Analysing Dasha of Mars Through Tamil Texts For a Native

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to Discuss the Dasha of Mars for a Native  through Tamil Texts  using the Varga Chart for the Dasha Lord and the Tamil Analysis of Dasha By Bodhkan, Vedhkan, Pashkan and Karkan Planets..

The Native is Aquarius Lagna Born . I am not disclosing the birth details for Reasons best Known. The Dasha of Mars will start from the 3rd Jan 2018

For the Dasha of Mars we need the Following Parameters , I am not discussing the Significations of Mars here

  1. Friendship of Planets compound .
  2. Garbashishta Planets  Venus_Venus , Placed in the 10th house attributes that the native is karmsheel
  3. Dasha Varga Chart for Mars as per Mathematical Calculations.
  4. Planets Bodhkan, Vedhkan, Pashkan and Karkan For Dasha Analysis
  5. The Planets Responsible for Mars dasha are as follows .Bodhkan  Planet is  Moon which Promises 70 % of the Results  should be placed well and Dispositor of Bodhkan should be Placed well, Here Moon is Placed in the 11th house and the Dispositor is Placed well in the Trikona , Moon lacks the directional Strength , hence Moon will attribute about 40-45 % since Moon will engineer the activity . Planet Vedhkan is Mercury . Mercury offers an obstruction force to the results given by the Bodhkan Planet and Breaks the Flow of Results , Mercury is Placed well in the Kendra and as the 5th Lord becoming Yogakarka   hence will offer good results .Pashkan Planet is Sun , this Planet has the Power to Pull the results and give windfall gains . The Pashkan and Vedkan should be Placed well from each other and since strongly placed will offer windfall gains to the native , they are also connected to the Garbshishta Planets and hence Excellent Results .Karkan Planet is Saturn and Placed with Dispositor of Bodhkan and is the Lagna Lord , but neutal Friendship with Pashkan Sun , This Planet Promises the wealth, materialistic happiness and Financial gains , it is to keep the outcome of the Dasha upholded or sustain the Benefits , This Planet should have Friendship with Pashkan Planet in this chart and hence with Sun and in the chart he is Neutral , Had it been Friendly the native could have the Best Period of her Life . The Over all Results of Mars Dasha will be good since Sun will attribute windfall gains .

For the Mathematical Chart for Mars , I cannot give the details of how to Make the Chart, since lot of Calculations and understanding is required , those interested can take Classes Personally for this, I am only discussing the details of the Chart what it contributes in this Dasha . The chart is Below

The Chart is showing Crystal Clear that the Dasha of Mars for 7 years will attribute very good Results  due to the following Parameters

  1. 2nd House of the Natal Chart is Rising
  2. Lagan Lord is Jupiter and is Forming a Strong Rajyoga with Mars . The Karmadhipati and Dharmadhipati Yoga in the 2nd House.
  3. Dhan Yogas
  4. Mars Dasha Lord in own house in the MT sign
  5. Jupiter from Aries the 2nd House aspects with strong aspect on the 10th house for Expansion .
  6. Venus and Moon in square position a Rajyoga
  7. Saturn connection with 12th house , 6th and 7th Lord and Rahu will confer the native long Travel and also shift from Abroad .
  8. Similarly Dasha of Mars -Rahu can be Calculated and Chart drawn and can give us concrete Results , The Above chart shows in Totality the Mars Dasha and more so Mars-Mars Period .
  9. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
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