On the Eve Of Diwali What Does New Moon Chart Of 7th Nov. 2018 Foretell ?

by astrodocanil


Diwali falls in either October or November each year, depending on the cycle of the Moon when amavasya falls. It’s observed on the 15th day of Kartik, the holiest month in the Hindu lunar calendar. It is considered as the begining of the Financial year  for Buisness in Some states 

  • In 2018, Diwali is on November 7. It is observed a day earlier in south India, on November 6.
  • The Diwali festival actually runs for five days, with the main celebrations happening on the third day in most places in India.In the fortnight begining from the 7th Nov. 2018 Jupiter the significator of wealth is under affliction in the rashi and the Navamsha , Hence Roller Coaster rides in the Stock and the Financial Market and more on the negative side 

Let us have a look at the New Moon Chart of the 7th Nov. 2018 21.32 hrs. what is foretells for the fortnight and for the Finance and Buisness for the Year starting from this day.

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury  who is also the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord placed in the 6th house. It is ill placed from the 5th house and the 5th Lord Venus and the luminaries . The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Scorpio  the 6th house of the chart and the Yama Lord Mars placed in the 9th house is aspected by 8th and the 9th Lord Saturn. Hence the activities will be concentrated concerning the houses 5th, 6th, 7th , 8th and the 9th House Primarily .

The Placement of the Day Lord and the Lagna Lord Mercury in the 6th house is not good, though it is also Vargottam , Since the Jupiter is the Marak, Bhadak and has Kendraadipatidosh and placed with Mercury in the 6th house will behave like the Mercury. The Connection of the yama Lord Mars with Saturn is not good since it owns the 8th and the 9th Lordship and aspects the Yama Lord with 3rd eye. 

All the planets are in the perview of the Rahu Ketu and Saturn and even Saturn is in the Perview of Rahu and Mars 

The Positiive features in the chart are the Rahu in the 2nd house aspected by Jupiter and Mars out of the grip of Ketu but under the aspect of Saturn

A Strong Rajyoga in the 5th house of Strong Venus and Moon for Speculations , but unfotunately ill placed from the Day Lord and the Karka for the Stock and Financial Markets , although the markets may look lucarative  but may not be so since Mercury is ill placed from the Combinations of Venus and Moon together with the 5th house of Speculations . Venus has also turned as a morning star since the 1st Nov. 2018. Please refer to my article “New Moon Chart of the 9th Oct. 2018 What It Foretells ?” dated 8th Oct. 2018 link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/10/new-moon-chart-o…hat-it-foretells/. Please read this Para

The Lagna in Dagdha Rashi and Venus Avyogi add to the negatives in this fortnight  more so Venus is evening star  till 1st Nov. 2018 and also Retrograde till 16th Nov. 2018. The Bollywood Stars could suffer  on account of Venus the prime planet for the Film Industry and Marital Relations . A Bollywood  relationship break may be on the cards and Breaking News . The Stock Market could also observe some sudden change  in the scenario.The nodes in the 4/10 axis is a strong malefic placement and tug of War in the Political scenario of the Country” 

There is inimical ithasla of the Yama Lord Mars and the Jupiter placed in the trik Bhava may not give good results in totality and there will be poorna ithasla and an inimical one on the 26th Nov. 2018

Lunation is taking place in the 5th house and the Luminaries are ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord Jupiter . The Luminaries are placed at the MEP of the 5th house 

Lagna Lord and the Nakshatra Lord of the Lagna are placed in the 6th house 

Lagna Lord Mercury placed in the nakshatra of Saturn 

Lagna aspected by Saturn who is in the nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the 8th house 

Moon Placed in the 5th house with Debilitated Sun and Moon is in the nakshatra of  Jupiter

The Day Lord, Lagna Lord is weak along with the Luminaries in the shadvargas , hence this parameter may not bestow beneficiance in the significations of the Lagna Lord and the Luminaries togather with Jupiter , hence the second part of the Fortnight may not bring good events and benefic results for the Stock and the Financial Markets . The Navamsha is of Movable sign and does not indicate good more so the Luminaries are influenced by both Mars and Saturn and Mars and Venus in the 7th house showing the aggravation of the Problems discussed above for Venus . According to Mathematical Navamsha the Degrees are 18.24 and the 6th Navamsha of the Navamsha andhence the Nakshatra is Vishaka and the Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the 6th house as the Bhadak, Marak and a planet which has Kendradhipatidosh and also afflicted in the Navamsha chart. Jupiter is Karka for wealth and cn be compared with an Elephant  and when this elephant goes mad has the Capacity to ruin the jungle , similarly afflicted Jupiter has the Capacity to ruin wealth specially when the Gemini sign is rising in the New Moon chart . The Connection of this Jupiter from watery sign with Rahu in watery sign may bestow some tragedies  and Jal Pralay cannot be ruled out in the Country . Moon in Vishaka Nakshatra and in the Koorma Chakra is is situated in the South West Direction, hence this part of the Country may be influenced by Tragedy

The Full Moon Chart of the 23rd Nov. 2018 again is not a good one 

Some More important parameters and dates for the events to happen 

1. Rahu North node adverse from the 1st Nov. to 4th Nov. 2018 may change the Stock Market Scenario till 6th Nov. 2018 specially.Hence the Roller Coaster rides may be experienced in the Stock and the Financial Markets Now Read this”How U.S.- China trade talks are the biggest catalyst for the stock market


Note the stock market change from the 1st Nov. 2018 onwards after Trump says he will make a great deal with China and on the 1st Nov. 2018 Rahu is adverse  and therefore the Market takes a reversal, but depends how long this will be there , Also Venus has become the Morning Star on the 1st Nov. 2018 and as predicted earlier the Change in the Stock and the Financial Markets could be observed .Due to uncertainity the Market may again lose shine  due toi the fact that what ever reports are coming they may not carry weight due to Rahu in adverse motion . Rumors of a US-China trade truce look more  like an attempt to talk up the market ahead of the election rather then a real progress on the trade spat. Rahu is misleading  in this respect and we all know it is unpredictable and has the capacity to turn the tables upside down .Till the summit G20 on the Nov. 30th to 1st Dec. 2018 when Again the Planetary positions are extremely venomous and North node again in adverse motion we cannot expect any  big respite from the trade truce and therefore  the Planetary positions indicate total uncertainity . All the More all the planets are in the shadow of Rahu and Mars 

2. Mars changes sign on the 6th Nov. 2018 and has aspect of Saturn in the 9th house 

3. Mercury becomes Retrograde on the 17th Nov. 2018 till 6th Dec. 2018 

4. Venus becomes direct on the 16th Nov. 2018

5. Jupiter  degree conjunct with Sun on the 26th Nov. 2018 Most Venomous

6. Mercury in Conjunction with Sun on the 27th Nov. 2018 Most Venomous

Hence from the above it is evident that the Dates 26th -28th Nov. 2018 acquire a special dimension, more so there will be poorna ithasla on these days between the Planets . The Most Important Parameter is Rahu the north node who will be in adverse motion  Poison and most Venomous from the 27th Nov to 1st Dec. 2018 . For these parameters we have to see the Fortnight of Full Moon  starting from the 23rd Nov. 2018  for which I will write an Article close to the Dates mentioned above

Written on 3rd Nov.. 2018 22.25 Hrs. New Delhi

Some Text Added for Tragedy as per the Koorma Chakra on the 10th Nov. 2018

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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