My Predictions Of Iran Attack Stock Market Fall Between 30th Sept-5th Oct. On Dot

Oct. Nov 2024 Prone to Escalation of War and One Step From WW3

by astrodocanil

“My Predictions Of Iran Attack Stock Market Fall Between 30th Sept-5th Oct. Proves One Step WW3”

Iran launches missile attack on Israel, warns against retaliation

Read My Articles on my webpage below

Explosive Planetary Positions Just 3 Days Before The Solar Eclipse Some Big Happening On Cards – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (   dated 22nd sept. 2024.

Let me reproduce the important text from this Article.

“Explosive Planetary Positions Just 3 Days Before The Solar Eclipse Some Big Happening On Cards”

This is with reference to my Article  below on the Eclipses in Sept. and Oct. 2024 link

Eclipses In September-October 2024: North Node Afflicted for 36 Days What They Foretell ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (  written  on the 1st Sept. 2024

As per the Lunar Eclipse of the 18th Sept. 2024 just one day before it there was massive attack of Israel on the Hezbollah though 5000 pagers and Electronic gadgets connected to the Internet. Read My Article in this Regard below

“Demon Rahu Under Affliction Due To Motion Change Between Sept-Oct. 2024 Most Vulnerable For Strong Ups and Down In Financial Markets Weather Brawl Between Nations, Communal Riots, Explosions, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism Across the World”

Lebanon Explosions Reason Nodes Affliction In Sept. For 19 Days As Predicted Turn Tables In Stock Market World Scenario – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( dated 19th Sept. 2024

Most Important Time frame 

 North Node Rahu adverse motion from the 5th to 12th Sept. and then from 19th Sept to 5th Oct. 2024 is prone to Espionage from Foreign elements and Communal Riots in the Country and across the world. Govt. will take strict actions and the opposite community will retaliate in the form of Terrorism. In the month of Oct Rahu stationary and in direct motion for 17 days  can prove a bolt from the blue. On the 30th Sept. 2024 Demon Rahu is also Stationary till the 5th Oct. 2024——– Most explosive for the world and the Wars between Israel-Hezbollah , Ukraine-Russia. There is a possibility of Russia invasion on the NATO countries also . Rahu motion between the 22nd Oct. to 5th Oct. 2024 is also explosive and then  from 11th to 17th oct. and then 26th to 30th oct. 2024 talking only about Sept. and Oct. 2024 only. Unfortunately in Nov. also it will be in disturbed motion from 9th to 13th Nov. and then from 23rd to 28th Nov. 2024 for 12 days.

October 3, 2024 00:19 hrs New Delhi, a rare annular Solar Eclipse. This eclipse has taken place in an earthy sign Virgo sign , being the 6th house of the Natural Zodiac will bring diseases, accidents, epidemics, matter related to public health and labour disputes. Poets, writers, musicians will also be influenced. The Star in which the eclipse is taking place is Haste and signifies South direction and 3  Culprits who will be involved in crimes rape, murder may be exposed extreme terrorism and explosions in the Israel-Hezbollah war. There could be 3 Countries who jointly attack a country. The South Eastern Asia Could be influenced.

The chart is below.

Now see the chart of the 30th Sept. 2024 below Most Explosive for the World for some big to happen.

The chart is self explanatory   5 Planets in Aries navamsha the 8th house of Russia and the 8th house of Lebanon Explosions of the highest order and the world will reel in trouble of War, Explosions, Fire Aries is also the Lagna of the natural zodiac and strong fiery Rashi.

At the time of the Pager Blasts there were 3 planets in Aries navamsha namely Saturn, Ketu and Moon  and Mars with Sun and aspects the conjunction of the 3 planets .On the 30th Sept. 2024 all these planets will cluster in Aries navamsha as seen above. 5 Countries may be involved in the event I suppose so and Major countries. It will be most Explosive since on the 30th Sept.  Nodes will be Stationary and Create Havoc in the world till 5th Oct. 2024. It will be no surprise if US also jumps in the war after Involvement of Iran invade on Israel.


Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

12th Sept. 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi reproduced again on the 22nd Sept. 2024 06-00 am New DelhI

Nodes Stationary And In Direct Motion For 36 days In Sept.-Oct. 2024 Some Big Happening on Cards – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (  dated 19th Sept. 2024 I had Predicted that 5th Sept. to 5tth Oct. 2024 is most prone time for Israel to pounce on Hezbollah  for which also my date was on dot.

Lebanon Explosions Reason Nodes Affliction In Sept. For 19 Days As Predicted Turn Tables In Stock Market World Scenario – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( dated 19th Sept. 2024

Also Read my Articles below

Demon Rahu Under Affliction Due To Motion Change Between Sept-Oct. 2024 Most Vulnerable For Stock Markets Catastrophes And Explosions In The World – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( dated 12th Sept. 2024

Eclipses In September-October 2024: North Node Afflicted for 36 Days What They Foretell ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (  dated 1st Sept. 2024.

