Astrology Predictions Of Bloodbath In The Stock And Financial Markets Proves On Dot

by astrodocanil

North Node proves it is instrumental  for Bloodbath in Stock and the Financial Markets .Hence till  Nodes remain in the present signs 25th March 2019  there will be roller coaster rides .

1. Oil took reversal on the 3rd-4th Dec. 2018 when it had touched the Minimum in the present scenario
2. Stock and Financial Markets break inspite of Temporary Truce between Trump and Xi
I WROTE EARLIER North Node on the driving seat and will mislead note this . Rahu is smoky and has the capacity to turn the tables upside down and always hazy . The Truce is temporary .Stock Markets may become Volatile and bounce today specially MONDAY
ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THE TRUMP AND XI MEET . The results will be smoky and no clear Truce and a shady one , hence the Stock and the Financial Markets will become Volatile . The Temporary Truce is for 90 days and will be over on the 1st March 2019, unfortunately the Nodes who are most venomous and predominant will change signs. Ketu will join Saturn in Sagitarius on the 25th March 2019 and Jupiter the sign Lord of Sagitarius will also join the Sign in attichari motion on the 29th March 2019 indicates the importance of the sign Sagitarius and the significations of Jupiter Financial Markets . On the 10th April 2019 Jupiter will become Retrograde and fall back in Scorpio and in gandantha on the 23rd April 2019. These Planetary positions acquire a special dimension and may be responsible for the break in the temporary Truce taken place on the 1st Dec. 2018 between Trump and Xi. The Parameter which is most Venomous on the 1st Dec. 2018 for the Truce is the North Node which was in Forward motion and is considered poison and has the capacity to give unpresidented results even in the present scenario after 3rd Dec. 2018 . It has the capacity to turn the tables upside down, hence it may do so when Rahu changes the Sign to Gemini and Ketu to Sagitarius . US is under the operation of North Node dasha from the Nov. 2018 and again in the 12th house if we take the Leo Lagna and if we take Sagitarius Lagna then in the 8th house . In any case it seems US is on the Verge of a Economy break down. The Transit Rahu over the Natal Rahu and on Natal Mercury degree-wise is another parameter which cannot be ignored . China is running the Dasha of Lagna Lord Saturn who is placed in the 8th house and aspects the 10th house , hence what China plans will be most secretive and may not disclose his actual plans . This truce gives relief to China and not US, hence China will be the winner it so seems , In any case the Economy of Both Countries can suffer it so seems in the long Run and in the year 2019 after March 2019
Article 1 “Rahu North Node Dasha for US May Prove Most Enigmatic Starting Nov. 2018”…tarting-nov-2018/
Article 2 “Trump To Host Dinner With Xi At G20 Summit On Saturday : What Stars ForeTell ?”…t-stars-foretell/ Read last para “READ THE LAST PARA
“Let me write another important parameter for the Trade war and Break in the oil prices
Till Mars in Aquarius till 23rd Dec. 2018 and Specially Saturn till in Gandantha the Oil Price may take a downward trend . Saturn at 13.20 Degrees + 0.24 Degrees = 13.44 Degrees and Maximum till 14.00 degrees on the 4th Dec. 2018. Hence we can say the Trade war may escalate and Oil Prices may fall till these dates
Taking a positive stance there may be some positive after 24 days since the Navamsha Lord is Venus and in the 1.6 navamsha hence 1.6×15= 24 days and around the 26th Dec. 2018 when Mars leaves the sign Aquarius and there is exchange of Mars and Jupiter , but mind you the relations can still be smoky since Rahu and Ketu the Prime Planets are in adverse motion and may not let a good frucifications out of the summit . As per my reading The Trade war can escalate , The above is only taking a positive stance ”

Article 3. “North Node Rahu & Saturn Instrumental For Stock Markets And Oil Reversals As Predicted”…als-as-predicted/ Read the last para ““Let me write another important parameter for the Trade war and Break in the oil prices
Till Mars in Aquarius till 23rd Dec. 2018 and Specially Saturn till in Gandantha the Oil Price may take a downward trend . Saturn at 13.20 Degrees + 0.24 Degrees = 13.44 Degrees and Maximum till 14.00 degrees on the 4th Dec. 2018. Hence we can say the Trade war may escalate and Oil Prices may fall till these dates
Taking a positive stance there may be some positive after 24 days since the Navamsha Lord is Venus and in the 1.6 navamsha hence 1.6×15= 24 days and around the 26th Dec. 2018 when Mars leaves the sign Aquarius and there is exchange of Mars and Jupiter , but mind you the relations can still be smoky since Rahu and Ketu the Prime Planets are in adverse motion and may not let a good frucifications out of the summit . As per my reading The Trade war can escalate , The above is only taking a positive stance ” Due to Rahu the Stock Markets will be unprecedented and Roller Coaster rides are not ruled out and hence Volatile in the present Scenario till the Eclipses in 2019 it so seems  . Till 23rd Dec. 2018 it seems will be worst for the stock and the Financial Markets “

Closing Bell: Bloodbath on D-Street as Sensex plunges over 700 pts; Nifty gives up 10,500

At the close of market hours, the Sensex was down 713.53 points or 2.00% at 34959.72, and the Nifty down 205.20 points or 1.92% at 10488.50. 


Till 23rd Dec. 2018 the roller coaster rides cannot be ruled out. Nut Shell North Node Instrumental in the Blood bath in the stock and the Financial Markets

Written on 10th Dec. 2018 16-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

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