Verdict In Arms Act Case Against Actor Salman Khan Today

by astrodocanil

Verdict In Arms Act Case Against Actor Salman Khan Expected Today



Read My Article “…/red-planet-mars-transit-cap…/” dated 19th Oct. 2016 . I had mentioned that the Court will take a decision for SalmanKhan with in one Month of the 19th Oct. 2016, Amazingly The Supreme Court had taken a decision for him with in one month and Now the Hearing Date is when Rahu is adverse .Salman Khan can be in Hot Waters till 26th JAN. 2016 in the Present Scenerio , But gets relief after Saturn Goes in Sagitarius . The Period when Saturn will be fallen is also crucial for him from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017. If the Verdict comes after 13-35 then Extremely Bad for Salman Khan.

Let us have a First Look at the Panchang of the Day of Verdict. The Verdict is expected after 11.00 am

Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and Has exchange with Jupiter , but unfortunately in a Paap Kartari yoga

The Tithi si KP-7 Lord is Sun  and aspected By Karna Lord Malefic

Nakshatra  Haste

Yoga Sukarma  Lord is Mars connection with Malefic  Karna Lord 

Karna Vishti  Malefic Karna

Transit Special Parameters

Rahu in Adverse Motion aspected by both Mars and Saturn in the Sign Leo a Royal Sign and the Dispositor Sun in Capricorn aspected By Saturn the Malefic Karna Lord

Signs Leo and Aries are Dagdha  and Avyogi Planet is Mercury

Let us see the Malefic and Benefic Times during the Day

Sunrise is 07-30 Hrs

Between 10-30 to 13-30 hrs Day Lord Mercury will be in the Yama of Mercury  and Mercury is in Paap Kartarri Yoga . It also has Exchange with Jupiter .

Between the 10-30 to 12-00 Hrs  Pieces sign will be rising as below

The Day Lord Mercury is in the Yama of Mercury and has Exchange with Jupiter  who is the Lagnesh and also with Moon  and Forming a Maha Yoga of the Kendra Lords Exchange

Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga in Life: It is written in the ancient text that Maha Parivartana Yoga is a Blessings of Goddess Maha Laxmi and gives rise to great power and social status, windfall of wealth and success in professional area. The person who has Maha Parivartan Raja Yoga’s gets success and wealth like anything (Like windfall of fortune) and another Good thing about this yoga is that to feel good effect of this yoga you don’t need to wait for Mahadasha of yoga forming planets as its not Dasha depends yoga (As merely a transit of concern planet is enough to give sudden transformations, which could happen under any Maha Dasha ruler). Since the Lords are in Kendra and Forming a Very strong Rajyoga and connected to the 10th house , Salman may get a Relief

Unfortunately there is also A Malefic Dainya Yoga of the Exchange of the 9th and the 12th Lord and the same is as below Effect of Dainya Yoga in Life: As per ancient text anyone who has Dainya Yoga in their horoscope will be wicked nature, can be found involved in sinful deeds, causes trouble to others, and have to face highly fluctuating fortune. If having this yoga in horoscope and if any other modifying situation or saving factors are not present in his or her chart then it is very difficult to achieve success and wealth in life. Since this Yoga ia there , this may dent the Above Maha Rajyoga latter and specially between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017

The Karna Lord is also Connected to this Malefic Yoga and aspects the Rahu in adverse motion in the 6th House which is Leo .

In Court Cases The Plantiff is signified by 9th to 2nd and the Defender is signified by houses from the 3rd to the 8th house . Here The Court Represents 9th to the 2nd House  and has the Day Lord Mercury in these houses . and has 2 Benefics .

For Salman Khan the The houses from 3rd to 8th have 2 Benefics is good but the Malefic Rahu in adverse Motion may Prove to be most Malefic but not connected to the 10th house is a Relief for Salman.There is Mutual Exchange of Lagnesh and the 10th Lord , Court will win  is strong for Salman Khan

Dispute will not Prolong since the Lagnesh and Moon are conjunct in this Court .

Mercury in the 10th House the Judgement will be a Mixture of Right and Wrong and in Maha Yoga Good for Salman

If the Judgement comes after 12-00 hrs Chart Below

There are 2 Dainya Yogas in the above chart and Most Malefic for Salman Khan since Sun will be there in the 10th House and a Severe Punishment for 3 Reasons 1. Sun in the 10th house . 2. Sun in First Dreshkanne in Capricorn the Most Malefic Dreshkanne for Imprisonment . 3. Sun in the 10th house aspected By Malefic Karna Lord Saturn from the 8th house

Success for Appeal

3rd Lord is Mercury and Nakshatra Lord of Mercury is Ketu ,Sign Lord of 3rd Lord Jupiter and Navamsha Lord Mercury , Moon , since Related to the Concerned Houses for Appeal , Salman Will get Success in Appeal if the Decision of the Court comes after 12-00 Hrs  to 13-30 hrs ,

If the Verdict comes after 13-30 hrs to 16-30 hrs and specially after 15-32 hrs it will be extremely Bad for the Matcho Man

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

17th Jan. 2017  20-15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook

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