What Stars Foretell For Election Results of 5 States,Using Solar Ingress,Twin Eclipses,Paksha Kundali of the12th March 2017

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to use the Solar Ingress in Capricorn, Twin Eclipses of Feb. 2017 and the Paksha Kundali of the 12th March 2017 to Predict the Outcome of the Elections in the 5 States .

In Mundane Astrology the Solar ingress chart acquire a Special Dimension. Hindu Astrologers of India have great Predictive Techniques , which are unknown to Western Astrologers . It is for this reason that the Indian Astrologers have roots in the great Spiritual Traditions of India and score over the Western Rivals and  make Valuable Predictions. It is very necessary to find out  which Particular month  in the life of the nation  is likely to become historic in terms of achievement, Untoward Happenings  or Political Turmoils.

Let me reproduce some Text Important to give the Predictions for the Elections .

  1. The Chart of the Solar ingress is Below of the 14th Jan. 2017 07-39 hrs New Delhi           Panchang
  2. The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and Placed in the Yama of  Taurus the 5th house of the ingress chart and the Lord is Venus a Yoga Karka and in Paap Kartari yoga in the 2nd House . Venus is with Ketu and Mars the Lord of the 11th house and the 4th House . Hence the Ingress will concentrate on the 2nd and the 11th house significations since there is Exchange between the 2nd Lord and the 11th Lord , which is a Maha Yoga .The Day Lord and the Lagna Lord Saturn  is ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord and since the 6th Lord is in the Dainya Malefic Yoga and connected to the 3, 6, 9th and the 12th house there are chances of Terrorism, more so the Karna Lord In Vish Ghati and in the 9th house . Terrorism in the Temples, Courts, Embassies, Boarder Clashes Since the 8th Lord Sun is Placed in the Lagna and is also ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord . Lagna has aspect of Jupiter a Benefic , but the Lordships is not good and since also in the Vish Ghati and Dainya Yoga may not contribute overall good Results on the Nation inspite of the Maha Rajyoga , There will be fluacting Results in the 3 Months Till Sun ingresses in Aries. The Dainya Yoga is being Formed in the Shooksham Sthans of the 2nd and the 11th house is most Malefic to give adverse results.
  3. Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga: It is written in the ancient text that Maha Parivartana Yoga is a Blessings of Goddess Maha Laxmi and gives rise to great power and social status, windfall of wealth and success in professional area. The person who has Maha Parivartan Raja Yoga’s gets success and wealth like anything (Like windfall of fortune) and another Good thing about this yoga is that to feel good effect of this yoga you don’t need to wait for Mahadasha of yoga forming planets as its not Dasha depends yoga (As merely a transit of concern planet is enough to give sudden transformations, which could happen under any Maha Dasha ruler). 2nd House is the Financial Condition of the Nation, Taxation and Revenues, Interest Rates,Purchasing Power of the People  and the 11th House is Aggreement and Contracts with Foreign Govt. Alliance with Foreign Countries , National Mint, Legislation. There are malefic Planets in these houses , but also the Exchange of the Lords hence this Yoga will be more Beneficial along with some Measures Taken By the Govt. in the National Budget on the 1st Feb. 2017.Mars is in Pushkar Navamsha  will there for Contribute good effects of the 5th House since in Navamsha it is in the Sign Taurus.
  4. Tithi is KP-2
  5. Yoga is Preet Inauspicious
  6. Karna Lord is Jupiter is good but in Vish Ghati and connected to the 9th and the 12th house , since there is Exchange between the 9th and the 12th Lord , which is a Dainya Yoga and a Malefic Yoga.Effect of Dainya Yoga Malefic : As per ancient text anyone who has Dainya Yoga in their horoscope will be wicked nature, can be found involved in sinful deeds, causes trouble to others, and have to face highly fluctuating fortune. If having this yoga in horoscope and if any other modifying situation or saving factors are not present in his or her chart then it is very difficult to achieve success and wealth. The Karna Lord Involved in this Yoga is the Most malefic Parameter in the Ingress chart when Jupiter is also in VishGhati .
  7. Lagna is Capricorn the 9th house of the India Foundation chart. The Lord is Placed in the 11th house and Exchange Maha yoga as above . Lagna is In the Nakshatra of Uttra shadha is Most Beneficial along with Sun in the Lagna but aspected by Saturn  who is the Lagna Lord and the 2nd Lord hence the 3 Months Focus will be there for the 2nd and the 11th house significations.
  8. Lagna has Gulika  and the Lord is Saturn aspecting Sun the King of the Country , Sun is also aspected by the Navamsha Lord of Gulika Moon , makes the Chart Precarious for the Kings and the Head of the States , More so since the Navamsha  Aquarius is also of Saturn the Gulika Lord and Both the Luminaries are in the Preview of Gulika. The Sun in the Sign of Capricorn in the Dwadamsha Chart and the same sign rising in the Lagna in the Ingress chart shows untoward happenings for the Head of the States , Kings and the Country as a whole. Details will follow as per the Paksha Kundalis I will further elaborate sepatately..
