, updating earlier figures. Local broadcaster MetroTV reported that the passengers included 149 Indonesians, three South Koreans, including a baby, one Briton , one Malaysian and one Singaporean. AirA sia Flight QZ8501 from Surbaya Indonesia which took of on 28th Dec. 2014 Morning .  The last communication between the cockpit and air traffic control was at 6:17 a.m. (23:12 GMT)

In my article “Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 22nd December 2014” link  I had mentioned that 28th to 31st will be most crucial for the world and

significations of  Venus will suffer and in a Nut shell there could be untoward happening in this fortnight and more so on the dates 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st December  2014. I had also

mentioned that Sagittarius Sign is most crucial and is under a strong  Bhandan yoga and when ever Moon gets afflicted during this 15 days untoward happenings can surface with greater magnitude . Unfortunately in the muhurat chart the Lagna rising is Sagittarius and Moon is afflicted in the 4th house.

Let us see the chart at the time of take off of the Flight and the time 06-17 am when  the flight lost contact with  the Traffic control. The chart  of 05-35 hrs of 28th Dec. 2014 is below.

Panchang of the Day

Day Sunday, Tithi SP-7,  Nakshatra  P Bhadra,  Yoga Vyatipata  Malefic,   Karna Vanija      Sun Rise  05-17-40 and Sun Set   17.43.01.  Hora of Sun    Time of take off 05.35 hrs  hence it is at the time  of Din Ratrisandhi and is  considered  most malefic since  creates obstacles and  Sun Signification suffer.

Yama     It is in the 1st yama of the Day and Day Lord Sun is Placed in the Eastern direction at the time of takeoff   in Taurus sign and  this sign is placed in the 6th house of the Muhurat chart and the Lord  Venus is  in Paap Kartari yoga is clearly showing obstacles for the Plane for its Journey and hinderances of all kind, Also Venus the Lord of Taurus sign is placed in  the Lagna is hemmed by Mars and

Saturn. The fructification of the event will bring untoward happenings, because of the strong bhandan yoga t will bring untoward happenings.

Dasha at the time of Take off  Jupiter-Mars-Sun Jupiter Lagna Lord and 4th lord in 8th house under affliction my 5th and 12th Lord Mars,  and Sun in Bhandan yoga and is 9th Lord of Travel, Religon and is afflicted .   Jupiter  Lagna Lord and 4th Lord, Saturn Karka for captivity and Ketu in 4th house  are in Sarp Dreshkanne      64Navamsha is Libra, 22Dreshkanne is Scorpio   Lagna Sagitarius and Cancer sign the 8th house are Dagdha Rashis and a strong negative for the event chart. More so the Lagna lord placed there in Dagdha Rashi . There seem to be no chances of People on board in safe condition or any respite.

The Lagna rising is Sagitarius a Prishtodayo sign 15.59   degrees in the nakshatra of  P Shadha and Lord is Venus the karka for Airplane and is 6th and the 11th Lord placed in Lagna with 2 other planets Sun and Mercury  and the 3 are in strong bhandan yoga  malefic one ,since strong  Mars and Saturn are hemming the Lagna, there is also exchange of the 2nd and 12th lord Saturn and Mars. Saturn Karka for captivity  is aspecting the 2nd house 5th Lord  of Kidnapping and the 9th house of  Travel and Religon. . Sun at 12.00 degrees in the nakshatra of Mula  the Lumanary and the 9th Lord is placed close to the MEP at 12 .00 degrees in the nakshatra of Ketu. This is clearly pointing out that  the missing  Airplane with 162 people on board are in a strong Bhandan, Since the Planet Sun is also in Bhandan the Life giving source is also afflicted.In addition Moon 8th Lord  has exchange with Lagna Lord and 4th Lord Jupiter and is in the 4th house with Ketu is also afflicted.                                                                               In navamsha Both the Lumanaries are in movable sign Cancer which is the 8th house of the muhurat chart and the 12th house of navamsha with Rahu.This Parameter is highly malefic since both Sun and Moon are life giving Parameters , since in watery sign , the missing plane may have lost control due to bad weather and crashed in the Java Sea.   Lagna is 15.59 , hence the change maynot take place and the whereabouts may not be known after 2nd Jan 2015.  Navamsha is Fixed hence the change  may not take place at all. Rahu is with Moon and Sun in Navamsha in a watery sign.  As per Astrologer M.N Kedar in mundane astrology when  the maximum number of planets are in Watery Mandal, the happenings can be related to water when these signs are afflicted . Here  Cancer sign is aspected by Mars , Scorpio has Saturn and Pieces sign has Ketu, Hence strong possibility of the Air Plane Crashing in the sea.The affliction in Navamsha for the watery signs is repeating , hence all the more the Plane has crashed in the Java Sea in the North direction.

