Rs. 257 Cr Cash, 250 kg Silver, 25 kg Gold, 300 Keys: Tumbling Out of Raids Predictions Spot On

by astrodocanil

“Rs. 257 Cr Cash, 250 kg Silver, 25 kg Gold, 300 Keys: Tumbling Out of Raids Predictions Spot On “

Raid On Perfume trader Piyush Jain . Perfume is also signified by Venus and Venus over staying in Capricorn and Sagittarius makes the People to dance to the tune of the Planet Venus

 In all My Articles I have mentioned  Venus Over Stay in the sign Capricorn and Sagittarius for 112 days will open up Scams Related to Significations of Venus . Venus Represents Currency  and Silver  and also Keys. I have also Mentioned that Since Jupiter was afflicted when Mars activates Jupiter Significations of Jupiter will also be seen after the 8th Dec. 2021 . Jupiter signifies Gold.  All those people who have afflicted Venus and Jupiter are liable to suffer  and in the Age group of multiple of 8 and 12, specially those born around the 1973 may be caught unaware in  Scams Related to to the signification of these planets . It seems the Native Piyush Jain is Born in Dec 1973 although his birth details are not available.

Needless to mention that a Raid was Conducted  on the 24th Dec. 2021In Kanpur in the premises of a Businessman and the above was recovered . The Day was Friday and the Lord is Venus  Retrograde and Vargottam  in the sign Capricorn, hence the Significations  of Venus are very strong and Lot of Currency  Haul since with Saturn in the 12th house  since the Aquarius Lagna is rising and there is Poorna Ithasla of Jupiter and Moon also at 4 degrees  in the 1/7 chart of the Raid. There is Future ithasla of the Lagna Lord and the 12th Lord Saturn with Mars  the 10th Lord Govt.  Hence the Native who has been raided will be put behind Bars after  3 – 3.5 days  which has actually happened .> Mars in the 10th house fair Raid By the Govt. 


I had Predicted in My Articles that Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 4th Dec. 2021 on the 30th Dec. and Mars will enter the Jyestha Star which is most Ferocious and Bitter which will happen on the 28th Dec. 2021. I had also written the Following Article most important for the event  and asper which my Predictions are spot on  for the Scams being unearthed related to Venus . Venus is over staying in the sign Capricorn the 10th house of the Natural Zodiac and also the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th house of the Natural Zodiac. 

Venus The Goddess Of Beauty & Love Ingresses Capricorn 8th Dec .2021 Over Stays For 112 Days Fallen In Sagittarius 59 Days Most Venomous



Scams and may be Currency Haul

Venus Facts. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the third brightest object in Earth’s sky after the Sun and Moon.  The planet is named for Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty and is the second largest terrestrial planet. Venus is also Marka in the natural Zodiac being the 2nd and the 7th Lord . Venus also signifies Currency and Silver in Metals . There could be scams related to the significations of Venus and Jupiter around the End of the Year and early 2022.

When Venus will be fallen for 59 days in the sign Sagittarius and the 8th house of the India Foundation chart and the Pisces New Moon chart of the 2021-2022 as the 6th Lord Placed in the 8th house of Chronic Problems and in Fallen State will be most Venomous  for the Virus Surge and Mutations in Virus. It will adversely influence the Marriages which have taken place with Bad Planetary positions as discussed in my Article. As mentioned above Scams in the Bollywood and Scams Related to wealth are not ruled out.

It has been observed that when Ever Venus is under affliction for India and the Taurus-Scorpio axis along with Cancer Capricorn axis is affliction it is time of Agony and pain for the Country . On the 27th Feb 2022 all these combinations are taking place and Venus lost in Planetary war and Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord of the India Foundation chart  War like situations may exist in the country , Terrorism , Boarder clashes and Scams in the Bollywood are not ruled out . Some Celebrity In the Bollywood may suffer separation in the Marriage . Some Scams may be exposed specially those who are  having affliction to Jupiter and Venus may suffer the Most . Venus is Luxury and Jupiter is wealth hence scams related to Currency  and Metals ——– Note these Predictions.


Mars will activate the Eclipse point as mentioned above on the 30th Dec. 2021 and the Cat will come out of the Bag soon between the 30th Dec to 16th Jan 2022. Note these Predictions. The 59 days are most crucial when Venus is fallen and more such scams may be revealed . WHEN MARS MEETS FALLEN VENUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE OF THE INDIA FOUNDATION CHART SAGITTARIUS.————-Note these Predictions 

My Disclaimer Clause is applicable . This is just an Astrological Analysis as per My Research Techniques . My Predictions may also go wrong since tihe time of Birth is not available and is a Research Article  The Above Predictions have been made on the bases of the information available on the Internet


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

 27TH  Dec 2021 17.30   Hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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