Vedic Progression Chart of 72nd Year of Independence : What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

Here in this Article I am going to discuss the Planetary positions as per the Vedic Progression Chart as per  Manu Smriti so called Pitra Jatakam. The Sun’s movement demarcates the movement of time. In the course of his regular transit Sun moves  through the 12 signs of the Zodiac in one year, thus one sign of the Zodiac in one month, and one degree per day. A year is thus defined as a Samvatsara or the time taken  for the Sun to transit 360 degrees, based on this principle the Vedic Progression chart is drawn. Since India has completed 71 years of Independence the chart of the 72nd Year will be drawn.

Let us first have a look at the Foundation chart of India of the 15th August 1947  00-00-01 hrs below .

The dasha in operation is Moon-Jupiter from the 10th August 2018  till 10th Dec. 2019

The Dasha Lords are forming a Gajkesri yoga  being in 4/10 axis . Unfortunately for Taurus Lagna Jupiter is not a benefic Planet and is the lord of the 8th and the 11th house and as the Lord of the trik bhava placed in the trik house is not good and liable to give the results of the Trik bhava more than the 11th house . It is also ill placed from the 11th house .

The Transit of Saturn in the 8th house and aspect on the 10th house by the 3rd eye and the 8th Lord Jupiter over the Natal Jupiter is not at all good for the Economic condition of the Country . There may be Political Turmoils and untoward happenings in the Country in this dasha . The Transit Jupiter ingressing in the sign Scorpio on the 11th Oct. 2018 and then Jupiter becoming attichari and ingressing the 8th house as the 8th Lord and then falling back in the sign Scorpio will be the Most malefic transit from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019.

As Per Theory of Inevitability as per the Book of Nehru Dynasty the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun or Moon and anter dasha of a Planet which has the capacity to bring a down fall for the native or the Country can prove disastrous . Now the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 in the Shravana nakshatra  which signifies the North and the North west can be most malefic for the Country since this Eclipse has taken place in the 1/7 axis of the both the Sun and the Moon and the Eclipse on the 9th house and the 7th from Moon may bring issues related to the 9th house  more so the 9th Lord Saturn in transit is in the 8th house till 25th Jan. 2020.The Country may be involved in the Activities of the 9th house, Court , Temples Religon, Ambassadors etc and a Malefic influence on them may be on the Cards 


Mars, Saturn and the Nodes playing their game and can take ugly shape when North Node is in Adverse motion, and when Mars and  Saturn Stationary on the 27th August and 6th Sept. 2018 respectively and when Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse on the 26th Sept. 2018 . Rahu is adverse on the following dates 19th to 24th August, 4th to 7th Sept.18th to 21st Sept. 2018 . Hence From August onwards the Time frame mentioned is worst for Brawl between nations, Natural and Unnatural disasters, Earthquakes with Magnitude, Political Tug of War between Political Parties, Scams of all types can be unearthed . This could also blow off the Surge in the Stock and the Financial Markets .ASTROLOGY SPEAKS LOUD AND CLEAR FOR THIS. The worst will be when Jupiter becomes Attichari after 11th Oct. 2018 and covers its destination to Scorpio in just 5.5 months and then Falls back in Scorpio sign the 8th house of the natural zodiac which has been activated by Saturn and Mars as Fallen planet in this sign and Saturn  was in this sign till 26th Oct. 2017. As per the Double Transit of Saturn and Jupiter the 8th house of the natural zodiac will be activated and a big change in the World is on the cards . The Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 falls in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and Moon in the case of Foundation chart of China and in very close degrees of the Moon. The Situations are becoming grim every day ever since Mars has joined Aquarius Navamsha and out of Pushkar Navamsha and the same Day Rahu was adverse between the 7th to 10th August . Most of the Media News came on the 10th August 2018. China being our neighboring Country and Moon Placed in the 3rd house also indicates that the relations  with Neighboring Countries can get spoilt. Neighboring Countries specially Pakistan also .

Read my Articles  for the immediate and near future of 2019
Many more written on the Eclipses, Global Economy, War like situations in the world and exactly what ever is happening is parallel to what ASTROLOGY PREDICTED.onthe webpage
ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING. Wait for some critical movement in the financial and the Stock Markets to be seen soon as per the Time frmaes mentioned above

Let us now analyse the Vedic Progression Chart below  after the Completion of the 71st year and 72nd year running from the 15th August 2018


The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in its 4th house the sign Libra is strong , but unfortunately it is with Debilitated Sun and also has aspects of the Debilitated Mars . Mars is the 10th and the 5th Lord and aspect on the Day Lord is a Malefic Parameter in this Progression chart. The Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Jupiter who is placed in the 5th house in Rahu-Ketu axis indicating the malefic Results of the Jupiter in the Running year and shows the affliction to the throne of the King by the opposition Parties.  

