Hindu New Moon Pieces Chart For India: What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

As Per Ancient Hindu Traditions  The Chaitra Shukla Pratipada marks the begining of the Year . As Per Hindu Scriptures it is believed that on the Day of the New Moon Pieces Chart Lord Brahama had Created the Universe , for this reason this day acquires a special dimension in the Vedic Hindu Astrology. This Day is therefore celebrated by Hindus with Joy.

As Per the Planetary Positions the Hindu New Moon Pieces Year is cast as per the 7th April 2016 at 16.54 hrs New Delhi Below

H NM Chart India

Panchang of the Day 

Day is Thursday  Lord is Jupiter afflicted badly in the Chart above , It is in the 4th Yama of Mercury and Sign Virgo, whose Lord is Placed in the 8th house , This is indicative that the country will be facing Problems one after the other .

As Per Hindu New Moon Chart the Lord of the year will be when Pratipada Tithi is there at the time of Sunrise  and hence in this case the Lord of the year is Venus since on Friday at the time of Sunrise the Day is Friday.  Although Venus is Exhalted and with Lumanaries in the 7th house , its dispositor is weak and Placed in the 12th house , In Navamsha Venus has come in the Lagna of the Rashi Chart as per Rashi Tula Navamsha . Also the significations of Venus will be felt through out the year , for the 2nd House and the 9th house .

Venus  if Placed well can be a Poorna Yoga Karka if connected to the 10th Lord Mercury and since they are in 2/12 Position   is indicative of weakness in the Lord of the year , Although in the Navamsha he is Placed in the 9th house as the Lord of the 10th house, and the 5th house rising  in the navamsha is also  for Entertainment Industry. Through out the year the Significations of the 9th and the 2nd House together with the 7th house will be Felt. Trade, Stock Exchange , Reserves , Law , Courts, Temples, Justice  will be the Breaking News  and the Scandles pertaining to the same . In Fact the World will face Number of Scandles Surfacing one after the other , Due to the Guru Chandal Yoga and the Mars and Saturn Squaring the Nodes and the Benevolent Jupiter afflicted badly.

The Minister of the Year  will be the lord of the Hindu weekday , when Sun enters the First Point of Aries on the 13th April at 19.48 hrs.  and hence the Minister of the year will be Mercury, who is also not Placed well in the 8th house , Although the benefics becoming the lord of the year and Minister are good, but  as the Placement of these 2 Planets are in 2/12 axis there will be difference in opinion between the two.

Lagna Lord and 10th Lord Mercury in the 8th house is a Parameter which acquires a special dimension  in a movable and a Fiery sign , whose lord is Placed in the 3rd house . 8th house is Death of the National Leaders,, Presidents, Prime Ministers ,Kings , End of the Govt. Setback to Cabinet , Death of Important Ministers, Trouble to the People of the country due to Famines, Epidemics,Morality, Capital Gains, Death Duties , Cabinet is seen from the 1st house and the 10th house, Death of the People of the country due to Heat Waves, Fire and Abnormal Temp.Volatility in the Stock Exchange.

The General condition of the Country will not be good and Difficulties to the PrimeMinister and the Cabinet Ministers , Mercury as Minister in the 8th house shows untoward happening with the Cabinet Minister  by Fire , Mercury is also with Ketu in navamsha aspected by Mars , it could also be due to Significations of Planet Mars  and goes with out saying and need not be eloborated .The reshuffling in the Cabinet cannot be ruled out . There will be Major Security lapses  after 13th  April 2016 when Sun goes in the 8th house and Specially after Sun Joins Taurus Sign after 14th May 2016 and in the fortnight from the 5th June 2016

Terrorism Related to Rail Transport cannot be ruled out From 17th April to 22nd April 2016 and then  5th May to 11th May 2016, The Direction where the happening will take place will be North Direction , Clashes at the Boarder also could take place during the above Periods. Newly Launched Rail Transport  Could be a Target as on the way back , since both Mars and Saturn are strong in the navamsha ,Mars Vargottam and Saturn in own Navamsha, 5th House of the House aspected by 6th Lord and 6th house aspected by 8th Lord are sensitive Parameters in the chart. Trouble to Journalists as well.

Rail and Air Accident  as per the Dated mentioned above critically 

Scandles related to women and sex will sprout with dimensions along with Educational institutions , all Previous Scandles will take a greater dimension between the 17th April onwards and specially upto 22nd April 2016

Foreign Trade will first flourish then all of a sudden dip

The Year 2016 is Durmukh and hence there will be Economy Stagnation , Scanty Rains, Famines. Trouble from Anti social elements, Robbers, Thiefs.

Saturn in the Anuradha and Jyestha nakshatra is Explosive to sprout Calamities and War among the nations specially in the west 

Jupiter is afflicted badly in the Hindu New Moon Chart and is significator of Finance, Banks, Educational Institutions, Courts, Embassies , Temples, will behave like a Mad Elephant since Jupiter can be compared to Elephant in animals  who is most Valuable and has the capacity to Ruin the Jungle and in this case the above significations , the Horses and Elephants of the Kings will suffer and Economy Stagnation is on the cards  

 Also we have to look at the other planetary Combinations  also  Let me write down the same

The Lumanries in the 7th house , the Country will be involved in the activities relating to the 7th house.

Let me put the significations here of the 7th house

 War, Battles,Open warfare,Enemies,Dacoits,Robbers,Foreign Secret Agencies,, International Affairs,International Disputes , Relation with other countries,Agreements, Allainces , Marriages and Divorces ,Anti Social elements,Immorality of the Country , Rate of infant Morality, Treaties,Foreign Trade.International Trade  will suffer.