  9. Feb. 2017 is having Twin Eclipses and Rahu in Adverse motion on 30th- 31st Jan., 1st Feb. to 6th Feb. 2017 and then 11th Feb. to 27th Feb. 2017 is Crucial for untoward happenings even in the Globe and Terrorism , Earthquakes and Untoward happenings relating to Air and Railways  in the month of Feb. 2017 around the 2 Eclipses cannot be ruled out. I have already written an article “Rahu The Demon and the Twin Eclipses In Feb. 2017” dated 3rd Feb. 2017
  10. Rahu is Up Karka for Marriages  and is Shishya of Venus  and also depicts the Alliances . Since Rahu and Venus are in 6/8 axis after  27th Jan. to 31st May 2017 and Rahu Adverse even on the Day the Results of the Elections  and Saturn aspecting Sun who is Badly afflicted , the results would not be benefic ones . Not a single Party will come out with Flying Colors specially after Sun ingress in Aquarius on the 12th Feb. 2017 when Sun joins Ketu and aspected by Saturn. The Sun Saturn conjunction in Scorpio between the 15th Nov. to 15th Dec. 2016 bhandan yoga will sprout till Sun is aspected by Saturn in Aquarius till 15th March 2017
  11. The Extended Period Of Venus in Pieces from 27th Jan. to 31st May 2017  and Venus reaching the Declination point after 8 years in Pieces indicates that a Women in the Political Sector may rise to the Occasion and come out with flying colors , specially in the age group of Multiples of 8. I do not want to name the Political figures in this context and goes with out saying.
  12. Rahu the Demon in Direct Motion through out Feb. and then even on the Day the Election will be announced Takes a greater Dimension, Rahu when in Direct motion or Stationary is Most malefic and has the Capacity to turn the Tables upside down. Only those Political Figures will be successful who have a strong Rahu in this Particular Elections
  13. Please also refer to my Article “Elections In the 5 States and North Node of Moon Rahu” dated 12th Feb. 2017. Read this —— Rahu is Shishya of Venus and is Placed in the 6/8 axis with Rahu in the Present Scenerio and Venus is at the Declination Point in Pieces and in a Female sign for exceptional 124 days and hence A Women Politician May Rise to The Occasion who has Venus Exhalted and Age Group of Multiple of 8  and hence Between 24 to 64 years . A Women May Give Surprise in the Political Scenerio7. The Above Combinations are suggesting that not even a single Party will rule Singularly. There will be Tug of War Between the Alliances .8.. Rahu has the Quality of Turning the tables and hence Unexpected Results can be expected from these Elections irrespective of My Predictions Earlier , since then this Parameter of Rahu in Forward and Stationary motion was not considered since I did not have the Ephimeries at the time of Writing the Articles , Never the Less Politicians who have Strong and Pious Rahu will lead the Elections. In the Absence of the Authentic Horoscopes of the Politicians it is Difficult to Predict the individual Fate of the Prospective Politicians , But 2 Horoscopes seem to be Authentic.1. Narinder Modi and Akhilesh Yadav, Both have Sun with Ketu with in 5 Degrees , Akhilesh Yadav Rahu is Pious , since Placed in the Kendra and the Lord is Placed in the Kona and Transit Saturn aspecting Sun and Saturn in the 10th house , Where as Narinder Modi Rahu is also Pious since Placed in the 5th house and the Dispositor in the 4th house and Sun Placed in the 11th house and Transit Saturn will aspect Sun, Both Have Good Rahu , The Sun Saturn Combination in Akhilesh gives Bhandan yoga which may lead to some sort of Maleficiance in the elections else Both Stand Good Chances of Coming out with Flying Colors. As Per Vedic Progression charts By Manu Smiriti Akhilesh Yadav Chart is more Promising then N Modi and the Dasha of Modi after 6th March 2017 may not Sprout good Results for him specially for Health and  will be a Tiring year for him . Both are in Good Shoes but Lets see who Wins In UP State, but as per my Earlier Predictions I have mentioned that Akhilesh Yadav has 55 % and N Modi in UP State 50 % , I think I would now say both are at 52 % and 50 % respectively  hence a Very close Win in UP state .
  14. In the Present Scenerio Rahu is Dara Karak as Per Jaimini Sutra as Rahu attains the Status of Dara Karka when any Planet is in Retrogression, since Jupiter is in Retrogression  and at the time of Elections being Declared Venus will also become Retrograde  Venus will cease to be a Char Karka in the Jaimini Sutra, Hence Shishya of Venus will impart negative results for  Dara Karka . Rahu should not be stronger than Venus . All Alliances and Positions are Governed By Dara Karka

As per the link http://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/current-affairs/040117/ec-set-to-announce-poll-dates-for-5-states-at-noon-today.html

The Election  Results will be declared on the 11th March 2017 .

