Sun In Leo-Virgo & Mars In Aries-Pisces: What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves Between Aug.-Dec. 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1386 Articles and Predictions in just 64 months from April 2015″

This is with Reference to my Articles on my webpage  which have proved spot on for  the 3rd August 2020 Lunation chart and Venus ingress in the sign Gemini. In this Article I am going to discuss the Planetary Positions specially the Sun in Leo-Virgo and Mars in Aries-Pisces effect on the Globe in totality . It seems the Planetary positions will take the World for a rough patch specially when Mars will be in Aries -Pisces sign till 21st Feb 2021  Note this time frame

Now Read my Articles on my webpage first  and then the future Predictions in this Article

1.”3rd August Lunation Chart Proves Most Enigmatic As Predicted After 16th August Planetary Positions May Take The World For Rough Ride Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


2.”Astrology Speaks Loudly ! All Predictions Prove Spot On As Per Lunation Chart & Venus Ingress In Gemini Astrologer Anil Aggarwala 

3.” Air India Express Crash: Plane Carrying Over 180 Passengers Skids Off. My Fear Till 19th August Most Venomous As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4. Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Predictions Spot On In Just 2 days Of Enigmatic Fortnight Uneventful Happenings, Surge In Gold Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Predictions Spot On In Just 2 days Of Enigmatic Fortnight Uneventful Happenings, Surge In Gold Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Air India Express Crash: Plane Carrying Over 180 Passengers Skids Off. My Fear Till 19th August Most Venomous As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

5.”Rashi Sanghatta Chakra : Fortnight Starting from 3rd August 2020 Prone To Terrorism Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Rashi Sanghatta Chakra : Fortnight Starting from 3rd August 2020 Prone To Terrorism Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

6.”Mrigshira Eclipsed Star In Central Zone Koorma Chakra :Intense Rains In Mumbai May Cause Havoc Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Mrigshira Eclipsed Star In Central Zone Koorma Chakra :Intense Rains In Mumbai May Cause Havoc Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

7.”Venus Entry In Gemini 1st Aug.- 2nd Sept. 2020 May Shake Political Systems Cataclysmic Changes As Predicted Earlier Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

8.”As Per Matsya Purana : 7 Days Omens Crucial For Destruction Earthquakes Wars Disease Famine After Eclipses Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

As Per Matsya Purana : 7 Days Omens Crucial For Destruction Earthquakes Wars Disease Famine After Eclipses Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


9. “Fortnight Starting 3rd August Prone To Escalation Of Brawl Between Countries As Per Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Fortnight Starting 3rd August Prone To Escalation Of Brawl Between Countries As Per Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


All the 9 Articles prove spot on  and what ever has happened in the globe is exactly as per the Predictions made in the above  Articles

Solar Ingress of Sun in Leo on the 16th August 2020 at 19.10 hrs 

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and Placed in the 7th house in its own Mool Trikona sign is strong placement . I have been mentioning that when Sun goes in the sign Leo its own sign and since responsible  for life force is good for Recovery and easing of the woes of the Coronavirus specially when Mercury also goes in the sign Virgo on the 2nd Sept. 2020. There are 4 Planets in own sign but Jupiter is also fallen and aspects all Planets except Saturn and Mercury There is also Exchange of Moon and Mercury

The Connection of Mars placed in the 3rd house and aspect the 8th Lord in the 6th house is not good , otherwise there are good combinations for making gains in the speculative markets since Moon and Venus are Placed in the 5th house of  Speculative Markets . At the time when we are in times of uncertainty some relief may also be felt from the Sun ingress in the sign Leo

Sun in the 7th house the house of Opponents and war in the Mundane astrology  and the Rashi Sanghatta chakra indicates that the Rulers will be angry, all of a sudden there will be warlike situations in the globe specially due to placement of Mars in the 3rd house . This ingress of Sun is in Vayu mandal . Strong winds can damage . People in general may not be happy  South Direction the Rulers may be aggressive. There will be fear in the South and North Direction. Rulers will have Tamsik vritti note this Parameter

My Fear that the Lunation charts of the 19th August , 2nd Sept. and Solar Ingress in the sign Leo- Virgo are most malefic ones and the world may reel in deep trouble  due to brawl between any 2 Countries as explained  in above mentioned Articles .

