US & China What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves For Them In 2022 ? Seems Most Troublesome Year

by astrodocanil

“US & China What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves For Them In 2022 ?”

I have been mentioning that the year 2022 is not very conducive for the Global happenings and had written an Article below.In this Article I shall analyse the Foundation chart of China and the Us along with Vedic Progression charts along with Transit which may have an major impact on the worldly affairs 

” My Predictions By Pisces New Moon Chart 2021-2022 Spot On For Virus Spread From Africa Written 12th April 2021″

ARTILCE ” A Glimpse On The Pisces New Moon Charts 2021-2022 Of India US China UK Indicative Of Virus Surge Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
This Article was written on the 12th April 2021 and crystal clear pointed out the happenings in the globe pertaining to Virus and spread of a Virus from Africa . I am 74 years old and forget that I have Predicted all what is happening in the world > I have specially mentioned about UK and some Important Predictions for the Venus Transit for 112 days Parallel 2013-2014 and a spread of Virus parallel from Africa. I am myself amazed at the events taking place according to a Particular Planet when it reaches the declination point .
Read this Para


The Pisces New Moon chart of the 2021 -2022 is of Capricorn lagna. The 1st house represents the country as a whole. Saturn as lagna lord represents the head of the country, which in this case is the monarchy. Saturn forms Shasha Yoga in the Lagna is strong a Pancha Mahapurus Yoga , Unfortunately Saturn is also the Lord of the 2nd house is in Marka and is afflicted by Rahu by Jaimini and if we take the aspect of Rahu as per Parashar also. Suffering to Queen Elizabeth . The time frame is set for a difficult period specially  around the end of Dec .2021 when Mars activates the Eclipse point after the 29th to 31st Dec.2021 . Prince Philip, has died age 99 just a few days ago, and there is the ongoing soap opera of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the rumours surrounding her son, Prince Andrew. One may speculate that the Queen (shortly to have her 95th birthday) may experience ill health herself this year. The Saving is the Pancha Maha Purush Yoga Shasha in the Ascendant and may get some relief as can be seen from the Planetary positions among the Countries BUT READ THE BELOW COMBINATIONS FOR THE GLOBAL SPREAD OF VIRUS ALONG WITH UK SPECIALLY. there are combinations for assassinations when Saturn is also in Capricorn like the Rajiv Gandhi Assassination


The Unfortunate part is Parallel Situations like the 2013-2014 Planetary positions when Ebola Virus broke out from West Africa . We have similar Planetary positions from the 8th Dec. 2021 to 27th Feb 2022 when Venus will over stay in Capricorn and Fall back in Sagittarius like 2013-2014 when Venus overstayed for 116 days . Ifear this Period may be most crucial for the Virus spread from Africa

Now Let us have a closer look at the Foundation charts of the Countries  what they have up their sleeves for the year 2022 ?

Foundation chart of China of the 1st Oct 1949 15-15 hrs. Peking

The Balance of Dasha is of Moon 9 years 11 months and 23 days . The Present Dasha is in operation of Mercury -Mercury and  from the 19th Feb 2021 it will enter the Dasha of Mercury-Ketu. I have already Predicted in My Articles on China long ago that  This Dasha will be most enigmatic one till the 17th Feb 2023 for the Reasons given below .
1.  Mercury is Retrograde Combusted and also eclipsed totally by Ketu 
2. Ketu is Avyogi planet and Mercury and Ketu Placed in the 9th house of name and Fame  spoils the complete show world wide
3.In the Panchada Maitri Chakra Mercury and Ketu are Strong enemies 
4.Ketu is  placed in the 5th house of Navamsha  having aspects of Mars and in the 12th house of the Dashamsha afflicting the Moon and the Venus of the Rashi Chart who are most important planets for the Capricorn Chart 
5. Asper the Principles of Astrology and Shri K N Rao Mercury -Ketu period is Venomous and Enigmatic since  both under affliction and both with 8th Lord Sun 
6. Ketu in the star of Mars who is debilitated and Mars in the star of Mercury who is also afflicted . Ketu and Mercury are  also related  to Virus and Diseases , Hence they cannot be ruled out in this Dasha which can also take an ugly shape
The Economy of the Country may suffer and parallel situations like the Evergrande liquidity crisis 

2022 may also be parallel like the Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers – Wikipedia

Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers This took place on the 15th Sept. 2008. Similar results could be possible towards the Middle of Sept. to middle of Oct 2022 for the Global Economy Taking a Hit

There may be  Trade restrictions  by Europe and USA which may add fuel to the Fire. Also the Combinations are of Insolvency and the Countries may go in the ICJ for Justice for plunging the Complete world in darkness due to Coronavirus . This has  cost the lives of so many people and damage to the Economy of the Countries .The Planetary positions also indicate that  some sensational findings  for the Role of China  deliberately hiding the Spread of the Coronavirus from Wuhan Lab. This may also be termed  as a Conspiracy  by China  to disturb the Economy of the Globe .

 The Year 2022 is indicative of troubles for Chinese Companies and the Country in General. All these Predictions have been made by me well in advance on my webpage even 4-5 months back

Vedic Progression Chart By Manu Smiriti for the Year Oct 2021 -Oct 2022 for China

The Country is running the 73rd year from the Foundation chart and the Planets which come into play are Sun, Jupiter , Venus and Rahu-Ketu As per the Declination of the Planets 
In the Chart above  8th from Lagna and the 8th Lord  From Moon is Debilitated and Placed with Lagna Lord  Venus and the 6th Lord in the 9th house  from Lagna of Name and Fame . The debilitated Jupiter aspects the Lagna  and Mars and Ketu and the 2nd Lord Mercury placed in the 8th house opens the secrets of the year 2022. The Dasha Lords  Mercury and Ketu are ill placed and having afflictions . The Moon and Saturn conjunction in the 4th house further adds fuel to the Fire for the Economy. The Navamsha and the Dashamsha also open up the secrets and hence The Country and the Head of the Country are bound for Troubles . In the D6 and D8 Chart  also It seems the Country may be trapped with Virus and diseases.