Another possibility   Since Lagna is in Paap Kartari yoga it may be the work of a Terrorist group, Since the Planet of Captivity  Saturn is  placed in the 12th house aspecting Mars the 5th and the 12th Lord . 4th house from the 9th house is the Place of Terrorist camps . Hence there  is  also a possibility of the Plane being  Hijacked by the terrorist group.

Lagna  represents the Missing persons along with the Airplane , they are in strong Bhandan yoga, hence there is  great  possibility of the Plane being hijacked by Terrorist group  . Sun is close to  MEP in the Nakshatra of Ketu who is Placed with Moon the 8th Lord of the chart in the 4th house .   Lagna degrees 15.59  and navamsha Leo fixed, the whereabouts may not be known after 21st Jan 2015 maximum, when 7th Lord becomes retrograde.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lagna Lord Jupiter  is Retrograde Exalted  and Placed in the 8th house  aspected by Strong Mars the 5th and the 12th Lord  . Mars aspect on the 8th house is a strong negative in the chart, since it is the house of Permanent loss . Jupiter Lagna Lord is at 27.57 degrees and approaching towards Mars degrees it by retrograde motion .  There will be degree wise mutual aspect of Mars and Retro Jupiter on the 2nd Jan. 2015, this date therefore could be most crucial for the Missing Plane with People on board.

4th house This house is the well being of the Missing persons along with the airplane , This is Pieces sign  having Ketu at 21.27 degrees along with Moon who is the 8th Lord of the chart, Ketu is in the nakshatra of Mercury who is  in Paap kartari yoga and the dispositor of Ketu is Jupiter placed in the 8th house , this is not indicative of good well being of the Missing Persons on board and may be threatened by the kidnappers/hijackers  with dire consequences , or the Plane has  crashed into the deep Java sea . 4th house is also aspected by Lagna Lord Jupiter from the 8th house , but since weak may not be able to give the full protection. Rahu and Ketu  are in normal motion but , they acquire adverse motion on the  30th-31st December 2014, hence these date also become crucial for the hijacked people on board or a natural disaster  , there are also chances on this date  some news coming regarding the  missing plane  . Benefic Moon and aspect of Jupiter benefic on the 4th house indicates no journey, hence the possibility of return are remote . Malefics posited in the 4/10 axis on the other hand indicate Journey, but the combinations of no retrun are more hence if the Airplane is not traced by 30th-31st Dec. 2014, when the Nodes  will come in adverse motion , then the possibility of the Return is remote , hence 30th and 31st Dec. 2014 become crucial

dates for return or whereabouts of the Plane.

7th house This house indicates the path and the Lord Mercury is placed in  Lagna in Paap kartari yoga and 6th and 8th house have aspect of malefics by Mars and Saturn, the People on board can be released only after 7th lord becomes Retrograde on the 21-22nd January  2015,  hence this date acquires a special dimension, but according to above parameters the possibility of the plane being traced are very weak. This also shows that the People on Board are suffering .    7th Lord in the 2nd half of the sign indicates that the native is on his way back, here the Mercury is 23.09 and likely to cross the sign on the 1st Jan 2015, hence again possibility of the plane being traced are only till 1st Jan 2015 but weak.  The where abouts of the plane may come to light on this day, but may not be as per expectations and the news may show the plane crashed in the Java sea.