There is malefic influence on the Lagna, Lagna Nakshatra Lord Saturn, The Lagna Lord Moon Placed in the 8th house and has  aspects by Mars in Debilitation by strong 8th aspect . The Lagna Lord  Moon is Placed in the nakshatra of Rahu who is placed in the 11th house and has aspects by Jupiter the 6th and the 9th Lord . Hence the results of the 6th and the 9th house will be more prominent as per this Progression chart .

The Placement of 8th Lord Saturn from Lagna with the 8th Lord from the 10th House Mars in debilitation and both placed in the Lagna of the Progression chart and the Lagna Lord placed in the 8th house having strong aspect by this 8th Lord from the 10th house  and the 10th Lord are most venomous parameters in the Progression chart more so the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord have exchange 

Lagna and Lagna Lord afflicted  

Saturn is afflicted 

Moon is afflicted 

8th house afflicted and Moon placed there 

Exchange of the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord worst things can happen 

Dasha Lords  Moon and Jupiter of the foundation chart are afflicted  and Jupiter being the 6th and the 9th Lord  will give the results of these houses primarily

Lagna under affliction

The general condition of the country will not be good, Natianal Disaster,General Character of the people . Condition of the Cabinet, since malefic planets are placed in the Lagna hence dissensions in the cabinet, it also means Shuffle and reallocation of Portfolios among the Ministers . Trouble from Disasters Natural and Unnatural

4th House 

Land and Crops, Agriculture Industry, mines and minerals, Real Estates , Hotel Industry and weather conditions will be influenced adversely , Volcanic erruptions, Earthquakes, Floods , Opposition Parties taking aggressive stand against the ruling Govt.  , Throne of the King seems to be strong since the 4th Lord is placed in the 4th house but under affliction hence the Ruling Govt. may suffer on account of the Opposition parties Creating Havoc and also shows a Gathbandhan Opposition  which may not work out  but may damage some Votes in the coming Elections of the Country in 2019. The 4th Lord in the 4th house is the Throne of the King and is strong  and Dasha of Rahu and Jupiter in the Progression chart may not be good  

5th House 

Stock Exchange , Speculation  etc not good since Jupiter is in affliction more so when Jupiter falls on this Jupiter in the 5th house when Fallen from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019 could be the worst time for the Stock and the Financial Markets . Also Jupiter ingress in this sign on the 11th Oct. 2018 and then becoming attichari may not give good results for the Stock markets in general . This house is also the 8th from the 10th house and the Lord is afflicted in the Lagna and Transit Mars in the 7th house with Ketu is not good  and indicates that full security should be beefed up for the Prime Minister of the Country till Mars is Retrograde along with Saturn as per the dates mentioned above 

8th house 

Set back to Cabinet, End of the Govt. , Death of the Rulers and may be an attack , Hiden things, Scams, Trouble to People through a epidemic. 

As per Progression chart  Moon is Placed in the Nakshatra of  Rahu hence the Dasha of Rahu will be for 53 days  since Moon is at 7.15 degrees and has covered only 35 minutes in the Rahu Nakshatra 

Hence Rahu Dasha from 15th August to 8th Oct. 2018  53 days  Cheatings, Scams will come to light regarding Stock and Financial Markets 

Jupiter Dasha from 8th Oct. 2018 for 48 days as so on  as per the above 

Saturn Dasha for 57 days  Hence till Jan. 2019 not good at all for the Political Scenario of the Country  . Political Tug of War  Saturn Dasha may not be good 

Mercury Dasha for 51 days

Ketu Dasha for 21 days  Bad for 6th and 9th house activities and the Stock Markets 

Venus Dasha for 60 days  Better Period  for any Activity  since in own house  very good for the Throne of the King and seems the Elections will take Place in this Dasha  and the King will come out with Flying Colors but with initial hickups. This Dasha comes after 230 days from the 15th August 2018  is 2nd April 2019 to 2nd June 2019 This may be good for the Ruling Govt. since the Throne will be saved

