Will The Brawl of Trump and Kim Escalate into War in Korean Peninsula ?

by astrodocanil

If the United States Trump were to strike North Korea, Kim Jong Un’s regime would retaliate by unleashing its conventional weaponry lined up on the demilitarized zone that has separated the two Koreas for about seven decades.

And that conventional weaponry is reliable, unlike North Korea’s missiles, and could cause major devastation in South Korea, which is a staunch ally of the United States.

Let us see the Chart of South Korea  to see what the Planetary Positions indicate from the Foundation Chart of the 15th August 1948 12-00 hrs  Seoul  as per Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion

The Balance of Dasha was Ketu-Jup 2 years 9 months and 25 days

The Dasha in Operation is  Jup-Mercury  from 8th Feb 2017  and will be in Operation till 16th May 2019  and after that Jupiter -Ketu   and Similair Dasha Lords at the time of Foundation

The Following are the Most malefic Parameters in the Chart of South Korea

1.The Most Malefic Parameter in the chart of the South Korea is  the Jupiter Fallen and Stationary  in the sign of Scorpio as the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th house , due to which the North and the South Korea have been at Daggers Drawn . A Fallen Planet is most Venomous and worst then a Snake Bite . Dispositor of Fallen  Jupiter is in the 12th house making the Country war Prone since it aspects the 3rd, 6th and the 7th from the 12th House .

2. Mercury in Planetary War  with Saturn in the 11th house

3. Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis at very close degrees of the Ascendant

4. Saturn aspect the Ketu in the Lagna and Mars aspect Rahu in the 7th house

5. Dasha of Planets in the Present Scenerio of Jupiter Fallen as the 3rd and the 6th Lord and Mercury lost in Planetary war and lord of the 12th and the 3rd house .

6. Present Transit  Rahu Transit over Natal Mercury and Saturn at very close degrees and will be in the same navamsha on the 5th June 2017

On the 23rd April 2017 When Rahu will be adverse in Transit will be aspected by Mars degreewise  and Ketu will be aspected by Saturn , Mars will aspect Saturn degree wise by 8th aspect .

Transit Saturn over Natal Moon from the 26th Jan .2017 and in Stationary Position between the 1st to 11th April 2017  and aspect on the Natal Mars in the 12th house

Transit Jupiter  Over the Natal Mars in the 12th house , shows the Natal Mars is activated for War like activities by the Dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter .

Natal Moon at 7.57 degrees aspected by Natal Mars  at 24.25   over which the Transit Jupiter Retrograde has activated  degree wise on the 6th April 2017. Transit Mars will activate the 3rd house and Moon at exact degrees  in the 23rd-24th April 2017  from the 8th house of the Foundation chart can prove disastrous .

Transit of Mars from the 7th house in Aries to Transit Of Mars till it reaches Virgo will there fore will be catastrophic for South Korea . According to me it could be Arena of War  .

Saturn Fallen on the 21st June 2017 over the Natal Jupiter Fallen I Scorpio will escalate the War conditions in South Korea  . Saturn will be Stationary over the Fallen Jupiter between the 2oth August to 29th August 2017 could there be explosive for the War in North Korea . When Saturn will be fallen in Scorpio it will aspect Mercury and Natal Saturn

Saturn and Mars opposition in the Dual Signs and influencing the Natal Moon and the 10th Lord in the 3rd house on the 28th-29th may 2017 is also an Explosive Parameter .

Transit Mars aspecting the Natal  Jupiter degree wise on the 21st-22nd May could also prove explosive.

Transit Mars aspecting the Natal Mars in Virgo the 12th house on the 3rd July  2017  could sprout untoward happenings in the Country

Transit Rahu and Ketu over the Natal Saturn and Merucry Degree wise on the 10th June 2017 could escalate the war like conditions in the Country .

Planets activiating the Fiery signs   and Saturn Crossing the Gandantha Points 3 Time since 26th Jan. 2017 , Mars and Saturn opposition in Dual Signs , Degree aspect of Mars and Saturn on Rahu and Ketu  may sprout War like conditions

As Per my Article “https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/04/kim-jong-un-and-…ome-catastrophic/

I have already mentioned  as Follows —

In a Nut Shell Please read this ——-
Situations for War Like situations can be 3 Times .
1. After 15th April  to 25th April 2017
2. 15th June to 22nd June 2017 .
3. 18thAugust to 22nd August 2017 and 1st to 5th  -Sept. 2017
Some Planetary Combinations adverse for War like Situations . Mars will aspect Rahu Degree wise at 7 degrees  on the 23rd April 2017 when Rahu will be in forward motion this combination is Explosive for Chemical weapons usage . Mars and Saturn Degree opposition on the 28th-29th May 2017 in dual signs . Mars and Rahu Degree conjunct on the 1st Sept. 2017 . Saturn Fallen and aspect on Rahu after 21st June are most explosive parameters in the Present and future scenario for War.
Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn and North Node Rahu it seems are going to play a Catastrophic Role till the Solar Eclipse effects till Oct. 2017 and may further Escalate when Ketu Joins Saturn in Sagitarius in April-June 2019 most Explosive
Hence from the above it is clear that the Browl between Trump and Kim may take an ugly shape in the form of Guns, Missiles and Explosions , since the natal Charts of North Korea and US which have been discussed earlier on my Webpage shows War mongering Tendencies  Reaching a Boiling point for War
http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/world-war-iii-will-begin-on-may-13-and-that-s-according-to-mystic-who-predicted-trump-s-win-276073.html Says 13th may 2017 for WW3
I also Predicted Trump win link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/11/what-stars-foretell-for-donald-trump-for-presidential-elections-of-us/ dated 4th Nov. 2016 According to me the WW3 can take place on the 26th April 2017 or between the 1st to 4th May 2017 , If the WW3 does not start in these dates then 15th June is the Next Date and the dates mentioned by me in my articles on my webpage and asper my article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/04/will-the-brawl-of-trump-and-kim-escalate-into-war-in-korean-peninsula/
In the Present Context it may only  with little magnitude , but the Actual WW3 could only start when Saturn is Fallen after  15th June -21st June 2017  and  when Mars Joins Rahu on the 1st Sept. 2017 and in April 2019 when Ketu joins Saturn , these periods of Sept. 2017 and April 2019 are more catastrophic then the Present planetary positions although the WW3 cannot be ruled out as is evident from the Planetary Positions

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

22nd April 2017  21-20 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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