What Stars Foretell For WW3 In the Present Scenerio

by astrodocanil
http://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/world-war-iii-will-begin-on-may-13-and-that-s-according-to-mystic-who-predicted-trump-s-win-276073.html Predicts 13th May 2017 the WW3  , Predicted by same native who has Predicted Trump Win
I also Predicted Trump win link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/11/what-stars-foretell-for-donald-trump-for-presidential-elections-of-us/ dated 4th Nov. 2016 .
According to me the WW3 can take place on the 26th April 2017 or between the 1st to 4th May 2017 with little intensity  , If the WW3 does not start in these dates then 15th June is the Next Date and the dates mentioned by me in my articles on my webpage and asper my article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/04/will-the-brawl-of-trump-and-kim-escalate-into-war-in-korean-peninsula/
In the Present Context it may only  with little magnitude , but the Actual WW3 could only start when Saturn is Fallen after  15th June -21st June 2017  and  when Mars Joins Rahu on the 1st Sept. 2017 and in April -May 2019 when Ketu joins Saturn , these periods of Sept. 2017 and April 2019 are more catastrophic then the Present planetary positions although the WW3 cannot be ruled out as is evident from the Planetary Positions . Conjunctions of Rahu-Mars and Saturn-Ketu are more Provocative and Condusive for WW3 then the Aspect of Mars on Rahu and Saturn on Ketu in the Present Context before 1st Sept. 2017, although the Planetary aspects degree wise on the 15th  June 2017 will  be .definitely Explosive.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

25th  April 2017  10-30 hrs. Singapore   

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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