Let us now Draw the chart of the Paksha Kundali of the 12th March 20.24 hrs below

The Panchang of the Day.

The day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun placed in the 6th house of the Paksha Kundali the House of Competitions and with Ketu and aspected By Saturn the 6th Lord from the 4th house

Tithi KP-1

Nakshatra U Phanguni

Yoga  Shoolam

Karna  Balava  Afflicted

Hora Jupiter

Yama  Scorpio and the Lord is Mars a Malefic and Placed in the 8th house is Most Malefic for the Fortnight Starting from the 12th March 2017

Special Parameters  Day Lord Sun afflicted badly in the 6th House and in the yama of Mars Scorpio the 3rd House of the chart and Happenings of the 3rd house will sprout in this Fortnight, Scorpio sign is aspected by its Lord from the 8th house is most malefic .

Lagna in the Nakshatra of Mars Placed in the 8th house and 8th Lord , Lagna Lord Debilitated in the 7th house and aspects the Lagna, Lagna having Jupiter in the Nakshatra of Mars again , Moon placed in the 12th house with Rahu and in the Nakshatra of Sun Placed in the 6th house with Ketu and aspected By Saturn, Moon sign Lord in the 6th house . Lagna Lord in the Nakshatra of Saturn . All malefic Components sprouting in the Paksha Kundali is the Most Malefic Component .Results will be very bad  and not good for the Country and the States specially the Eastern Direction  and Hence the UP State . The Results may be Most Malefic and Not as per expectations


As Per the above Chandra Kanal Chart the Moon is Placed on the Trisul Tip is Most malefic and no Planet is Placed well, except the Mars , who is already placed in the 8th house in the Rashi Chart

As Per the Rashi Chart the Lagna is Shirshodayo and aspected By Debilitated Planet is not good , Moon has no connection with the Hora Lord Jupiter

Day Lord is ill placed from the Lagna, Lagna Lord , 7th house and the 7th Lord , hence the Results of the Lagna representing the General Condition of the Country and the Ruling Parties will be adverse , it will also not be good for the Opposition Parties as well.

Counting from Sun to Lagna the Sign in the Lagna is Even hence the results in this Fortnight will not be good.

Lagna Shirdhodayo but having Jupiter in Bhadak stan and aspect Of Saturn along with Debilitated Mercury is not good , although the 9th and the 10th Lord are making a Rajyoga in the 7th house of Oppositions , Hence the 7th house is stronger then the Lagna , but again the 7th house is having malefics on the either side hence some Bhandan yoga as well hence the Oppositions will only come in Power with Alliances only , which may not be very good Combinations and as usual Rahu will give the Surprises after Surprises in the Political Scenerio

Lagna is a Biped sign and aspected by Benefics hence success is assured , but since the Day Lord Sun is ill Placed from the Lagna , 7th house and 9th and 10th Lord and the Mars the Yama Lord is Not connected to the Good Houses the Results over all may not be good for the Kings in Position and there May be change in the Position of the Chief Ministers and Head of the States  more so the Sun is ill placed and aspected By Saturn , This is s strong Negative Parameter in the chart of Smajwadi Parti and Akhilesh Yadav, but His chart is definitely strong , but Uday Lagna and Arudha Lagna are Connected to Planet in Depression , the worst is the Lagna Lord very close degrees with Sun hence immense Difficulties for the Ruling Govt. in the different 5 States, Mercury is Placed in the North direct in the yama chart hence In the North worst results for the Ruling Govt. and hence Punjab. Since Tryanmukh Rashi is Rising in the Lagna there will be lot of Struggles  for attaining the Success and hence the Alliance will take time to Form ,

In the Chart above the 7th Lord is Stronger than the Lagna Lord hence the Rule innut shell be of the Oppositions with Alliances or otherwise

Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord both ill Placed from the 8th house and 8th Lord Mars  hence there will be no Longevity of the Ruling Govt. in this Fortnight specially in regard to the elections in the 5 states.

Since the Ruling Part of the Yam is that of Mars there will be failure of Events this fortnight connecting to the Specific Party Members which may be the main reason for the Failure of the Ruling Parties

Navamsha sign is the 12th house of the Chart and the Lord sun is afflicted badly both in the Rashi and Navamsha . Lagna Lord of the Rashi chart is Placed in the sign of Leo which is having Rahu in the Rashi Chart and the Lord is afflicted badly, All the combinations suggest that the Ruling Govt. and Head of the States will suffer in the Outcome of the Elections.


