My Predictions On Arvind Kejriwal On Dot. The Future Is Dark And No Respite

by astrodocanil

“My Predictions On Arvind Kejriwal On Dot. The Future Is Also Bleak And No Respite”

This is with reference to My Article ”

Arvind Kejriwal The Man Who Presented Him Self As A Honest Man Gets Trapped In Multiple Scams As Predicted – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

“Arvind Kejriwal The Man Who Presented Him Self As A Honest Man Gets Trapped In Multiple Scams As Predicted”

Let me reproduce the Article here for ready reference below . This Article was written when he was running the Dasha of Jupiter Rahu and a dasha sandhi and Rahu in the 8th house of the natal chart. When no other Astrologer predicted his fate.

As per the Shakun and Omens, Face Reading of Arvind Kejriwal  the way Arvind Kejriwal keeps his hand  shows he is in deep trouble and Dasha anter Dasha of  Rahu. Unfortunately he is running the Chidra Dasha of Jupiter-Rahu which in astrology is termed as most enigmatic. His Rahu in the 8th house and Transit Rahu over the natal Rahu is crystal clear of the ultimate and need no explanation other then he getting trapped in multiple scams one after the other and under ground activitties. In the Foundation chart of AAP Party  of Capricorn Lagna  Fallen Planet Mercury in the 10th house crystal clear tells the story of the party King will  bring bad names . See the number of people behind bars  from the AAP party/ This rule of the Tamil Classics is amazing. Similar thing happened  in the Case of Chief Justice of India when his Dasha of Fallen Venus Started at the age of 64th year and got allegations by a Women employ in his office. Donald Trump Jupiter is Fallen in the 2nd house and aspects the 10th house, no need to explain he lost the Elections in the Jupiter-Saturn Dasha . In Parashar Jyotish there is no explanation of a fallen planet if connected to the 10th house is explosive.

My Predictions made for him have started to prove on spot.  Lagna Lord Sun in the 12th house with Debilitated Yoga Karka Mars shows to what extent he can go  in his life. The Vish Yoga in the 9th house of Dharma and Mars as the Lord of Bhandak yoga may put him in deep Trouble the Moment the Dasha of Saturn-Saturn starts from the 29th March 2024.

(He was arrested on the 21st March 2024 hence there has to little correction of 1-2 minutes in the Birth chart ) My Predictions for his arrest were on dot. Arvind Kejriwal was behind bars for 177 days. He was released on the 13th Sept. 2024

“Is Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal At Risk Of Arrest By ED? | Delhi Excise Policy | Liquor Scam”

As predicted Arvind Kejriwal skipping all Summons and Getting involved in number of Scams. My Predictions seems to be coming True

CM Arvind Kejriwal skips ED summons in Delhi Jal Board scam case

Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva, however, hit back, saying Kejriwal has lost his “honour” by repeatedly skipping the ED summons.

Kejriwal was summoned by the probe agency to appear before it on Monday in a money laundering probe linked to alleged irregularities in the DJB. He is also facing inquiries in the excise policy-linked money laundering case and has previously disregarded eight summonses in that matter, terming them “illegal”

This man does not do any thing else then escaping summons and running away from reality. He said so many things when he came in Politics. All gone to Dogs . He must be punished for his ill deeds. Saturn in Transit in the 7th house of marka sthan and aspects the vish yoga he has in the natal chart in the 9th house. Soon will get the rewards of his karmas

This is with reference to my articles on my webpage for Arvind Kejriwal where I have predicted  that he will be in Hot waters  soon since the Natal Chart and the Progression chart for the year July 2023 to July 2024 is most enigmatic and may prove as  the bolt from the blue for him. He may be put in Judicial Custody as per the Planetary positions around the  March -April 2024 when Rahu is adverse in his 8th house  in transit  and Mars and Saturn at 20 Degrees in the 7th house at the MEP of the Lagna 19.36 degrees around the 8th-10th April 2024. The Mars Transit in Aquarius where Saturn is also placed there will be explosive for him. On the 10th April 2024 Saturn looses in Planetary war and also aspects the Natal Saturn and Moon in the 9th house forming a Vish yoga . At this position Saturn and Mars will be in the 7th house of Public Image and Relations . Natal Mars debilitated and placed in the 12th house will aspect the Transit Mars at exact degrees on the 1st April 2024 . On this day this day transit Sun will be over the natal Rahu degree-wise in the 8th house and Rahu will also be adverse over the natal Rahu. Mars will be the winner in the Planetary war in the7th house at 20 degrees and will be put him behind Bars it so seems. Mars is the Lord of Imprisonment as per below calculations for refuting the Legal Summons being refuted for 8 times.