Now since there is Exchange of the 7th and the 12th lord there will be losses regarding the same . The Parameter which will take a special dimension will be the Espoinage by  Foreign Element more so since RAHU is Placed in the 12th house afflicting Jupiter and Rahu from the 3rd House of neighbors , Since the 12th house is war and Losses there will be losses due to Terrorism, and Espoinage , Kidnappers,  Scandles , and Since Jupiter and Rahu in the 12th house  , Scandles related to Jupiter significations, Educational Institutions, Financial Institutions, Banks, Courts, Temples , Courts, Smuggling of Gold.Death of Secret Enemies,People who violate the Law of the Land , Anti social elements , Immorality in the country will be on the increase . it is no wonder that at the Boarder there may be a Tunnel, through which the Terrorist may enter the Country , it , Watery signs connected it could be through Rivers also

Since Saturn is connecting to the 12th house from the 3rd house hence the Significations of 3rd house will also get activated

3rd house is Neighboring Countries, Communications, Press,Rail Travel, Merto ,Boarder Clashes , Armed Forces , Army chief ,, Public opinion,Loss and gain of Land in War. Trade and Accidents , Since Mars and Saturn placed in the 3rd House and both will go in retrogression between 17th April to 29th June 2016, this Period will become Volatile for the above significations , since Mars and Saturn are also the 6th and the 8th Lord . Rail Accidents, Terrorism by Neighboring Countries cannot be ruled out  along with Boarder Clashes with Pakistan  specifically .

The Navamsha rising is the 5th house and hence the Entertainment sector  and the diplomatic relations with Foreign Countries will be at Daggers drawn, since the Navamsha lord  Saturn in the Rashi chart is placed with Mars and Saturn is also in Retrogression .

Mars and Saturn conjunction is an Explosive Conjunction and their Long Stay in Scorpio till 18th Sept. 2016 could be Explosive for the Country . 23rd August to 29th August 2016 and then from 1st Sept to 18th Sept. 2016 are also Periods when there could be explosive events.

Saturn as the 5th and the 6th lord placed in the 3rd house will sprout many Scandles Pertaining to the Diplomats .

As per the Foundation chart of the country  Below

India 1

The Country is running the Dasha of Moon-Moon till 10-7 2016 and then Moon-Mars which is not good for the significations of the 7th house  as mentioned in this article  Rail accidents , Terrorism, Boarder clashes are all on the cards it so seems

The Long stay of Mars and Saturn in the 7th house over the Natal Ketu could be explosive  for the Country till 18th Sept. 2016 and the dates mentioned in the above Paras .

Mars and Saturn Retrograde between the 17th April to 29th june and the Period when Mars is Fallen between 18th June 2016 for 25 days will be explosive and Mars will then be transitting over the Natal Jupiter the 8th Lord  for Mass happenings and Economy Stagnation and Scandles for the Significations of Jupiter will sprout with dimension

Earthquakes and natural and unnatural explosive events cannot be ruled out as per the dated mentioned 

Scandles of all types of Jupiter significations in a nut shell  when Rahu and Jupiter are conjunct between the 6th June to end June 2016 

I have already written a Detailed article for the long stay of Marsand Saturn and the  Predictions according to the same may be added here . Article 

“Prolonged Stay Of Red Planet Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio: Crucial 211 days”  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/prolonged-stay-o…crucial-211-days/ Dated 11th Feb. 2016

Let me add some more Parameters here using the Hindu New Moon chart and the Foundation chart of India and Before this I must read my article “Astrology Speaks Planetary Cycle Repeat Behaviour :World Economy in Death Spiral ” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/astrology-speaks…-in-death-spiral/ dated 8th Feb. 2016.Saturn and Jupiter were in the signs Virgo and Pieces in the year 2010 and 2011 and there was opposition degreewise 3 times . As per mundane astrology it is inferred that when ever Saturn and Jupiter are in conjunction or Opposition they bring about massive changes in the Globe with in  5 years and the Changes are flt when Saturn Reaches the Degrees of Opposition with Jupiter . The Most Important Opposition was at 20.22 degrees  when Saturn was aspecting the 20.30 degrees of Scorpio. Now the Explosive Parameter is the Saturn was Stationary between the 20th March to 30th March 2016 at 22.19 degrees in Scorpio and aspecting Transitting Jupiter in Leo at 22.44 on the 20th March 2016. Another crucial Parameter is the Jupiter in the Stationary mode between the 5th May to 11th May 2016 will be aspected by Saturn at exact degrees . Jupiter reaches these degrees on the 10th April 2016. The aspect of Saturn will be on Jupiter stationary at 19.10 degrees of Jupiter and Saturn will be at 20.40 degrees  is the Most Crucial Parameter , hence Between the 5th May and the 11th May Period will be a Period of Massive Happenings in the Universe and could be related to the Significations of the Planets Jupiter and Mercury with Massive dimension . I have already written dozen of Articles on my webpage , but the Article on the Planetary cycles must be studied along with this article to understand the implications , more so the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart is Having both the Virgo and Pieces in the 1/7 axis , as per the Foundation chart  it is the 5/11 axis , hence Putting together we can say  the Country will suffer on account of the 5/11 axis of the Foundation chart

5th house is Educational Institutions, , All forms of Natioanl Pleasures , Entertainment Theatre, Cinema  Halls, Stock Exchange ,Upper house of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Places of Education, Ambassadors, Diplomats  From Foreign Countries , Danger to the Ruler of the Country . There could be endless Scandles sprouting for the above significations.

11th house  Agreements and Contracts with Foreign Countries, Allainces with Foreign Countries,National Goals , Gains from other nations, and Legislation

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 11th April 2016  10-00 PM New Delhi 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 






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