Tajik Aspects  Lagna Lord and Mars are having close tajik aspect and  difference of 4 degrees and as per transit both will be in the same degree on the 1st -2nd Jan. 2015, these dates also become crucial, since it is an inimical aspect and Mars is also the 5th (Kidnapping) and the 12th lord  Conspiracy for kidnapping.

Navamsha   The navamsha rising is  the 9th house  Leo of the muhurat chart and both Sun and Moon  Placed in 12thhouse  in Rahu-Ketu axis   Leo Navamsha sign has both Mars and Saturn afflicting the Lagna badly. This is  also a adverse parameter for the well being of the People on board since Lagna and Navamsha Lagna are both afflicted by Mars and Saturn. There seems to be no respite.

Kendras and Trikonas there are no Benefics in the Kendras or Trikonas and Lagna as mentioned above is in Paap Kartari yoga. Benefics ill placed , Ketu Placed in the 4th house connected to 8th house  as mentioned above . Rahu placed in the 10th house in the nakshatra of Moon the 8th lord and is also aspecting Rahu by 7th aspect , the Chart is precarious to give good results and the well being of the missing persons on board.There are no malefics in 3,6,11 house to give strength to the chart. Prishtodayo sign Sagitarus is most malefic in the case of missing persons.

Planets in Lagna  Sun 9th Lord in nakshatra of Ketu  , Mercury the 7th and 10th lord in nakshatra of Venus the 6th and 11th lord and Venus in own nakshatra are pointing out the conspiracy and hijacking by a Terrorist group , for want of their demands , which may be put forward.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Moon is placed in the 4th house with Ketu  and aspected by Jupiter from the 8th house and there is exchange of Moon and Jupiter as well. Hence Moon is afflicted along with Lagna Lord Jupiter .   When Lagna , Moon or 7th house is hemmed by planets there is no journey, since malefics are hemming Lagna, the well being of the hijacked people on board is not good at all.    Moon Placed in the 4th house is a good indication and can alone indicate that the plane may be traced the same day, hence if the Plane is not traced by 2nd of Jan 2015, then the possibility becomes remote . Moon is also in movable navamsha is good for return but since 8th house is rising in navamsha and Moon  in Rahu-Ketu axis  , even if the Airplane is located , it may not bring good results.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Uday Lagna is Prishtodayo Sagitarius, Arudha Lagna is Aquarius 12th from Moon and Chaitra Rashi is Aries a Prishtodayo Rashi and in 2nd from Moon  and aspected by Mars again a Prishtodayo planet and has no aspect of benefics  , hence the present and future are dark for the Missing plane . Past was ok .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tajik Aspects  Lagna Lord and Mars are having close tajik aspect and  difference of 4 degrees and as per transit both will be in the same degree on the 1st -2nd January  2015, these dates also become crucial, since it is an inimical aspect and Mars is also the 5th (Kidnapping) and the 12th lord  Conspiracy for kidnapping.                                                                                                                                

Lumanaries Sun and Moon both are afflicted in muhurat and Navamsha chart , they are life giving source., indicative of danger to the missing plane and the people on board.                                                                                                                                                                                  

