Query of Progney Through Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this article I am going to Discuss the Planetary positions for the Child birth and a Query raised by a Client for a Male Progney through Prashna Jyotish Using Tamil Texts

For Reasons best Known I am not disclosing the Query Details in this article . Let me first put the Parameters for Progney  through Prashna Jyotish


5th House is the Prime house of Children, it also signifies the first Child, Pregnancy, Conception, Sterility, miscarriage and Abortion

5th house from the Lagna, Moon and the Jupiter must be studied

2nd house  Family and status of the Children

6th house Labour pains and prenatal diseases

8th house is well being of the Children

12th house is demise of the children being the 8th from the 5th house


Jupiter is Karka for Children and Mere Jupiter in the DBA planets will ensure Progney . Connection to the 5th house and 5th Lord will attribute benefic results in good houses .

Jupiter, Venus and Moon are givers of Children

Putra Saham

Sum of Longitudes of the Lagna Lord and the 5th Lord .

Example chart the Putra Saham  is 4s 7.16 degrees and hence the sign Leo and the Sagitarius navamsha , In Leo Rahu adverse is there in the example chart hence no possibility , In Navamsha Sagitarius  sign has Ketu malefic and n adverse motion , hence no Fructification for the Child Birth


Beeja Sputha and Kshetra Sputha are Mathematical Arcs  which indicate the viberation

Position in the Rashi, Navamsha and the Saptamsha as aspect on these signs

For Male Beeja Sputha  And BS is Sun of Longitudes of the Sun+Venus+Jupiter , Shows the Viberant Qualities of Producing a Child .In odd signs, odd navamsha and odd saptamsha are favourable for Query by males

For Female Ksetra Sputha  And KS is Sum of Longitudes of Moon+Mars +Jupiter  in even signs , even navamsha and even saptamsha are favourable for  Query  by Females

Beeja Sputha  in the Example chart is 1s 20.11 , Hence Tausur and afflicted by both Mars and Saturn and the Lord is in Dagdha Rashi and in Rahu-Ketu axis , Hence no fructifications

Favourable Parameters for Conception

  1. Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna or Chaitra Rashi has Rahu , the Female under Query is Pregnant
  2. If the Lord of the 5th sign or odd navamsha  and in Kendra from Mandi, Pregnancy is indicated.
  3. If Moon or Rahu occupy or aspect the navamsha sign tenanted by 5th Lord  , then  there is no symptom of Pregnancy

Time of Conception

1.Sexual Union takes place when Jupiter  is in a Rashi or Navamsha occupied by  5th Lord.

2. Sun in the Rashi or Navamsha  occupied by the Lord of Navamsha Lagna .

3. Moon in the Rashi or Navamsha  Occupied by Lagna Lord , then womwen will conceive  and give Birth to a Child

Male or Female Child

On the Day of the Query adding the Tithi+ Constellation Number+Day of the week + Yama= Say A -1= Say B  and then dividing B by 7

Remainder if Odd then Boy

Remainder if Even then Girl

Example as Per the Query asked By a Male

Tithi 4

Constellation  11

Day Monday 2

Yama  1 Now Total = 4+11+2+1 = 18 =A  Hence B=A-1 = 18-1= 17 Now Dividing by 7  Remainder is 3 Query Indicates if Positive Parameters then Boy will be Born . Let us Discuss the Chart of the Query raised by a Male for the third Male Child . The Chart is Below

Panchang of the Day

Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon Placed with Rahu in the 7th house in Rahu-Ketu axis and having the aspect of Saturn, Mars and Venus is Afflicted badly , shows the Concern of the Person for Child Birth . 7th house is the House of Spouse and shows  weakness of the Spouse to Produce the Child , more so Moon is also the Karna Lord , Day Lord and as Moon badly afflicted and with Rahu Stationary and Most Malefic to give Benefic Results pertaining to birth of a Child . The Native has 2 Female child and the Query is for the 3rd Male child to be seen from the 9th house. Unfortunately  the Karka for Children is ill placed from the 9th house/9th Lord Venus and also from the Day Lord, Karna Lord and Moon , hence the fructification of the Query may not take place.

Tithi  KP-4 Rikta Tithi Is malefic for the Query

Yoga  Subhagya Inauspicious

Karna Balava with Rahu in Adverse motion and afflicted badly and also aspect of the 9th Lord for the 3rd child but in Dagdha Rashi  indicates malefic results for the Query

Hora of Saturn and Saturn ill placed from 5th house and 5th Lord  also ill placed from 9th house  and a Malefic Hora not good for Fructifications

Yama of Taurus and again a Dagdha Rashi and the Lord is Venus again in Dagdha Rashi in the Lagna and Taurus sign is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn , hence Fructifications not Possible for the Query.

There is strong Rajyoga between the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord with Yoga Karka Venus is Maha Yoga , but Exchange of the 8th and the 11th house is an indication for Negative energies and is a Dainya Yoga and connection of the 5th Lord in the 11th house and 11th Lord in the 8th house is a Negaive Parameter for the fructification of the Query

Moon Badly afflicted and dispositor of Moon also afflicted by Saturn hence no fructifications

Jupiter Karka for Children Avyogi

Rahu in Adverse Motion extremely Malefic for the Query at least till 12th Sept. 2017 and Jupiter in the 8th house till 17th Sept. 2017

Lagna Lord Saturn has no connection with 5th house and 5th Lord and is ill placed from both

Uday Lagna Has Ketu in Adverse motion and Lagna is Dagdha Strong negative

Arudha Lagna Taurus is again Dagdha and the same is aspected by both Mars and Saturn and is also a Prishtodayo sign is again strong Negative Chaitra Rashi the  is to be seen from the Sign Pieces is aspected by Jupiter from the 8th house and is in the Last degrees and about to change sign and going in the 8th from the sign is again a string negative parameter for the fructification of the Query.

Chaitra Rashi is Pieces and the Lord is in the 8th house is a malefic Parameter for the Fructification of the Query.

As Per DBA Planets when the Dasha of Venus-Jup starts from25-2-2018 and Jupiter is in the 9th house in Transit over the house of the Third Child then some Possibility

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

19th Jan. 2017  20-15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook    https://www.facebook.com/astrodocanil/

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