The Stock and the Financial Markets are also on the edge of a Break any time specially in the month of Sep-Oct. 2020 and then in middle of Dec. 2020 when there will be Planetary war between Saturn and Jup[iter after the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020

Let us see the immediate Scenario  what the Star’s Foretell. All Principles have been used as per the Book of Mundane Astrology and My Research


Let us have a Look at the Lunation chart of the 19th August  08-12 hrs. what it has up it’s sleeves for India and Globe in general ?

The Lunation is taking place in the 12th house  where the Day Lord and the Lagna Lord is also placed . The significations of the 12th house will be more predominant in this fortnight . The Lunation is taking place in the sign Leo, hence the Countries represented By the Sign Leo may be influenced greatly also . Ruling sign Leo in India is also Mumbai

12th house significations 

War , Espionage, secret plots. ambushes, assassinations, arson, loot, rapes, sedition, forgery, detectives may be in action, War losses, misfortunes, Hospitals,  Conspiracies will be seen in this fortnight

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and totally combusted and placed in the 12th house along with the Luminaries where the Lunation is taking place. The Mercury and Luminaries are having aspects of Jupiter who is afflicted badly in its own Mool Trikona sign due to the following parameters

  1. Jupiter in Retrogression
  2. Jupiter Fallen
  3. Jupiter with Ketu

In this Lunation chart Jupiter aspects  all the Planets , as a matter of fact Jupiter in own house is very pious but since afflicted badly and is also Badkesh and Marak and also has Kendraadhipatidosh is most malefic and afflicted as above it can work as a Marak

The Karna is also  Kimstughna which is most malefic and no Karya siddhi  takes place properly . The Lord is Mercury and Placed with Luminaries in the 12th house is another malefic parameter

The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension

Mars  in Ketu Star

Sun, Moon and Mercury in Ketu star

Ketu in Ketu Star the Eclipsed star of the 26th Dec. 2019

Ketu gives Vedha to Sun, Moon and Mercury most malefic Parameter

Venus in Rahu Star getting vedha from Saturn

Rahu  in Mars Nakshatra

Saturn in Sun star

Jupiter in Venus Star

5 Planets in the Nakshatra of Ketu the Virus is bound to take ugly shape

All Planets influencing the Fiery signs and Airy signs , hence disaster from Fire and Air is possible

Jupiter connected to 8 planets and Saturn aspects Jupiter by Retrograde aspect

See the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra  below and you would appreciate the vedhas on the Luminaries and the Day Lord and the Lagna Lord

Mars in the 8th House as the 8th Lord aspects the 3rd house its own house  by 8th aspect Protects the house , but 8th Lord is stronger then the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord this Parameter is also not good

20th August 2020 Gold Silver Cotton will be bearish. Venus in Punurvasu star on the 22nd August may attribute bearish trends  for Gold and Silver 

Sun and Mars in Fiery sign less rain. Mercury in Poorva Phalguni and Sun also in the same star 2 Countries may be at daggers drawn and the brawl between them may take an ugly turn. I have already discussed the possibilities of the 2 Countries  in my earlier Articles . There may be strong spikes in Gold  then after the 31st August 2020

Venus will join Cancer sign and then Silver will become Bearish  after the 31st August 2020

From the above it is clear that the Fortnight from the 19th August 2020 is also an enigmatic one  and prone to malefic happenings


The Day is Wednesday and the Lunation is taking place in the 5th house and Mercury is placed with Sun in the 11th house. The significations of the 5th house will be more predominant  in this fortnight

Mercury shortly going in the sign Virgo

Gold and Silver will be bullish

Rashi Sanghatta Chakra

There is Veda on Sun and Mercury by  Jupiter and Ketu

There is Veda on Venus by Jupiter and Ketu and also from Sun and Mercury

Rulers will fight and Terrorism in the Globe is not ruled out

On the 9th Sept. Mars goes in Retrogression in the sign Aries the 7th house of the chart which is of Wars . This is termed as Durbhishik and very bad  not only for India but the complete World 

