Papua-New -Guinea and Earthquakes in Present Scenerio

by astrodocanil

This is in continution to my earlier article on Earthquakes written on this website  . I had  predicted vide my article “EarthQuakes :What Planetary Positions in the Full Moon Kundali of 4th May 2015 Foretell” link that 5th May 2015 is Prone to Earthquakes and of a higher intensity . Now please go through the details below .

data for Earthquake

The number of Earthquakes in P.N.G from the 4th may to 5th May have been phenomenal and a n Earthquake of high intensity on the 5th May 2015. Let us see the foundation chart of the country and the Paksha Kundali which gave rise to these

Below is the chart of  Papua-New-Guinea of  16-9-1975 00-00 hrs -10GST

Chart Papua

The chart is of Taurus Lagna and the Dasha Running is of  Jup-Sat-SatThe Earthy signs in the chart 2,6and 10 are afflicted . Taurus by Mars and Ketu, Capricorn by Saturn and Virgo by Fallen Jupiter  from the Sign of Aries, the 8th lord Jupiter is also fallen .  The Dasha is of Jupiter -Sat-Sat, Dasha of 8th and 11th lord fallen  and Sub dasha of Saturn , Dasha of Jup-Saturn is never good since Jupiter deblitates in the sign of Saturn and both are afflicting the Earthy signs .

Trshamsha Lords of the 6th Lord Venus and 8th lord Jupiter is Mars and placed in lagna in Rahu-Ketu axis and at the MEP of the lagna and Lagna degrees and Mars is again influencing the navamsha Lagna with Saturn .

The Eclipse of the 4th April 2015 Took place in the 7th house and 7th lord from the 8th Lord Jupiter who is fallen..           

Transit on the 5th May 2015 .The 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart is afflicted badly and specially Taurus and Scorpio is prone to give rise to Earthquakes, Taurus in transit also getting badly afflicted which is the lagna of the foundation chart. Rahu -Ketu over 1/7 axis of Virgo and the 8th lord Jupiter. Jupiter 8th and 11th lord in Transit is influencing the sign Capricorn where it deblitates and is Fallen in the Foundation chart.

Navamsha Transit  Taurus afflicted by Rahu, Virgo by Saturn and Capricorn by Mars  Moon is afflicted in Transit in both Rashi and Navamsha.

Paksha Kundali  of 4th May 2015   13.42 hrs is below.

paksha kundali

The Paksha Kundali  clearly showing the 4/10 axis affliction and as already explained in my earlier articles the affliction on the 2,6 and 1o signs .

Now read this Earthquake Rattles Papua New Guinea; Officials Warn Of Possible Tsunami link

 The Watery sign in the foundation chart are also afflicted , more so the sign of watery sign Pieces is in the 8th house of Navamsha and has a Fallen Jupiter There is every Possibility of a Tsunami  due to the planetary positions and more so around the 12th May 2015 onwards  God bless

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  5th May 2015 09-20 hrs.

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