Vedic Progression chart 2016 By Manu Smriti : Stars Foretell Disaster For China

by astrodocanil

Vedic Progression  chart 2016 By Manu Smriti : Stars Foretell Disaster For China

This is with Reference to my Earlier Article “Solar Eclipse of the 9th March and Paksha Kundali of 23rd March 2016:What it Foretells for China”…etells-for-china/ ‎ dated 6th March 2016

Let me Reproduce the Text of the Article here —

This is with Reference to my earlier Articles on the Eclipse and the Paksha Kundali of the 23rd March 2016. link dated 5th March 2016

I have mentioned that if the Eclipses fall in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon , Sun or the 8th house and the natal Planet is also influenced closely then it could prove explosive for that individual or the Country.

Since the Eclipses are falling in the Sensitive axis of China, I thought of writting an article on the same . Also as per my Experience when there are abnormal weather conditions there could be a Tycoon , Cyclone in about a weeks time . The weather conditions have  become abnormal and hence as per the shakun astrology it seems the dates 9th to 13 the March 2016 could sprout a strong Cyclone , Storms, Tycoon and a Earthquake with a Higher intensity of over 7.0  Plus 0.5 on the scale.

The Foundation chart of China is below

Chart 1


The Country is running the Current Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Venus till 25th August 2016

Sensitive Parameters in the Foundation chart of  China and the Transit and Eclipses

  1.  The Lagna and Moon have been activated by Transit Stationary  Saturn in Scorpio on the 14th March 2015 at 10.52 minutes almost at the MEP of Lagna and Exact natal Degrees of natal Moon the 7th Lord, at this Point it was also aspecting the Natal Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8th house . The Navamsha Lagna and Moon was also activated at this time since Saturn was in Lagna of the Navamsha Chart of China and was also Debilitated in Transit Navamsha . At this Point it also aspected the Mars the Navamsha Lagna Lord in the 10th house .
  2.  9th Jan.2016 Transit Jupiter was Stationary over the Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8th house at 29.09 degrees and Rahu 29.58 degrees  ingressed over it at same degrees and Eclipsed Transit Jupiter over Lagna Lord. At this point Natal jupiter and Transit Jupiter aspected each other Degreewise
  3. The Eclipses have already taken Place over the the 1/7 axis of the Planets in the 9th house and specially the Sun who is also the 8th Lord  and I have already discussed the Planetary cycles completing the Cycles and sprouting the results after 4th Oct. 2016 when jupiter and Mercury will be over the 9th house in the sign of Virgo
  4. The Solar Eclipse of the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 falling over the 1/7 axis of the 8th house and the Lagna Lord Saturn
  5. Saturn Stationary between  the 20th- 30th March 2016  at 22.19 Degrees and aspecting the Lagna , Moon again and aspecting almost Degreewise the Lagna Lord in the 8th house at 19.59 degrees , at this Point Transit Jupiter in Retrogression will be over the Natal Saturn at almost the same degrees of Saturn Transit 22.44 and Influenced by natal Saturn and Transit Saturn .
  6. At this Point Transit Saturn in Navam,sha will be over the Navamsha Mars in the 10th house in Exhaltation of the Foundation chart  and Transit Mars over the Natal Saturn in Navamsha of Foundation chart
  7. Natal Mars and Transit Mars have activated the 10th Lord Venus and the Natal Moon the Lagna till 20th Feb. 2016
  8. After Mars and Saturn in Conjunction in Scorpio in Transit on the 20th Feb. 2016 , they are also activating each other in Navamsha of the Foundation chart after 8th March 2016 when Mars crosses 6.40 degrees . Their dispositors in Navamsha  are also activated till 1st March 2016 by Saturn aspect and after that by Mars aspect on the Mercury.
  9. Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Venus is a Precarious dasha . Rahu and Ketu have also activated the Natal Rahu and Ketu till 9th Jan. 2016 and after that the navamsha Rahu and Ketuin the Leo-Aquarius where the Eclipses are going to take Place
  10. Sun and Mercury, Jupiter in Navamsha will be activated in due course in the Paksha Kundali of the 23rd March 2016

Let me also take up the Chart of the Vedic Progression by Manu Smriti for the year Starting from Oct 2015 to Oct 2016 below

Chart 2

DPYH China

I have already discussed the Progression of Time by Manu Smriti on my webpage and the method of Construction of the chart therefore need not be discussed here.

