Some Heart Throbbing Predictions Using Transits By Face Reading and Conversations

by astrodocanil

In this article I am going to discuss 2 Episodes where I could predict almost 100 % with out any birth details just on the spur of the moment .

First Episode

In the year 2010 when the session of the Jyotish Acharaya started in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi I was seated in the Right hand side of the class room in the first row.A Girl student joined the class, I Looked at her Twice and was little amazed why I had a second look at her. The reason was clear I was in the Jyotish Class and my mind was working in that perspective and the vibrations I got from her did hit me Astrologically . I asked her I wanted to ask her a few questions pertaining to Astrology , she replied in affirmative . I asked her the Following Questions and the Reply in each case is mentioned below with my analysis.

1.I asked her is your Jupiter aspecting the Lagna  ?  The Reply was affirmative . Let me explain here why I asked her this Query. When Jupiter the divine planet aspects the Lagna the Face has a certain glow  and is eye catching , for this reason I looked at her twice.

2. I also asked her if the Planet Jupiter was in the own sign and Preferably in Sagitarius  ? The Reply was again in affirmative . I will explain here why . Jupiter is seen from the Nose of the native  and since I also have Jupiter in Sagitarius I could immediately say that her Jupiter is in Sagitarius  and in the 5th house of the Chart , the reply was again in Affirmative . Normally Jupiter in Sagitarius one would have a pointed nose if it aspects the Lagna .

2. I asked her is your Venus in Kendra  ? The reply was again affirmative . Let me explain here why. The Girl had Sharpe Features  and Venus in the Kendra with a Fixed Lagna rising gives an attractive look .

3. I asked Her if her Lagna was Leo ? She was astonished  since I did not know her and was the first meeting . She again replied in affirmative . I will explain the Lagna has to be out of the fixed  Signs 2,5,8 or 11, Since Jupiter has to aspect the Lagna  and Venus has to be in the Kendra , the only Possibility for the Native was to have Leo Lagna .

4. I asked her if she was 1972 Born ? The answer was again in affirmative .  I have Jupiter in Sagitarius and could place her year with the Looks and that she was younger to me in age in the Multiples of 12  and because of her Looks I told her she was 1972 Born.  24 years younger .

5. I asked Her If she was Born between the month of June to July 1972 ? The answer was again in affirmative . I will explain, If Venus has to be in the Kendra because of her sharp features then Venus has to be in Taurus and Sun had to be with in 2 Houses from Venus either side

6. I asked her if she was July Born ? The answer was again in affirmative , Sun has to be near the Lagna , since  she had broad forehead and sparsh hair and since Venus in the 10th house in Taurus Sun will be either in the 11th house in last degrees or in the 12th house. She looked very progressive hence Lagna Lord could not be in the 12th house and in the 11th house in the Last degrees .

7. I drew the chart on a Piece of Paper and Placed the Planets . Lagna has to have Moon , Sun in the 11th house , Venus in the 10th house with Saturn, Jupiter in the 5th house giving a strong aspect  on the Lagna and close to my Jupiter degrees of 5 in the nakshatra of Ketu placed in the 12th house

The Chart I drew was as Below

I Latter Placed Mars and Mercury in the 12th house , due to her complexion . The Girl Student was much Surprised that we could draw the chart by studying the Looks of a Person. Latter I gave her the Exact Date of Birth and time in the Morning Hours and I was able to reach almost 95% Correct details

The Second Episode

In the year 2009 when  the Session of the Jyotish Alankar started  I was seated in the Classroom , 2 girls were chatting next to me . I over heard one saying My mother in law had cancer . I intervened and asked them I will tell you when she was diagnosed for Cancer when I had no whereabouts of the Girl . I knew only one thing Rahu is Rog Harnam and Ketu is Rog Karnam .

  1. I asked her if the Date was 8th May 2008 ? The reply was in affirmative . I will explain here why. As mentioned above Rahu is Rog Harnam and Ketu Rog Karnam. Hence when Rahu ingressed in Cancer on the 8th May 2008

See the chart below

2. I asked her if she had Aries Lagna  ? She replied in affirmative . I will explain here , 10th house is the 4th house from the 7th house and the house of the Mother of the Spouse and hence the Mother in law, when Rahu ingressed in Capricorn  being a Rog Harnam the Curtain were lifted by Rahu and Cancer Diagnosed. The chart above is of 8th May 2008 and Rahu has just ingressed in the 10th house from the 11th house . I remembered the Major Transits and could hit the nail on the head  in the Predictions. The Girls were amazed at the way I predicted . Astrology is most amazing  and one has to develop the communication with nature for good Predictions using the Omens, Nammittas and Shakun along with FaceReadings.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  1. 19th Feb. 2017 10-15 hrs. New Delhi  
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