In this Article I am using unique methods of Predictions other then Parashar. This will interest the Astrology Students . I will be  using the Dasha Varga charts , D6 of D10 for Career , Rudramasha chart and the DPYH chart for Progression by Mannu Smriti . Arvind Kejriwal is running Chidra dasha of Jupiter-Rahu . The Dasha of Saturn-Saturn starts exactly on the 29th March 2024 and planetary combinations which can prove explosive for him exactly after this date.


Let us have a Look at the Natal chart of Arvind Kejriwal of the 16th of August 1968 07-30 hrs Bhiwani Harayana

The Native is Born with Leo Ascendant and the Garbshishta Planets are Sun and Rahu and ill placed from Venus 10th Lord shows the power loss in the Career, but fortunately the Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th house is Mars and well placed from the Garbshishta is a saving in the Chart. Another weakness in the chart of Arvind Kejriwal both the Sun and Mars are in Sarp Dreshkanne and the Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th House is Debilitated , who is also the Yogakarka for Leo ascendant.
If Lagna Lord is in Sarp D3 then he may not be able to grasp the things. Any thing he will not be able to react immediately . This kind of deficiency one will have in life, if LL is placed in sarp dreshkanne, life may have many emotional hurdles sprouting .In his chart the 9th Lord Mars is in Sarp Dreshkanne , hence he will get benefit from Foreigners also in any shape.

Achievements in life are also seen from the Lagna of the Dreshkanne chart showing our poorva janma karmas . Here the Lagna is represented by Jupiter in the sign Sagitarius and the dasha of the same is also in operation and with Rahu placed in the 8th house as the avyogi planet will give vipreet rajyoga, Rahu is also placed well from the Garbshishta and also from the MCL of the 10th house Mars . Dasha Lord Jupiter is well placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord, but ill placed from the Garbshishta and the MCL of the 10th house Mars. Hence Jupiter Dasha may not give him adequate power in the Career  The Anter Dasha in operation is of Rahu  and gains strength as explained above. Hence although the Jupiter-Rahu dasha is Chidra Dasha may give some good  in the Politics . Strong Planets in the Lagna of D3 Jupiter, Venus and Moon most favourable in the Present Scenario NOTE THIS PARAMETER WHICH IS GOOD FOR CAREER. The Dasha is also Dasha Chidra and then Dasha of Saturn will Start from the 29-3-2024 will be the worst Dasha for him in a nut shell. Saturn-Saturn Dasha will put him in deep waters.


Both the Dasha Lords Jupiter and Rahu are placed well  , Jupiter in the Lagna and Rahu in the 4th house and having aspect of the 10th Lord of the Navamsha . Although Saturn is vargottam , it is forming a vish yoga and is a marka planet for Kejriwal, hhence he will get the results of the evil karmas  in Saturn-Saturn Dasha till 1-4-2027


10th house from the Lagna is Taurus and the Lord is Placed in the Lagna is good but the 10th house is vacant and can be responsible for politics against him in his career . For good career the 10th house should not be vacant.

10th house from the Moon is Capricorn the 6th house  having 10th aspect of Saturn  retrograde and debilitated which is not harmful. Saturn aspects own house is good.

10th house from Saturn is also the same as above since Moon and Saturn are together in the 9th house . This house is also having aspect of the Lagna Lord Sun and the MCL of the 10th House Mars . Now Debilitated Planet Mars is also not harmful since placed in the 12th house . Hence the Native will work with heart and soul in his profession.


MCL of the 10th house is Mars and Debilitated . The following parameters acquire an important dimension.

