3rd August Lunation Chart Proves Most Enigmatic As Predicted After 16th August Planetary Positions May Take The World For Rough Ride Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1385 Articles and Predictions in just 64 months from April 2015

The Lunation chart of the 3rd August 2020 has proved most enigmatic as predicted and all predictions have proved spot on. Now the question is what will be the effect of the Solar Ingress of Sun in Leo and Mars in Aries from the 16th August 2020 ?

Read My Previous Articles

No end of Untoward happenings in the Fortnight from the 3rd August 2020. One after the other . Floods and Rain Havoc all round the World and specially in India
Venus in Ardra star and in Gemini will not give peace as predicted . Untoward happening in the fortnight from the 3rd August 2020 which has been Predicted Most Enigmatic one as per the Rashi Sanghatta chakra. More such happenings are on the cards hence we have to be careful Read My Articles on my webpage
As predicted the Fortnight from the 3rd August 2020 is most enigmatic one and as predicted it is proving spot on . I fear the coming week will be full of Troubles in the Maharashtra Mumbai, South India . Strong Rains with Strong winds will create havoc . Durbiksha in the East and North as well . War like situations after the 16th August 2020 as I have already Predicted in my Articles below
1.”Fortnight Starting 3rd August Prone To Escalation Of Brawl Between Countries As Per Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/fortnight-starting-3rd-augu…/
2.”Venus Entry In Gemini 1st Aug.- 2nd Sept. 2020 May Shake Political Systems Cataclysmic Changes As Predicted Earlier Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/venus-entry-in-gemini-1st-a…/
3.”Mrigshira Eclipsed Star In Central Zone Koorma Chakra :Intense Rains In Mumbai May Cause Havoc Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/mrigshira-eclipsed-star-in-…/
4. “Rashi Sanghatta Chakra : Fortnight Starting from 3rd August 2020 Prone To Terrorism Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/rashi-sanghatta-chakra-fort…/
5.” Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Predictions Spot On In Just 2 days Of Enigmatic Fortnight Uneventful Happenings, Surge In Gold Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/astrology-speaks-loudly-pre…/

Mars and Saturn in Kendra  from the 16th August 2020 and  8 planets influencing the  Fiery signs , Sun and Moon in 6/8 axis with Saturn.  Rashi Sanghatta chakra indicates a Rough ride for the complete Globe  in the immediate present and Future

Saturn has completed 30 years from the  June 1990 Gulf War and as Predicted there can be tensions even in the Gulf after the 16th August 2020 even after any Truce which may take place and Warlike conditions. Rashi Sanghatta Chakra opens the secrets of the future . All has been Predicted well in advance about this . After Mars in Aries and Sun in Leo and both in Gandantha till 18th-19th August 2020 most Prone Time frame  for any truce to to take an ugly shape . The Mars going in Retrogression on the 9th Sept and on the  4th Oct 2020  coming closest to Earth cannot be ignored . We all know the significations of Mars and specially in the sign Aries . Not Only in the gulf  but the Brawl between US-China, Indo _China can go for a toss

The Month Sept. 2020 is prone to untoward happenings due to  Planets becoming Stationary. See the Planetary Positions and the time frames as mentioned below are prone to untoward happenings. Mars and Saturn Stationary Positions are most Venomous

The Ingress of Sun in Virgo will add fuel to the fire after the 16th Sept. 2020

The Next time frame is the 16th Dec. 2020 after the 14th Dec. 2020 Solar Eclipse  when there will be planetary war between Saturn and Jupiter with in 7 days from the Eclipse  which crystal clear indicates war like conditions may prevail in the globe . Note these Dates for the Warlike situation in the Globe may be it is In the Gulf, US-China Brawl of Indo -China taking the Complete world for a Rough Patch. 2 Nations are bound for Trouble for sure specially in the fortnight starting from the 19th August 2020 when there will be 4 Planets in Fiery Sign and Saturn influencing the Sign Sagittarius by Retrograde aspect . Jupiter aspect as a Fallen Planet on Mars and Sun is most malefic since Jupiter is fallen and with Ketu where the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 took place in Moola Star and the Lord of the same with Jupiter. Jupiter is in most afflicted condition due to the Following parameters
1. Retrograde
2. Fallen
3 with Ketu Forming Guru Chandal Yoga
Jupiter can be compared with an Elephant in Animals since Elephant is also the Vahan of Jupiter . Jupiter when afflicted is like a mad Elephant who has the capacity to ruin the Jungle . Since Jupiter is in afflicted condition we all are suffering due to lack of Prosperity, Permanency, . All round the world People are suffering due to Finances . The Salaries are cut, Lay off, and some have also lost jobs. If Jupiter was Strong a Jeeva Planet then all this what ever is happening in the globe would not happen . 99.9999 % Astrologers have failed miserably on the Predictions for Jupiter they are unable to explain why we all are suffering in spite of Jupiter in its own and Mooltrikona sign/ Jupiter is also in the 24-25 degree arc and I had Predicted long back in Feb 2020 that this will be the worst time for India and also the Globe.