Sensitive Parameters in this Chart 

See the degrees of the Planets 21, 28 and 7 degrees and the Lagna 23.59  , we will discuss below the effects of the same comparing with the transit Planets and influencing these points .

Moon in the nakshatra of Mars the Lagna and the 8th Lord and having Exchange with Sun who is Placed in the 8th house . 8th Lord is afflicted and also very near Vish ghatis. , Saturn with 8th Lord  and in square position with Lumanries is Explosive.

Moon is also afflicted by Saturn in close degrees and also having mutual aspect of Mercury the 3rd and the 6th Lord at exact degrees Mercury also has very close degree aspect of Mars the 8th lord in the above chart . moon has the aspect of 12th and the 6th lord along with Saturn

8th Lord Mars is very near vish ghati  and with Saturn

Both Sun and Moon aspected by Mars and Saturn respectively.

Affliction to 3rd,6th and 11th house/lord  indicates loss of Prestige and in this chart this parameter is activated. 

8th Lord Mars, Saturn, 3rd Lord Mercury afflicted  Malefic Happenings 

10th Lord from Lagna and Moon is Venus in the Foundation chart is Strong and Forming a Panch MahaPurush yoga , here the Lord Venus is with Debilitated Planet and in Planetary war , 10th Lord from Lagna and Moon in this Progression chart is also afflicted hence the King of the country may have to Step down due to some irregularities in the Finances and Wealth 

There are 4 planets in the Kendra From Moon  a strong Earth quake cannot be ruled out in the Country to Create a Caos and Mass happenings losses of lives and  Material losses .

Jupiter afflicted in the chart is a strong negative and as per Myur chitram a Mundane classic  this combinaton brings blood shed . on the 29th August 2016 there will be Planetary War between these 2 Planets in the sign of Virgo the 6th house and this combination in this chart will be activated then as well . A disaster for the country and a Economy Stagnation and meltdown 

Dasha Lord Saturn -Rahu of the foundation chart  are both influenced by 8th Lord Mars in this chart Anguish , Pain and loss of Material Possessions , A strong Earthquake cannot be ruled out due to this Parameter , specially the lumanries the Life force are afflicted by Dreaded malefics 

In this Chart the 4th house of the Foundation chart is rising and the Lagna is Aries  at 23.57 in the nakshatra of  Venus who is Placed in the 10th house with Debilitated Jupiter and there is Planetary war in the 10th house , which is the Lagna of the Foundation chart is indicative of the Country suffering along with the Head of the nation due to Some irregularities Concerning the wealth and Finances.

A Planetary war in this Chart is not good and shows the Country losing its Status, Prestige  due to this Parameter . Another Crucial Parameter is the Dispositor of the Jupiter and Venus  the 10th Lord Saturn is Placed in the 8th house from 10th house with 8th Lord from Lagna  and further the 8th Lord from Lagna Mars  has Exchange with 8th Lord  Sun from 10th house, in the natal Chart Sun is also the 8th Lord

Further the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the Chart in the 5th house in close degrees is a Explosive combination in this chart, and the worst Parameter is the Conjunction of these dreaded planets in the 8th house of the Chart  over the Sun and Mercury  as per the above chart

Let us first see the Transit chart for the year Oct. 2015  as below For Guidelines for the events in the year 2015 to Oct. 2016

Chart 3  

Transit on 1st Oct. 2015

DPYH China Transit 1-10-2015

In the Progression chart of the Country the Mars and Saturn conjunction and on the 1st Oct. 2015 Retrurn aspect of mars and saturn clearly shows events related to Mars and Saturn will activated when there is conjunction of Mars and Saturn after 20th Feb. 2016.

Now Transit Important as per Chart 2 

Now look at the events after 9th Jan 2016  Jupiter  was Stationary over the 8th Lord Mars in Leo at almost same degrees and navamsha between 5th to 11th Jan. 2016 and on the 9th Jan Rahu ingressed over Mars in the same navamsha .

