“Mercury In Leo On 25th July Regains Normal Motion May Provide Relief From Topsy-Turvy Conditions”…
Mundane Astrology
Saturn Mars Degree Aspect At 12 Degrees Brings Drastic Fall In Wall Street And Sensex As Per Date Predicted
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 641 views“Saturn Mars Degree Aspect At 12 Degrees Brings Drastic Fall In Wall Street And Sensex…
Sun In Cancer And Venus Retrogression Marks Good Governance Rise And Then Volatility In Stock Markets
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 833 views“Sun In Cancer And Venus Retrogression Marks Good Governance Rise And Then Volatility In Stock…
Arvind Kejriwal Jupiter-Rahu Chidra Dasha Troublesome As Predicted Till April 2024
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 779 views“Arvind Kejriwal Jupiter-Rahu Chidra Dasha Troublesome As Predicted Till April 2024” This is with Reference…
Chandrayaan-3 Launch 14th July At 14.35 Hrs Sriharikota Satish Dhawan Space Centre What Stars Foretell ?
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 583 views“Chandrayaan-3 Launch Today At 14.35 Hrs Sriharikota Satish Dhawan Space Centre What Stars Foretell ?…
“Is Women From Cross Boarder A Love Story Or Espionage ?” On the 13th May…
Floods Fury In Delhi As Yamuna Crosses 10 Feet Above Danger Mark Crucial Time Till 24th July 2023
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 569 views“Floods Fury In Delhi As Yamuna Crosses 10 Feet Above Danger Mark Crucial Time till…
“Manipur Violence Astrologically Explained” Mars ingresses in Cancer debilitation sign on the 10th May 2023…
Himachal Flood Fury Progression Chart By Manu Smriti Speaks Loudly! Mercury Culprit
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 573 views“Himachal Flood Fury Progression Chart By Manu Smriti Speaks Loudly! Mercury Culprit” This is with…
Predictions Speak Loudly ! Record-Breaking Rainfall In North India Creates Mayhem
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 532 views“Predictions Speak Loudly ! Record-Breaking Rainfall In North India Creates Mayhem” This is with reference…