Donald Trump Sworn in as President, vows to end ‘American carnage’ : What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

The Inaugural Ceremony Of Donald Trump is taking Place on the 20th Jan. 2017 as per the link in US in Washington DC Between 12.00 to 15-00 hrs

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you.

We, the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people.

Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges. We will confront hardships, but we will get the job done. Every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power. And we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent. Thank you.

Donald Trump was sworn in by chief justice John Roberts as the 45th president of the United States, as Barack Obama handed over White House to the businessman, who has never held office or served in the military and who rose to prominence among conservatives by questioning the legitimacy of the 44th president

  The Swearing in Ceremony begun exactly at 12-00-00 hrs. as scheduled
Let us analyse  what the Oath taking chart has according to Astrology

The chart is below

The  Planetary Positions Benefic and Malefic

The Panchang of the day

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in the Yama of Mercury  who is Placed in the 9th house and Has Exchange with Jupiter the 9th Lord who is Placed in the 6th house , this Exchange of the 9th and the 6th Lord is a Dainya Yoga, but Venus is in Pushkar Navamsha  is Extremely Powerful  

Dainya Parivartana Yoga: Whenever Lords of 6th, 8th, and 12th, exchanges their sign with the lords of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. Dainya Parivartan Yoga Formed in the horoscope. 

 Effect of Dainya Yoga in Life: As per ancient text anyone who has Dainya Yoga in their horoscope will be wicked nature, can be found involved in sinful deeds, causes trouble to others, and have to face highly fluctuating fortune. If having this yoga in horoscope and if any other modifying situation or saving factors are not present in his or her chart then it is very difficult to achieve success and wealth in life.

Tithi is KP-9 Rikta Tithi Lord is Durga and an Aggressive Tithi and a malefic one

Nakshatra   Swati It is a Movable Nakshatra and suitable for Activities  relating to Movement , For Swearing -in Ceremonies Fixed Nakshatra is a Better choice . Moon is also in Amrit Ghati but has the Aspect of Mars. Rahu the Nakshatra Lord is in Adverse Motion , Dispositor is Placed in the 10th house aspected by Saturn from the 8th house in Gandantha is a strong Malefic Combination , asper Simhasan Chakra {as explained below} Saturn is Placed in the lowest Nadi of the Masses , hence the Masses may not be in a Happy State , this Parameter , may escalate when Saturn falls back in Scorpio as a Fallen Planet more so after 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017. Also Saturn will ingress in Sagitarius on the 26th Jan. 2017 and hence till 26th Jan. 2017 also there could be Representations

Yoga Shoola  Malefic  Lord is Jupiter

Karna  Tatila and the Lord is Connected in a Dainya Yoga  in Vish Ghati

Yama  The Yama Lord is Mercury and again connected in a Dainya Yoga  and in Vish Ghati

Hora Sun  with in 10 degrees , Hora of Sun is favourable for gains and Promotions specially from the Govt. Sun is Placed in the 10th house Digbali in own Nakshatra and is in Amrit Ghati is Extremely Powerful.

Abhijeet Muhurat from 11.59 to 12.38 hrs is Extremely Favourable for the Swearing-in Ceremony

Dasha Lords Rahu-Venus  till 27th Dec. 2019 and then Rahu-Sun till 19th Nov. 2020 Extremely Powerful .

Rahu is in Adverse motion and Extremely Powerful since in a Dagdha Rashi and the Dispositor is Placed in the 10 house Digbali and in Amrit Ghati , Such Rahu is Extremely Powerful for Donald Trump since he also Has Rahu in a Very Powerful Rajyoga and in Adverse motion with in 5 degrees of Sun and Moon

The Negative in the Chart is the Ishraaf Yoga between the Lagna Lord and the Sun, No Relationship of the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord Saturn in the 8th House bit about to go in the 9th house and has Poorna Ithasala with the 9th Lord , but Saturn again in Gandantha and in the Nakshatra of Jyestha is a malefic parameter, Specially when Saturn becomes Retrograde after 6th April 2017 and falls back in the Scorpio sign as a Fallen Planet from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 and till 26th Jan.2017. Saturn Represents the Masses  and is in the Lowest Nadi in the Simhasan Chakra of the Masses

Lagna is In Pushkarnavamsha  and Lagna Lord in the 12th house aspected by Jupiter the 9th and the 12th Lord  will give mixed results

In the Muhurat Chart those Planets which are about to Change signs and who have just changed signs acquire a special dimension and in the above charts Jupiter and Saturn in last degrees, and Mars has just changed sign and aspected by Jupiter are good Parameters

Hence from the above it seems that there will be mixed Results specially the Period of 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 will be a Period of Concern .