Now See on the Transit chart on the 5th May 2016 as per Chart 2 

Chart 4 

Transit as per Chart 2

Between the 25th March and 2nd April 2016 Saturn was stationary in Scorpio over the Sun in the 8th house in same navamsha , see the degrees of Sun in Scorpio 20.41 and Saturn was Stationary at 22.19 degrees , Mars aspects and has exchange with Sun and reached Sun in the 8th house 

In the Transit Chart of the 5th May 2016 Jupiter Stationary over Mars and Saturn in the chart 2  and Rahu  over the Mars and Saturn

See the Degrees of  Jupiter 19.12 and Rahu 26.23  and in the Chart over Saturn at 25.45 and Mars 28.04, hence both Mars and Saturn activated by Jupiter and Rahu . Economy melt down and Stagnation Indicated .

Now Transit Sun has to be activated in Transit by Mars at 20.41 degrees , Sun  will be in Taurus at 20.48 degrees in the Paksha Kundali of 5th June 2016

Chart 5 

Paksha Kundali  5th June 2016 11-00 am 

Paksha Kundali 5th June 2016

Panchang of the Day

Day is Sunday  and the lord is badly afflicted in the 10th house with 10th Lord . The day lord is placed in the 3rd Yama of Leo  which is the Lagna of the above chart and has Rahu and Jupiter the 5th and the 8th Lord and badly afflicted by Saturn almost degreewise  by Saturn who activated this point between 5th May to 11th May 2016

Nakshatra is Rohini and Moon is afflicted badly

Tithi  SP -1

Yoga Driti Malefic Yoga Since the Lord is rahu and with jupiter the 8th Lord .

Karna  Kimshughana Malefic  and Wealth Related issues , Incomplete Venture , Failure in Ventures

Now Compare this chart with the chart number 2 

The Parameters which acquire a special dimension are as follows 

  1. See the degree of Planets specially Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn at almost 20 degrees  , Rahu-Ketu  at 23.24 degrees , Mercury at 26.34
  2. Mercury the 3rd and 6th lord in Lagna at very close degrees of Lagna. Mercury will activate the Mercury in the 8th house on the 26th June 2016 , Malefic happenings , specially when it reaches 20 degrees in Taurus on the 22nd June 2016.
  3. Lumanries Sun and Moon at 20.48 degrees along with Venus at 20.19 at the Stationary Point of Saturn , Sun in the chart no.3 is at 20.41 degrees  and aspected by Mars and Saturn. Saturn is at 18.54  and Mars at 3.54 degrees Mars Stationary point in Scorpio is 14.49 degrees , Hence both Mars and Saturn aspect on the Sun, moon, Venus, jupiter and Rahu at very close Degrees is explosive for China and the globe as well.
  4. Note the degrees of Rahu and Ketu in the chart no.2, they are at the Degrees of Jupiter and Saturn in 2011 and most sensitive degrees as per the Planetary cycles  and explained on my webpage
  5. As Per the Paksha Kundlai of the 5th June 2016 8 planets are in Kendra and between 10th June to 20th June will be most explosive Period for the Globe and China for a very strong Earthquake , Volcanic Eruption, Cyclones, Fire , Natural and Unnatural events .
  6. The Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 and Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees  and Mars and Saturn in the 8th house of the chart 2 the Vedic Progression chart at 15.15 degrees their Stationary points between the 23rd August to 25th August and on the 29th August 2016 Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus as the case of the chart 2 will be explosive for the Country .

The following events can take Place as per the dated mentioned above with magnitude 

The above dates are also sensitive for the Globe specially, for Europe, Britain, US and other Countries mentioned by me on my webpage 

  1. Earthquakes, Valcanos, Tornados, Fire etc. Natural and Unnatural Events.
  2. Political Turmoils with Magnitude .
  3. Scandles of Banks, Head of the States, Country regarding Finance and Wealth .
  4. Stock market Taking a hit.Economy Stagnation and Meltdown.
  5. The Planetary Positions therefore are indicating a Disaster for China in the year 2016 .
  6. This is only as per Planetary Positions and not the View of the Writer  and is for Astrological analysis only 


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 11th April 2016 14-00 hrs 


Video on Planetary cycle on

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 



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