Smajwadi Party

The Sanrakshan yoga is Broken and Sun and Jupiter in 6/8 axis . The Gajkesri Yoga is also Broken, Jupiter and Moon in 2/12 axis .

Akhilesh Yadava

9th and 10th Lord Conjunction in the 7th house of Alliances

Sun-Ketu Combination Activated

Sun-Saturn Combination activated

Sun and Moon favourably Placed from the Natal Luminaries

Akhilesh Yadava has Strong Rahu .

BJP Party

As Per the chart of BJP with Gemini Lagna  Saturn will be in the 7th house in Transit and Jupiter in the 4th house , in the chart of BJP Jupiter and Saturn are both Conjunct in the sign of Leo with Rahu and Mars , Saturn is a Fallen Planet in the Chart of BJP and Connection of the Saturn and Jupiter in this Chart cancels all Rajyogas . The Chart of N Modi is the Only Hope, although N Modi also has a Tiring Year ahead specially from the 6th March 2017


Narinder Modi

His Gajkesri Yoga is Broken at the time of the Elections being announced , since both Moon and Jupiter in 2/12 axis , One good Parameter , Jupiter over natal Sun and Sun over natal Jupiter , hence some achievement  for the Party as a whole .

Sun-Ketu conjunction activated

Rahu Strong in the chart of N Modi

9th and the 10th Lord in Rahu-Ketu axis , hence in Alliance with some Political Parties for Success

AAP Party

9th and the 10th Lord Conjunction  of Venus and Mercury in the 3rd house is there .

Sun-Jupiter 1/7 axis is Broken , since in 6/8 axis

Moon in 6/8 axis

Arvind Kejriwal

Jupiter , Mercury and Venus conjunction activated ,Sun in 6/8 axis ,

Yoga Karka well Placed in the 9th house in Transit , 10th Lord in the 8th house

Seems little Gain


BSP Party

Yoga Karka for the Chart Mars Placed in the 10th house of the Chart as per Transit

9th and 10th Lord Jupiter and Mars although in 6/8 axis in Transit but Jupiter aspects the 9th house

Sun-Saturn combination activated  Bhandan Yoga and hence with Alliance with some Party can come up


Natal Moon and Transit Moon 6/8 axis

9th and 10th Lord  Mercury and Venus making a Rajyoga in Transit in the 3rd House ,

Sun, Moon, Jupiter ill Placed from Natal ones

Rahu over Jupiter in the 8th house and Dispositor of Rahu over the 10th Lord Venus  and Venus in Rajyoga in Transit can attribute some Beneficiance


Rahu strong in the chart and with Moon in close degrees and Rahu is in Forward Motion for Congress and also at the time of Elections , Could gain some thing,

Specially if the Horoscope of Priyanka Gandhi is correct having Sun, Jupiter in Sagitarius and Saturn transit over it could Sprout some good Results for her more so Since Venus is over staying in Pieces . Venus activating the Natal Venus as per Declination from Leo and Transit Venus in the 10th house aspected by Jupiter the 10th Lord is definitely a Positive  Movement of Planets for Priyanka Gandhi , she is sure to Secure a Honourable Post in Political Field very shortly it so seems , I am not discussing the Chart of Rahul Gandhi.

I am not discussing the Other Elections in the other states  and from the Above, it seems the Role of Narinder Modi, Akhilesh Yadav, Mayawati could be immense in these elections although the Paksha Kundali is not condusive to give results for the Alliances  and Tug of War may continue even if the Govt. are formed with alliances . There will be Topsy and Turvy Conditions in Politics as far as the Elections in these 5 States are concerned , Not a single Party will come with Majority .

There are 2 Probabilities out of the Elections in UP State as I have mentioned in my Previous Articles Both Akhilesh and N Modi may be Prominent in the Election Results

Now Smajwadi Party and Congress Alliance 50% Possibility

BJP and Mayawati   Alliance 50%

Hence the   Possibility can turn either side, May be BJP with Mayawati first or Akhilesh with Congress

But More towards a Hung Govt.  the same could be in Punjab

Uttrakhand and Goa BJP Win

The above Predictions will hold True specially if the Charts of the Politicians are Authentic, which Normally are Not correct, But the Paksha Kundali is definitely authentic and Indicates that the Ruling Govt. in the 5 States will suffer defeats  and Opposition Parties may rise to the occasion with Alliances which also may not be Fruitful and Topsy ad Turvy Situations . Rahu has the Capacity to Turn the tables upside down in this Fortnight and Give surprises


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  1. 19th Feb. 2017 10-15 hrs. New Delhi  
  2. Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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