Sun in Leo

Sun will ingress in the sign Leo on the 16th August 2020 at 19.11 hrs

In the above ingress Sun will be in the 7th house in own sign and the significations of the 7th house  will be more prevalent and seen for one month . 7th House is also wars

I had Predicted the Below in my previous Articles 

My Fear the Next Few Days are most Enigmatic for the Central Region and the Southern Part of the Country and there will be heavy Rains and Strong Winds since Venus will ingress in Ardra and Mercury will be helically set on the 8th August 2020. Loss of Jan and Dhan, Robbers and thieves will be active  and create havoc. 
The Planetary positions are sickening at the moment as already Predicted  till the 16th August 2020
 On the 16th August 2020 Sun will enter the Sign Leo Gold and Silver will Touch new Heights  Eastern Part and the Northern Part of India will suffer  and there will be fear of mis happenings. Dhurbiksha
South Countries War Like  in the South Sea, Unpleasantness due to war like situations. The Ingress of Sun in the Vayu Mandal mis happenings  due to strong winds . More Sufferings due to Diseases —— Note this parameter 
Rulers will become aggressive specially US, China and may be other Countries also as explained above 
Gold Bearish till 15th 16th August 2020 After 16th August 2020 Mars will join Aries sign ,  Gold and Silver will become Bullish. Sufferings in the North and the South.
Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Vedha as already Predicted . The Globe will be on the edge of war like situations . Rulers will be aggressive stance and Tamsik nature may play havoc. All this Can Happen till the 20th August 2020
Natural and Unnatural Calamities Earthquakes and Tornados are also not Ruled out . Places of the Coastal Areas are Prone to all this around the world. Indonesia, Philippines, Japan can be Prone to all the above along with India . The Planetary positions may take the world for a Rough ride in this Fortnight and even the next one ——- Please note these Predictions

Another Parameter is the Saturn and Mars in Quadrant from each other and In the Lunation chart of the 19th August 2020 Luminaries will be in 6/8 axis with Retrograde Saturn shall discuss in detail in the next Article 

In New Delhi, many hope negotiating with the Taliban might give India at least a foot in the door of the new Afghanistan.
I am afraid all the above Planetary positions after the 16th August 2020 may be prone to malefic happenings
There may be Terrorism and 2 Counties may be involved in  Fight  and the Relations may go for a Toss as explained above
Natural and Unnatural Calamities  cannot be ruled out across the world specially in the Coastal Parts and the Countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, China
The Stock and the Financial Markets may take a beating  and strong roller coaster rides are not ruled out after the 19th August and after the 2nd Sept. 2020. Most Prone Period asper the Planetary positions in Stationary mode as mentioned above . Mars Retrogression on the 9th Sept. 2020 may activate all untoward happenings and hence the Stock and the Financial Markets are bound for getting a hit specially after the 4th Oct. 2020 when Mars is nearest to earth and Fallen
 The Month of  Nov and Dec . 2020 are also most Prone for Stock and the Financial Markets taking beatings specially on the 16th Dec. 2020
After correction in the Prices of Gold after 8th August when Mercury was hellically set and Venus in Ardra now when the Fiery planets join the Fiery signs may give strength to Gold again and after some stagnation for few days after the 22nd August 2020
Shall write detailed Article on the  Lunation chart of the 19th August 2020 and 2nd Sept. 2020 which are prone to untoward happenings in the Globe

Astrology is amazing

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
16th August  2020 06-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

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