Astrology Speaks Loud And Clear For Stock And Financial Markets Plummeting In 2019

by astrodocanil

ON THE FINANCIAL AND STOCK MARKETS  Mars, Saturn, Nodes along with Jupiter Attichari movement and then Fallen in Scorpio may prove a bolt from the Blue for the Stock and Financial Markets , since then Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu will be in Sagitarius in April 2019 and then Jupiter will fall back in Scorpio on the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019 This Parameter will be most Taxing for Global events and the Financial Markets.
Hold your breath. Wait and see the effect may be seen soon Let the Malefics Mars and Saturn and specially Mars the Planet which gives spikes becomes direct . The Dates most crucial for the Global Financial markets are 27th August, 26th Sept 2018 and off course when North Node is adverse combined and the effects have already started on the 10th August 2018 when Nifty lost 41 points and BSE sensex 155 point at the end of the session. The Mars in Aquarius Navamsha and Rahu adverse influenced the Nifty after 5 day surge in India as well . India is also a Part of the World and Saturn 30 year cycle from 1990 and 90 year cycle from 1929 is about to be completed and we may have to see parallel situations like June 1990, Oct 2008 and Oct 1929 the worst of the time and 2019 will be remembered for this Great Deperession like the 1929. The Effect in August -Sept -Oct 2018 will be the Start of the Break of the Surge and real Picture will come out in 2019 which will be no less than Oct 1929 it so seems
Mars and Rahu playing the Game as ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR…/trump-stays-publicly-mum-as-sau…
Mars and North Node taking positions and on Dot for Global Financial Markets and Stock Markets Break between 7th tto 11th August 2018 and more so after 8th and the 9th August 2018
North Node adverse again in August from 19th to 24th August when Mars will become Stationary in the 2nd Navamsha of Saturn for 4 days 4 days before and after 27th August 2018. Saturn will become Stationary 5 days before and after 6th Sept. 2018. These 2 Planets will give piercing Results then for the Global activities and the Eclipse points will also be activated and we may witness the worst results by these 2 planets which may also adversely influence the Financial Markets of the Globe and India as well. In any case even if the Nifty crosses 11600 for which there are very low possibilities but not ruled out may be the last spike given by Mars till it is Retrograde

Now  Read the Following Impact on the Global Stock and Financial Markets 

Euro Becomes Collateral Damage as Trump Amps Up Turkey Pressure link dated 10th August 2018

Ruble Dives the Most Since the Oil Crash in 2015 dated 10th August 2018

S&P 500 logs worst day in 6 weeks as Turkey’s lira crisis spotlights global risks dated 10th August 2018 

How a Currency meltdown in Turkey threatens Europe dated 10th August 2018

Trump Stays Publicly Quiet While Saudi Arabia-Canada Tensions Rise dated 10th August 2018

2 police officers among 4 killed in Canada shooting; a suspect is in custody

Look what I wrote earlier on this page and now things going out of control for Justin Link Born on the 25th Dec. 1971 The Following Parameters are most Venomous for him

1.Transit Saturn over the natal Sun Degreewise at 9 degrees
2. My Research when Ketu over Rahu and Rahu over Natal Ketu in Transit is most Venomous Period specially natal planet is eclipsed by these nodes in the natal chart . Now Rahu and Ketu exactly passing over the natal ones
3. Today Transit Sun and Moon also over his Natal Ketu
4. Nodes in Adverse motion today
5. Natal Sun and Saturn 6/8 axis and Transit Sun and Saturn also in 6/8 axis . Hence till 19th August most malefic for him
the Number of Terrorist activities and Brawl with Soth Arabia and US may bring unpopularity and may be trrown out of power soon . In any case he may not come in power in the Oct. 2019 General Elections in the Country

These Planetary positions are most venomous and may spoil the tranquility of Canada . I had Written on the Face book few days back also . Now is the time to write an Article

Turkey’s Meltdown Ripples Across Emerging Markets: Inside EM

The Countries America won’t do buisness with and why ?’t-do-business-with-–-and-why/ss-AAAkEFx?ocid=sf  dated 9th August 2018

China issues six warnings to US plane flying over disputed territory: ‘LEAVE IMMEDIATELY’ dated 10th August 2018

Russia accuses US of waging ‘ECONOMIC WAR’ and vows to take revenge ‘by other means’ dated 10th August 2018

Treasury yields fall by the most in more than 2 months amid Turkey contagion fear 10th August 2018

The Date 10th August 2018 has proved most venomous as per the above and this was when Rahu was Adverse and Mars retrograded in Aquarius Navamsha as ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR in the articles mentioned above 

From the above as ASTROLOGY PREDICTED it seems the effect of the Eclipses in July 2018 may be the factors for the  Global Economy taking a reversal . More so Saturn about to complete its course of 30 year and 90 year cycle from the 1990 and 1929 it so seems . The Jupiter becoming Attichari after 11th Oct. 2018 in Scorpio and covering its journey to Sagitarius in just 5.5 months against 12 months is also a prime factor and most Crucial for the Financial Markets to take a hit of the worst the worst kind after 23rd April 2019 and 12th June 2019  may be another Day to be remembered in the History for Global events . Hence we are round the Corner for a big change in the Financial and the Stock Markets of the Globe , This is a research Article and if My Predictions go wrong donot blame me since there are no researches available by our esteemed sears in the field of Financial Astrology . If any one  suffers any loss in the Financial sector due to the above predictions the Writer will not be responsible for the same in any respect of loss . The Disclaimer clause on the website will be applicable . 

Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 11th August  2018  10-00 hrs 
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