  1. Venus the 10th Lord  and the Yoga Karka for China Foundation chart in affliction and over stay in the sign Capricorn and Sagittarius for 112 days  most difficult time for the Head of the Country and the well being of the Country . Venus Fallen for 59 days from the 31st Dec to 30 Jan. 2022 will be the most Prone time for the significations of the Planet Venus and the Palatial Building can suffer due to Earthquakes  around the  30th Dec. -27th Feb. 2022 and then around the 5th April 2022. This Time frame is also conducive for  the Country in dagger’s drawn position with US, Taiwan  Europe and specially India 
  2. Economy Going for a Toss and Similar happenings like the Evergrande Crisis and  Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers

      from the 16th Jan to 3rd April 2022 and then Specially around the 5th April 2022. China Can be in aggressive mode  and will be in a war mood in this time frame.

  3. The Country may experience troubles from all countries around the World for the Virus spread and Even going in the ICJ for Relief for the Death of People and disturbing the Economy of the World 

FOUNDATION CHART OF THE US OF THE 4TH JULY 1776 10-20-30 hrs. Pheladelphia

The Horoscope is taken from Shri K N Rao although other Astrologers Use Sagittarius Ascendant 
Balance of Dasha  Mars 2 years 3 Months and 12 days . The Country is un der the Dasha of Rahu-Jupiter from the 28th June 2021 to 21st Nov 2023
The Dispositor of Rahu is Placed in the 7th house and Rahu in the 12th house and dispositor of Jupiter in the 12th house although Jupiter is placed well in the 11th house . The Transit Of Rahu-Ketu in the 4/10 axis is not good till the 17th March 2022 and Concentration of the 5 Planets on the 27th Feb 2022 in the 6th from the Lagna and the 12th from Moon specially when Saturn wu=ill be in Dhanishta Star will be prone to   War like conditions with China . The 5 Planets will be over the Natal Ketu. The Planetary Conjunction of Mars and Saturn at 28 degrees on the 5th April 2022 will be most enigmatic for the Country  May be is Economy, Natural and Unnatural Calamities , War like conditions and Earthquake of Intensity  are not Ruled out . The Jupiter and Saturn both in Retrogression from July to Nov. 2022 will be most crucial for the Country  since Fallen Saturn from 6th house Capricorn will aspect the Transit Jupiter in the 8th house in the sign Pisces . This Time frame is also bad for the Country  specially  for the Head of the Country . Venus Over Stay in the sign Capricorn and Fallen in Sagittarius from the 8th Dec to 27th Feb 2022 will also be most enigmatic for the Head of the Country since Venus is the 10th Lord and over stays in these signs and Fallen from the 31st Dec 2021 to 27th Feb. 2022 and then in Planetary war with Mars till the 3rd March 2022. Hence Generally speaking the Country growth may suffer in totality . Economy Break Is Not Ruled out  and Confrontation with China  is on the Cards . Chinese Companies may not be able to do Business in the US. 
The Moon signs of US and China are in 2/12 axis although the Lord of both is Saturn and will be in most afflicted Condition from the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022. Mars the Yoga Karka for the Country will also be fallen from the sign Gemini to the 10th house the Taurus sign from the 14-11-2022 Most Crucial time for US President . In Fact the Venus Affliction for 112 days from the 8th Dec. to 3rd March 202 is also a Time frame which could give adverse results for the President of the Country . Asper the Oath Chart and the Foundation chart I have already Predicted Joe Biden May not be able to complete his full term and asper the Transit odf Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction just near the Presidential elections it is Prone Venomous period for the President of the US as has been seen from the Past .

Vedic Progression Chart by Manu Smriti  for the Year July 2021-July 2022

10th Lord from the Lagna and the 10th Lord from Moon are Placed in the 6/12 axis , Venus the 10th Lord of the Natal chart is afflicted by Saturn and Mars , Unfortunately Mars is also Fallen and Both Saturn and Mars aspect thteh 8th house , In Transit Saturn will be fallen from the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022 and Mars will be Fallen in the Lagna on the 14th Nov. 2022. The Affliction to Venus the Lagna Lord for 112 days from the 8th Dec to 27th Feb . and then upto 3rd March 2022 may prove to be most enigmatic . The 5th April 2022 may also Prove to be most enigmatic  since then Venus will also be afflicted in Transit and also in the above chart. Nov 2022 Could Be most crucial for the US specially for The President of the Country 


1. A big Earthquake in the USA in between the 16th Jan to 5th April 2022 and around the 27th Feb 2022.

2. The fact that the USA has 29 Trillion dollars of debt, 2.5 Trillion dollars of the budget deficit, and also large trade deficits. All of these will be affecting the United Stated  but around the 16th Jan . , 27th Feb. and 5th April 2022 now and then From the July to Oct. 2022 will be the most prone time for Economy taking a big hit specially when Planets are in the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

3. Most Difficult time for the President of the US when Venus is afflicted till the 27th Feb.- 3rd March 2022 and then the Period from the 12th July to  Nov. 2022.

4. Little relief from Economy between May to July 2022 but there will be Volatility through out the year 2022.

The World May suffer  on account of  Economy Going for a Toss and Similar happenings like the Evergrande Crisis and  Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers  in 2022 in the 1st 4 months and then in the last 4 months of the year 2022.


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings as per planetary positions .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this.

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

 28TH  Dec 2021 17.30   Hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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