Urjit Patel Resigns As RBI Governor: Ashtama Moon and North Node Adverse Prove Venomous As Predicted

by astrodocanil

Ashtama Moon and Adverse Rahu at the time of Joining as Reserve Bank Governor for Urjit Patel Prove most Venomous. Astrology Predictions prove on dot 

Breaking News

Urjit Patel quits as RBI Governor, cites personal reasons for stepping down


ASTROLOGY HAD PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THIS  due to the reason that at the time of joining Reserve Bank as Governor the North Node was most Venomous and the Transit Moon was in the 8th house from his natal Moon . in this connection read my Article “Ashtama Moon and North Node Adverse May Prove Most Venomous For RBI Governor Urjit Patel” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/11/ashtama-moon-and…rnor-urjit-patel/ dated 5th Nov. 2018

Read the Last para in the above article “10. As per the above Planetary positions and the main Parameters Ashtama Moon and Adverse Nodes at the time of Joining , specially when Sun is totally eclipsed the Native is bound for Trouble from the Govt. as per the Dates mentioned above . Rahu was also adverse till 3rd Nov. 2018 and the News comes on the 4th Nov. 2018.  The period till Rahu and Ketu in  Transit  and specially when they change navamsha can be most venomous for him after 7th Dec. 2018 specially.The above are Astrological analysis and not my opinion it may please be noted.”  

Today when Moon was with Saturn in Transit in Sagitarius and then Ingressed in Capricorn where Ketu is Placed in Transit and over the natal Saturn in his natal chart, he has Resigned and specially after Rahu and Ketu have changed Navamsha  and become Vargottam and Proving most Venomous for the effect of the Eclipses in the month of July and August 2017. and since all the planets are also in the grip of the Nodes and Mars.



Written on 10th Dec.  2018 17.45 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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