  1. MCL of the 10th house is Mars and Debilitated
  2. MCL is placed well from the Garbshishta planets
  3. It is placed well from the 10th house
  4. It is ill placed from the 10th Lord Venus not good
  5. MCL Mars and the 10th Lord Venus are not friends hence no stability in Profession
  6. MCL Mars and the star Lord of the 10th Lord Venus is Ketu and not friends , hence the native will not have satisfaction in the Career  since Ketu and Mars are not friends, although placed well from each other
  7. MCL Mars is vargottam in the Dashaamsha chart, since placed in the sign of cancer
  8. MCL of the 10th house should be placed in the Kendra from the 10th house or the 10th Lord, which is missing in the chart.
  9. MCL is the single planet which controls any thing regarding the Profession
  10. There are 5 conditions with MCL of the 10th House. It should be placed in the Kendra  or Trikona from the 10th house or the 10th Lord  which is not happening in the Horoscope, further it should be placed in the 3rd from Saturn or 11th from 10P or placed in the 7th from Bhavant Bhawam, all the 5 conditions are missing  for a good Career . Further MCL is placed well from the Garbshishta Planets is a saving grace in the Chart
  11. MCL Mars is placed well in the D11 rudramsha chart is good  for economic growth.
  12. In Transit  Sun and Mars are  NOT ACTIVATED AT THE TIME OF ELECTIONS  OF 2024


The 10th Lord is placed in the Lagna and hence the 10P is Scorpio and there are benefics in the Kendra from the 10 P give support. Malefics in the 3,6,11th house are good  and having Saturn and Ketu. In the D10 this sign is in the 10th house is very good but the Lord is placed in the 6th house gives tensions and sufferings. Dashamarudh sign and Lord is placed in Scorpio in the 12th house, HENCE SATURN DASHA MAY ALSO GIVE ISSUES TO HIM IN CAREER


The 10th from the 10th house is Aquarius and the Lord is Saturn and as a Kendra Lord Placed in the Trinal house is very good also the 10th Lord Venus and Saturn are placed in the 5/9 axis is good, for good Profession the connection of the 7th and the 10th Lord is very good which is missing here .


The sign is Gemini and not afflicted in the Transit also the Lord is in the Lagna with the 10th Lord Venus is good


Saturn Retrograde and Debilitated is not bad , also Saturn is vargottam but forming a vish yoga is definitely harmful


Sun is placed in the 12th house as the Lagna Lord with MCL of the 10th House Mars  and is placed well in the navamsha and the Dashamsha


The sign is Sagittarius and will be activated by both Jupiter and Saturn after the 15th May  2025 ONLY AND NOT NOW AT THE TIME OF ELECTIONS OF 2024.  No substantial rise is seen for Arvind Kejriwal .  He may get some conducive time after March 2025 only

 Saturn dasha in the trikona is good for Politics but afflicted in the progression chart and weak  There may be little gain in the Dasha of Sat-Sat  from the March 2024 onwards and specially after the 15th May 2025


The dasha lords Jupiter Rahu placement in the D10 chart of Career are not in Kendra or Trikona. Jupiter is debilitated in the 12th house and Rahu in the 3rd house. This Placement is not good at all for healthy results till 29-3-2024. The Transit of Jupiter over the natal Moon indicates Trouble from the King or the Head of the Country.

The 7th house of the Rashi Chart is rising and the Lord is Saturn well placed in in all the charts and is vargottam. in the D10  is placed in the  3rd house  will require lot of hard work before he gets any rise in life. Hence Dasha of Saturn will not bring good results from the 29th March 2024 onwards till 1-4-2027

There are no Planets in the Kendras is a short coming in the horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal, how ever planets in the trinal and the 11th house will bring good results . The Planets are Sun  Mercury and Ketu. Hence these planets anter dasha could bring good results .

 The Present Dasha is of Jupiter-Rahu  and Saturn mahadasha  not  conducive to put the native in a higher pedestal in the Politics, since both the Dasha Lords are neither in the Kendra , 11th or the Trinal houses. He may face hurdles at every stage.


The Chart is of Gemini Lagna  and the 11th House of the natal chart is rising and Jupiter placed in the 10th house with Moon in the sign Pisces and  Mercury placed in the 3rd house with Saturn Rahu and Ketu in the Sign Leo. The 10th Lord of the Rashi Chart Venus is placed in own house Libra is very good for the Career and Sun in the Kendra in the 4th house . Mars is placed in the 7th house is also good Hence the over all chart shows that success in the Politics can only be achieved after hard work  only.