Sun Dasha for 18 days  Not good for Elections 

Moon Dasha for 30 days  Extremely Bad 

Mars Dasha for 21 days  Again not good  for the PrimemMinister of the Country 

Rahu Dasha  1 day approx

Transit Jupiter Fallen over the natal Jupiter and Ketu  from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019 will be the most Venomous period for the Country . Transit Ketu will join Saturn in the 6th House of Sagitarius on the 25th March 2019 and further adding fuel to the fire , Transit Saturn from the 6th house will aspect the Lagna Lord Moon in the 8th house  and Mars will move on the Moon Natal in this chart on the 6th Nov. 2018, this dual aspect of Mars on the natal Moon in the 8th house could bring serious results for the Country  along with the effects on the 10th Lord in the 8th house .The Prime Minister Security has to be beefed up  not only then but also at the time of the Celebrations of the 72nd Year of the Independence on the 15th August 2018

 As per the Progression chart Moon is in the Nakshatra of Rahu hence this Rahu dasha in the Progression chart will not be good , due to the Fact that the Transit Rahu is transitting over the Lagna till 25th March 2019. The Worst is the Transit Rahu will be at the MEP of the Lagna at 12.18 degrees on the 15th August 2018 at 11.42 degrees and Afflicting the 1/7 axis of the Progression chart and over the Natal Saturn and Mars . This Cancer sign in the Lagna is the 3rd house of the Foundation chart hence the 3rd and 9th House of the Foundation chart are also afflicted badly . Transit Mars with Ketu in the 7th house in Retrogression will add fuel to the fire and there will be grim fight in the Country to topple the Modi Govt. it so seems by the opposition parties . The General condition of the Country may worsen. There may be issues related to Religon and Temples and Terrorism also at these places. Needless to mention the Ram Temple in Ayodhaya more so the 9th house in Transit is under affliction by Mars and Ketu 

From the above it seems that the year  August 2018 to August 2019 will not be good at all due to Political Turmoil, Economic Condition of the Country and Untoward happenings may be it is Natural or Unnatural . There will be no Permanancy in the Politcal Front as well 

From the above it seems although the Progression chart does not indicate good things happening but the 4th Lord in the 4th house shows the Throne of the King is  strong inspite of so many afflictions . The Dasha of Rahu from the 15th August for 53 days will be a period of Anguish and Pain since placed in the 8th from the 4th house and the Lord till 7th Oct. 2018. After which the Dasha of Jupiter  for 48 days . The Above also shows that inspite of the Gathbandan Political Parties  which may not form a firm and Stable Political Group the Ruling Govt. will be the winner . There is no doubt that there will be lot of Push and Pulls before the Ruling Govt. comes back in Power . Terrorism cannot be ruled out as the Planets indicate .Efforts of all types by the opposition parties  may take place to topple the ruling Govt. . Moon in the 8th house is absolutely bad and indicationg an effort for the same with no stone left unturned .

Planetary Positions as the Progression chart on the 15th August 2018 as per the Ascendant of the Progression chart

The Transit has been explained above and Malefic till Rahu and Ketu transit in the 1/7 axis till 25th March 2019. See the Lagna degrees and the Rahu Placed in the MEP of the Lagna is definitely a concern for the 15th August Celebrations but Jupiter in the Kendra will ward off any afflictions to the Throne of the King in Transit 

The Mojor Trouble is till Mars and Saturn are Retrograde till 27th August and 6th Sept. and when Mars activates the Eclipse point on the 26th Sept. 2018. The other Malefic Transit is the Jupiter in acute affliction from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2018. Elections before this Period and after 2nd April 2018 will bring good fruits ultimately for the Ruling Govt. 

At the time of the Celebrations of the 15th August 2018 at 07-30 am the Lagna is Leo and the Day Lord is placed in the yama of Venus who is debilitated and with Moon and there is exchange of Mercury and Moon is not good. The Lagna Lord placed in the 12th house under affliction is also not good . Full security arrangement should be made    for the celebrations  . The day has both Marana Yoga and Siddha Yoga , hence mixed results . . Lagna and Moon both are afflicted  although Moon and Venus in a sign is a Rajyoga . There is affliction to the 6th and not to the 8th house . Hence Care for the Prime Minister Security is a must  since the Vedic Progression chart shows most malefic Results  specially when Mars enters the 8th house on the 6th Nov. 2018 in Transit  at that point of time . The Celebration may go through if Proper Security is beefedup


Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 14th August  2018  10-00 hrs 
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