Venus In Retrogression Gandantha In Leo & About to Fall In Cancer Brings Divorce For Politicians As Predicted

by astrodocanil
“Venus In Retrogression Gandantha In Leo & About to Fall In Cancer Brings Divorce For Politicians As Predicted”

On August 3rd, the biggest news on social media was that Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife have jointly announced that they are getting divorced.

This is with reference to my Article

Sun In Cancer And Venus Retrogression Marks Good Governance Rise And Then Volatility In Stock Markets – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Read the Following  para where I have Predicted crystal clear of Marital discord  Separations and  divorce in Marriage for celebrities and Politicians

11th house 

Religious and financial disputes, depreciation of govt. securities.

Rahu afflicted in the 11th house by Saturn, Political plots revolts spying and will behave like Saturn, illness of the members of parliament. Changes in the Portfolios of the Ministers and splitting of the political parties.

Venus in Retrogression   from 25th July , 2nd August Gandantha and then Fallen on the 8th August 2023 will bring separation , divorces in marriages  for Politicians and Celebrities and will be breaking news . Note My Predictions.

The effect may be seen from 3 to 4 months since the Sun in cardinal sign.


Written on  the 14th July 2023 at 23.00 hrs Reproduced today on 7th August 2023 time 11-30 hrs 

Let us Now Analyse the Chart of Justin Trudeau of the 25th Dec 1971  21.25 hrs Canada Ontario Ottawa of Leo Ascendant and Pisces Moon sign asw per the unique Principles of Nadi Shastra.

The Garbshishta  Planets are Mercury  and Mars  both related to the 8th house . There are 2 exchanges of Jupiter and Mars  and 2nd one Venus and Saturn, since the trik bhavas are involved they are called Khala yogas and not good specially when related to the Garbshishta Planets 

D1 4 parameters  to be seen from  Mercury is 75%  Promise  and The Fructification for Marriage is also 75 % ——— Good

D9 Navamsha 4 parameters as mentioned above  to be seen from Mercury is 100% Promise  and Fructification is  only 50 % Hence the Promise of Marriage is there but not good for the tenure. Dasha at birth connected to 8th Lord  Jupiter and Venus in the 6th house eclipsed by Rahu is another Factor not good . In navamsha the Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra indicate then when Rahu and Ketu will transit over this axis after 18 years there would be an issue in Marriage when Venus in Retrogression and is in Aries navamsha around the 1st-5th August 2023 and Dasha of Mars-Rahu-Jupiter  in operation. As per Bhav Siddhi Kaal all the 3 Planets will be activating the 1/7 axis and will be in affliction


At the time of Marriage on the 28th May 2005  Venus was also in Rahu-Ketu axis in navamsha and also debilitated  See the chart below .

 From the above it is clear that after the cycle of nodes after 18-19 years there could be adverse situations in Marriage. Also see Venus in Navamsha and Trishamsha afflicted in the Birth chart and in Transit at the time of Marriage and in Rahu-Ketu axis.

Now See the chart of the 3rd August 2023 below of Leo Lagna  same as the Birth chart.

 The following points are of concern.

1.The native is running the dasha of Mars-Rahu-Jupiter and from 5th August Mars-Rahu-Saturn.

2.See the transit planets  influencing the 1/7 axis of the birth chart clearly indicated Marriage related issues since Moon is with Saturn the 7th Lord in the 7th house . Bhav Siddhi Kaal also indicates the same .

3. Rahu-Ketu transit asper the Axis of Navamsha of the Birth chart afflicting Venus the karka for marriage .

4. Venus in Transit in Gandantha, retrograde and about to fall in the 12th house and exactly over the Natal Navamsha Venus in Aries asper Navamsha Transit.

MCL of the 7th house is Jupiter with Rahu forming a Guruchandal yoga in Transit.and aspect of Saturn.

5. Venus afflicted in ( Navamsha D30 Trishamsha charts in Birth chart, Marriage chart and also in the Transit chart on the 3rd August 2023 most venomous parameters for marriage.


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

  5th August 2023 11.45 hrs.
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Disclaimer  : This is astrological Analysis as per the Birth chart  and is for educational purposes and the Students of Astrology. This is not my Personal opinion.



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