The Chart is of Leo ascendant and the Lord is placed in the 6th house with Mercury Rahu and Ketu not good. The Lagna should be strong  but is weak.

The Chart has 2 planets strong Jupiter Exalted and the Venus in the own house the 10th house ,  Dasha of Saturn Saturn the native will  not enjoy good Career and Politics. Saturn is placed in the 9th house is also good as the Kendra lord but debilitated, Hence over all Saturn dasha may not be very rewarding.


Saturn dasha will give better results since Saturn is Vargottam and placed well from the 10th Lord Mercury and Sun for promotions and healthy Career . This factor is good for Arvind Kejriwal and may gain some ground but nothing big.


  1. MCL of the 10th house Mars  debilitated not activated by Saturn transit.
  2. Vivasahaya Saham is Sagittarius and not activated by dual transit of Jupiter and Saturn.
  3. D10 Chart Saturn is not placed in favourable condition in the 3rd house.
  4. Saturn the Planet of Politics is activated by both Jupiter and Saturn is good
  5. D11 As mentioned above placed  in the 8th house .
  6. 10th house and 10th Lord Venus activated by both Jupiter and Saturn is good.
  7. Saturn does not aspect the Sun and Jupiter for a big rise.
  8. Transit of Rahu over the natal Rahu in the 8th house and Ketu over the natal Ketu in the 2nd house is another parameter which is disturbing.

Arvind Kejriwal has better chances of rise in Politics then Rahul Gandhi but both may not be able to make a major dent in Politics in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Arvind Kejriwal will be in deep waters soon around the Eclipses in Oct. 2023 and then in March-April 2024 after 29th March 2024


Bhandan yoga for day borns  Mer-Moon + Ascendant =  7s 29 18 minutes and the Lord is Mars debilitated , placed in the12th house and also combusted, Hence  The Native will be arrested soon after the Mars and Saturn in Transit after the 15th March any time till both these heavy malefics meet at 20 degrees on the 10th April 2024——- Note My predictions


10th Lord of the Progression chart in the 8th house having aspect of Fallen Saturn extremely bad for him in Politics , he may get a bad name for his administration and work and may get into hot waters.  Rahu in the Progression chart is in Direct motion and can be like a snake bite and he may be put in judicial custody even.

10th house from Moon is placed in the 11th from Moon with Rahu and both planets signify politics, but unfortunately the Planets are not connected to the Kendra or Trikona for good Politics and Saturn is also a Fallen Planet in the Progression chart. RAHU IN DFIRECT MOTION FOR 2-3 YEARS WILL BE MOST TAXING FOR HIM HENCE AUGUST 2024 TO AUGUST 2027 NO RESPITE FOR HIM. EVEN IF HE COMES OUT OF JAIL HE WOULD NOT ENJOY THE POWERS OF THE CM AUGUST 2024 TO AUGUST 2025 WILL BE THE WORST TIME FRAME FOR HIM ——– Note my Predictions. 

As per Progression chart Saturn and Rahu in Pisces and Transit Saturn and Rahu over the 6th house of the Progression chart will further put him in Hot Waters after 29th March 2025—— Explosive time for him

Moon in visghati and in  the Star of Sun and Sun in the 12th house with Ketu, both Sun and Saturn are in bad houses and in Rahu-Ketu axis. (Moon is also the 10th Lord from the Lagna in vishghati is venomous for his career.) This axis will be afflicted after the 30th Oct 2023 when Ketu joins Virgo and Rahu Pisces and Saturn joins after 25th March 2025 will be most Crucial time for Arvind Kejriwal from the Oct. 2023  onwards


Written on  the 30th Nov. 2022 at 20-06 hrs  Reproduced on the 21st April 2023 09-00 am Reproduced again on the 14th July 2023 at 19-00 hrs  Reproduced again on the 4th August 2023 10-22 hrs AND THEN ON THE 10TH AUGUST 2023 Reproduced on the 19th March 2024 09-30 am New Delhi

Finally on the 16th Sept. 2024 at 06-00 hrs New Delhi

The Most Critical time frame for Arvind Kejriwal Starts from the 26th March to 12thApril 2024——– Note these Predictions



Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 




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