  Travellers on board can be ill since Saturn is aspecting the 6th house from the 12th house.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Captivity  Lagna Lord connected to Moon indicative of the travellers gone on journey of their own accord , Saturn is the planet of Captivity, it is placed in the 12th house in the sign of a strong malefic Mars, Since the Lagna is  towards 15 degrees  sign , the captivity may be for a Long  period and  the results may not be good for the well being of the travellers on board.  Lagna lord in 8th house and aspected by strong Mars also shows torture on the Travellers on board.  Sun and Moon both afflicted  and 6th house aspected by Saturn is not at all a good combination for the well being of the travellers on board.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For Air Travel Saturn and Jupiter are Karka and Saturn is placed in the 12th house for Kidnapping for ransom and Jupiter from the 8th house is aspecting it. Venus is Placed in Lagna Karka for Airplane . Rahu signifies every thing concerning the Foreign  and Foreign Travels , Rahu is placed in the nakshatra of the 8th Lord Moon and has mutual aspect from the 4th house  and since Moon has just changed sign acquires a special dimension and hence bad results.                                                                                                                                      Karka for information are Moon and Mercury and 3rd House   , both are ill placed , hence the plane lost contact after 06-17 hrs  at this time the navamsha rising is Scorpio and Muhurat Lagna degrees are 25.37 very close to Venus Degrees of 27.36 . The Scorpio sign is the 12th house of the muhurat chart and again a watery sign and all water signs in navamsha are also afflicted , hence there is strong possibility of the Plane wreckage being found in the deep Java sea in the North direction from the Place of take off before 2nd Jan . 2015 , else will be difficult for the whereabouts of the missing plane coming to light.

If Hijacking has taken place then : 2nd Possibility being discussed . Hijackers First of all let us see the combinations for hijacking  and Karka are Mars and Ketu and Lords of the 6th and the 8th house , Ketu is placed in the 4th house with 8th Lord Moon in the 4th house and dispositor of both in the 8th house and aspected by Jupiter LaganLord who is in the 8th house . 7th lord is Mercury hence a guest who comes to Indonesia but visits periodically has committed the henious crime , The Navamsha Lord is Sun hence the crime is committed by a Male, Based on 2nd Dreshkanne of Sagitarius , the Hijacker is a Female wearing ornaments  made of seashells, she may be a teacher and well versed inscriptures, not beautiful but desirable, glittering like gold  or flowers, medium stature, visits pilgrimages, Ver sharp and able to draw the attention of others .7th lord is placed in the Sagitarius sign only one person is involved in the crime , she may have 2 more aassociates.

Well being of the travellers   Lagnesh connected to 8th house , 4th lord connected to 8th house by exchange and Moon afflicted are not good for the Return of the Travellers on board, Moon has just come from the 3rd house since 1.06 degrees  and is also related to Retrograde Planet is another adverse combination.

Direction of the missing Plane could be   North  since Not even 1 hour has passed since the Sun Rise and as per yama chart it is the Pieces sign and Moon is Placed there in the Muhurat chart and in Yama chart it is placed in the North direction.

Trishamsha  Lord of the 6th Lord and 8th lord of the muhurat chart is Venus and is placed in lagna in own nakshatra  in the muhurat chart and the libra sign in the Lagna of Trishamsha and is also karka for the airplane  and hemmed by strong malefics is most malefic to give the untoward happening.                                                                                                         The most crucial Parameter in the muhurat chart is the entry of Moon from the 3rd house to 4th house and in the nakshatra of Jupiter Retrograde and placed in the 8th house and also exchange of the 4th and 8th house. Moon is Karka for communication and placed in the 4th house with Ketu a malefic planet . The Airplane would has lost its route in bad weather, since as per Mundane astrology By M . N Kedar  maximum number of planets are placed in the nakshatra of   Planets connected to watery sign . The disaster could be realted to water. In a nut shell, There are 2 possibilities 1. Plane crashed in the Java Sea in the north direction from the place of take off  2. Hijacking by a terrorist group an in which a female is involved .  The whereabouts of the missing plane would come to light by 30th Dec. 2014 , After 2nd Jan. 2015 the Possibility of the whereabouts of the Plane coming to light are very weak .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The  Paksha Kundali of the 22nd December  2014 is also not condusive to give good results as mentioned my me in my earlier article mentioned above and i also mentioned that in this fortnight when ever Moon is afflicted there would be untoward happenings and specially from the 28th Dec. to 2nd Jan 2015. This is the one with same combinations . In the Paksha Kundali  Moon in 12th house with Karka for Airplane Venus, 8th Lord Sun and 9th Lord Mercury in Paap Kartari yoga.

God Bless all on board.

Jyotish Acharaya  anil  aggarwala          

astrodoc.vedicastrology    28th December  2014 10-00 a.m on link now on 2nd May 2015

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