On the 13th Sept. Jupiter becomes direct and Sun in U Phalguni Gold will become Bullish

West and South Countries will suffer  war like

Sun Ingress in Virgo on the 16th Sept. 2020 and Sun will, enter in Agni Mandal . This indicates that the rulers will fight and take aggressive stance  and there will be fear of War like situations 

The Chart is below  of the 16th Sept. 2020 19-08 hrs

Sun will ingress  into VIRGO . Now He moves into Sixth House of the natural zodiac. Sun is signification of  Health and Longevity, Sun in this signi is generally attributed to precarious health conditions.

At the time of ingress  it is Pisces Lagna raising. It is a sign it is very powerful sign
Being a watery sign is said to be Brahminical nature. There may be some good also
Moon Star  at the time of Sun’s entry is Poorva Phalguni and that of Venus who gets exalted in the Ascendant Pisces. Therefore it is good but Moon is placed in the 6th house is a weak combination
Mars went in retrograde  mode on 9 September and will fall into Pisces sign as a Fallen Planet  on 4 October and acquires the most venomous state . This is most malefic  and will cause  spread of epidemic..  Mars will cross the Gandantha points 3 times and aspect Ketu by the 8th aspect who is also the Karka for Disease  before the 4th Oct and after the 24th Dec. 2020. 14th November Mars will become direct.  Jupiter will be  out of the 2 Blemishes  out of Retrogression on the 13th Sept and separate from Ketu on the 19th Sept. 2020 This is good . Jupiter  is lagna lord and placed in own sign in Dhanu being 10th House forms Hamsa Yoga. This counter checks Mars volatility to some extent only since also Fallen
Saturn Directs on 29th September. He is static till 3 October most venomous . After this Saturn very powerfully and well placed in 11th Bhava being own sign will provide much relief and shelter. Rahu and Ketu who are shifting into Taurus and Scorpio respectively on 19th  being 3 & 9 Bhava, would also bring some positivity.
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn all placed in their own sign with Sun in the 7 house, it is a very good indication for improvement and growth. But for Moon in the 6 House is weak, which inherently in weak and harmful .
This is MALA/ADHIK MAAS PERIOD not considered very good

In the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra

There will be Veda on Sun by Rahu and Saturn most malefic

Mercury will get Veda from Saturn as well

Jupiter and Ketu will give Veda to Venus and Moon

The Combinations are extremely malefic

On the 15th Sept. 2020 6 Planets will be in own signs . There is a Possibility of Vaccine Trials successful but may have some limitations I so feel since Jupiter will remain in the sign Sagittarius where the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 took place . The Rays of the sign are 7 , hence 7 months may be some hurdle or the Vaccine may act for 7 months only . The Planets which were eclipsed come in their own houses except Jupiter remains in the same sign. and then goes in Capricorn and then Planetary war again indicates trouble to mankind after the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020

4th Oct 2020 Mars will be nearest to Earth . In this Regard Read My Articles. This time frame is most Venomous for the complete Globe may be it is War, Global Economy, Untoward happenings . In the Month of August-Sept there may be some correction in the Stock and the Financial Markets  but when Mars comes close to Earth then it will be war like . Mars Overstay in a Sign is never good and specially in the Sign Aries and in Kendra from Saturn

1.”Red Planet Mars Nearest To Earth Oct. 2020 Warns Of Warlike Conditions In Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Red Planet Mars Nearest To Earth Oct. 2020 Warns Of Warlike Conditions In Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

2.”Red Planet Mars Stay Pisces-Aries Signs For 249 Days Till 22nd Feb. 2021 May Put World In Enigmatic Spiral Of Wars In South China Sea Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Red Planet Mars Stay Pisces-Aries Signs For 249 Days Till 22nd Feb. 2021 May Put World In Enigmatic Spiral Of Wars In South China Sea Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Astrology is amazing

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
16th August  2020 15-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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