According to Panch Pakshi the Bird Ruling is Vulture and Benefic from 11.20 to 13.18 hrs

Let us see the Placement of the Planets in the Simhasan or the Pancha Nadi Chakra

27 Nakshatra are used in the format of Simhasan Chakra  or the Throne of the King  , which has the 5 different units namely

  1. Adhaar
  2. Aasan
  3. Patta
  4. Simha
  5. Simhasan

It is the Seating arrangement of the Kings Court, where the King sits at the highest pedestal or the Throne. The Place is Known as Simhasan

The Next Higher is Simha reserved for the royalty or the Top Executives, or the Decision making Power, in the Mordern Times may be linked to the President and the Cabinet . As Per the Planetary Positions Moon is Placed in Amrit Ghati and Placed in the Simha  is Extremely Powerful for the Power and Authority of the King . Moon is not afflicted in the chart hence Extremely powerful and ensures the Longevity of the Govt. Donald Trump will have the power of a Lion  as explained below and compared to another Swearing -in ceremony of Lal Bahadur Shastri

Donald Trumps Slogan ” America First, Buy America Hire America”  may influence the Globe . Saturn Ingress in Sagitarius and Mars Ingress In Pieces and in Kendra from Each Other may also Influence US in a Big way , since In the chart of US also Mars and Saturn are in Square Position  and both will be activated . War Mongering attitude may sprout with some Countries specially Mexico, and those  Countries In Trade with US may suffer Trade  specially China .

The Next Higher is Patta  is the Council of Ministers  and so On

Saturn should not be afflicted  and in malefic Nakshatras Saturn in the chart is in Aggressive Nakshatra and in Gandantha . Placement of Saturn is very important since it is a Planet of Masses and Democracy, but also significator of Death and Destruction, It should no way afflict the Lagna, Moon or the 10th house , or aspect on Jupiter or Sun is a Malefic Parameter , In the Chart above Saturn is Placed in the Lowest Nadi Aadhar  the base place of the General Public and in the 8th House in an inimical sign aspecting the Sun in the 10th house is a definitely a malefic Parameter  and has the Capacity to Create Evil.

Hence When Saturn will be stationary and Fallen in Scorpio the 8th house of the Oath chart will be most Malefic and can prove a Bolt from the Blue  for him and some Scams being unearthed between a Period Of Presidential Elections since Saturn was 27 degrees then in Scorpio and on the 25th August it will become direct in Scorpio as a Fallen Planet and will also be stationary till 30th August 2017. This Parameter for Saturn to be in Scorpio till 26th Oct.2017 in the lowest Aadhar nadi in the Simhasan chakra  can be Explosive for him and Massses may be unhappy from him as well the Moment Saturn joins the Sign Sagitarius in the 9th house of Law and Justice  

In the Case of Lal Bahadur Shastri Moon was in Simha Nadi  and Aspected by Mars ,which is exactly same as Donald Trump . Shastri Loved Wars . The Result is King is like a Loin. During his Tenure he gave Pakistan a  Humiliating Defeat

Saturn was in Rahu Nakshatra in Simha Nadi he died Mysteriously after Conclusion of Peace Talks in Tashkent

Jupiter is Placed in the Highest Nadi as per the Planetary Positions and not in the Aasan Nadi to give Protection to Donald Trump

Hence Though Donald Trump may act as a Loin there will also be evils specially when Saturn goes in the P. Shadha Nakshatra Around March 2018 in the Assan Nadi and also afflicted  and Bad for the Kings

Saturn Transit in the Sign of Capricorn may not be good For Donald Trump after 20th Jan 2020, since Saturn will reach the sign where Sun is placed and aspects Sun from the 8th house  and as explained it is a most malefic Parameter . As Per Vimshottari Dasha in his Birth chart Period of Jup-Sat may not be very good for him from and the Period I have mentioned may be Crucial for him. The Swearing in Ceremony Chart Saturn aspecting Sun in the 10th House is a Malefic Component and Since Saturn represents Democracy , Masses and in the Lowest Nadi of the Masses Masses may not be in his favour and after 20 Jan 2020 can be a bolt from the Blue along with June to Oct. 2017

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

20th Jan. 2017  22-15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook

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