Alarm Bells Ringing 4th August To 3rd Oct. 2024 For Escalation Of War Between Israel & Iran – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( dated 4th August 2024

Some important text here for ready reference below

“Alarm Bells Ringing 4th August To 3rd Oct. 2024 For Escalation Of War Between Israel & Iran

As Per K N Rao a very experienced and expert Astrologer uses the Lunation charts specially of the New Moon and Full Moon for short term predictions. Instances are there that Hardeo Sharma Trivedi Predictions about the wall street collapse of Oct.1987 one year in advance, demolition of Babri masjid in Ayodhya was hinted referring to Communal tensions in the UP and dismissal of the UP Govt. of Kalyan Singh in the fortnight of Dec. 1992.

I have been mentioning that the planetary positions are explosive from the Fortnight of 6th July 2024 for escalation of war between Israel and Proxy War by Iran through Houti, Hamaz and Hezbullah. My Predictions have been on spot due to the following  parameters. August Month is most venomous for the world in every respect as mentioned by me in all my articles.

  1. 6th July to 26th July Vedha in the nakshatra Sanghatta chakra explosive for Wars and Blood Shed. Havoc from Rains, and specially the brawl between Israel and Iran can go for a toss.
  2. 12th July to 25th August 2024  Vedha Between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra explosive.
  3. Rahu In Afflicted Condition and in forward motion from 14th to 16th June  and then 12th to 14th July 2024 and the 26th July to 29th July 2024.
  4. Saturn aspect on Mars at 25 degrees in Aries time of Assassinations and Untoward happenings on the 6th to 8th July 2024 most prone date parallel 31st Oct 1984 when Indira Gandhi was assassinated.
  5. The Lunation charts of the 4th August, 19th August are prone to war like conditions in the world.
  6. 9th August to 14th August and then from the 22nd August to 27th August 2024 most prone time for escalation of war between Iran and Israel. since North node will be adverse. Earthquakes of Intensity specially in Japan, Indonesia, China, Himalayan Terrain——-– Note this time frame
  7. There will also be Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi  and  Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra between the 7th July to 26th July 2024. August 26th  Mars and Saturn in Rahu-Ketu axis in Transit Navamsha is also  Critical dates.
  8.  Between the 26th August to 20th Oct. 2024 and from 20th Jan to 1st April 2025 Mars will be in the sign Gemini is most Venomous for India, due to 2 reasons. 1. In India Foundation chart there are only 19 Ashtakvarga bindoos and this sign falls in the 8th house of Oath Chart of Narender Modi, hence bad effects may be seen. Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord of the India Foundation Chart and Espionage from Foreign elements is not ruled out around the 14th to 17th August 2024.——-Mark by predictions.
  9. Solar Eclipse on the 25th March 2025 in the sign Pisces is also explosive since in totally watery sign.  2 Eclipses in totally watery sign indicate Natural Calamities due to water , havoc from Rains, Tsunami, Natural and unnatural calamities are not ruled out specially in the coastal Countries and Like Japan, China, Indonesia and even India specially coastal States, Mumbai and even Delhi this time from 29th June 2024 onwards
  10. Now Have a Look at the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra and the Rashi Sanghatta chakra which are explosive for Brawl between the Countries taking ugly dimension for the Explosive events around the World related to Havoc from Rains , Tsunami, Earthquakes and War in the sea as per the time frames mentioned above and shown in the chakras below.  The Time frames mentioned above specially for July and August are very bad for the world  for Brawl between Countries getting ugly, Terrorism, Assassinations, Havoc From Rains Floods Political Disturbances,  Earthquakes, Cyclones across the World.  Terrorism can be the order of the Day. War like situations in the World which could be one step away from WW3. The Iran-Israel Brawl can get escalated into most ugly situations.
  11. The possibility of the super powers US  and Russia joining hands in the war are also not ruled out specially between Oct.-Nov. 2024 specially between 11th to 18th Oct. and then 26th to 30th Oct. in the month of Oct. 2025—— Note these time frames catastrophic for the world and wea re one step from the WW3

    Rashi Sanghatta Chakra


    I take the opportunity to also write here that the Ukraine-Russia War date of the 24th Feb 2022 and the 7th Oct 2023 for Proxy War between Iran and Israel was also predicted on these dates specially.


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Google  astrologer anil aggarwala – Google Search

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Dated 2nd Oct. 2024 06:00 hrs New Delhi

Written on the 13th Feb. 2024 at 12-00 hrs New Delhi Reproduced again on the 14th May 2024 07-30 hrs New Delhi Reproduced again on the 28th June 2024 12:30 hrs —— Now reproduced on the 30th Sept. 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 650 You-Tube videos and 95% results



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