Bollywood Actor Sushant Singh Rajput Death Mystery Becoming More Mysterious As Per Astrology Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1384 Articles and Predictions in just 64 months from April 2015

This is with reference to my Article ”

Bollywood Actor Sushant Singh Rajput Death Mystery By Prashna Jyotish Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

The Time Taken by me 10.05 hrs on the 14th June 2020 seems to be incorrect and fake news  as per the  Taking a Glass of Juice at 10.00 am  and after talking to his sister at 09-00 am . I had used the Last time when Sushant was seen and as per the same it appeared a Suicide . Now The Cat is coming out of the bag  and so many secrets are revealed 

As per the above the Wikipedia

On 13 June 2020, the night before his death, Rajput retired to his bedroom after dinner. At around 2 a.m. on Sunday, 14 June he made two phone calls, one to Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty and another to television actor Mahesh Shetty. Neither call was answered. Rajput then woke up early that morning. Some time after, he googled information about “schizophrenia“, “bipolar disorder” and “painless death”.

Two of Rajput’s friends were living with him. In the morning of 14 June, he spoke to his sister over the telephone at around 9 a.m. and an hour later he had a glass of juice and his tablets. At around 11:30 a.m., his cook knocked several times on the door of his room, to confirm the menu for the day. He and Rajput’s friends received no response. They then called a key-maker to open the door, following which they called Rajput’s sister and the police. He was found hanging from the ceiling fan. No suicide note was recovered from the spot.

News updates from Hindustan Times: Sushant Singh Rajput’s autopsy doesn’t mention time of death, claims lawyer and all the latest news

“The post mortem report that I have seen doesn’t mention the time of death which is a crucial detail. Whether he was hanged after being killed or he died by hanging can be cleared with the time of death,” Vikas Singh was quoted as saying by ANI

Now the Media  News is coming that The Lock of the Door was broken at 1.43 hrs PM and the Lock Smith takes only 7 minutes  to break the lock. It was discovered  then that Sushant Sigh Rajput had died. No witness that he was found hanging  .  All the information seems to be fake as per the Media. This time is extremely important . Hence the Predictions made as per the earlier Article may prove incorrect since the reference time 10.05 am when he was last seen  is wrong 

As per the Planetary Positions the  Murder of Sushant Singh Rajput can only take place as per the Planetary positions either at 00.40 hrs Midnight of 13th-14th June 2020 or at 4.40 hrs Early morning . Let some more light be thrown on the Case then I shall write in Detail. Since the exact happening and the Reference time is not available. As per the above Time frames he has been Murdered  and the Case is not of a Suicide  it so seems if he had died Before the Sun rise of the 14th June 2020

Astrology Predictions totally depend upon the Reference time and should be correct. In the absence of correct time the Predictions are bound to fail. But the Fact Remains that what ever has happened as predicted by me there were 2 Females involved in the whole episode and a High Personage involved  .which seems correct

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    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

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13th August  2020 14-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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