The Whereabouts of the Missing Man Through Prashna Jyotish Tamil Classics

by astrodocanil

“The Whereabouts of the Missing Man Through Prashna Jyotish Tamil Classics”

 I got a Query from a Person that his father is missing since the 1st March 2022 09-15 hrs Mumbai. The Person seems to suffer from Schizophrenia A Type of Depression. The Person also suffered huge Debt. 

In this Article I will use the Prashna Jyotish Classics to analyse the situations and the whereabouts of the Missing person

The Chart is below

The Lagna is weak and Lord placed in the 12th house combusted by 6th Lord Sun indicates trouble of the 6th house hence disease, debt and enmity . Lagna is also in Gandantha hence very poor parameters for Return

 The Pancahng Parameters are weak  specially the Lagna Dagdha  and and thr Lord Combusted in the Trik Bhava is a poor parameter for early return

Whether the Person Has Gone of his Own Or Kidnapped or induced to leave 

The Lagnesh is placed in the 12th house with 6th Lord Sun and also in combustion, results in forced disappearance , Saturn as the Lord of the 12th house  also aspects the Lagna , hence it could also be voluntary disappearance .

Rahu is associated with the Exaltation sign of Moon hence the person has been induced to leave . Such Planet Rahu will signify  the features and  sex of the conspirant. Hence the Person has been induced to leave 

No Journey or No Return

Sun the in the 12th house shows no return, also with benefic Jupiter indicates no return.

Lagnesh , 3rd or 9th Lord  have no relation  with each other , Hence no return.

There will be Travel since the 4th and the 12th Lord are releted and the 8th and the 9th Lord  are related , hence Travel of the Missing person will take place . 

The Native will travel after the 17th May 2022 when Mars the 9th Lord enters  the Lagna 

Traveller or he Missing Person is safe

 The Moon is closely related to  Labesh 11th Lord Saturn and also the Karesh the 7th Lord Mercury.

When Will The Missing Person Arrive

When Lagnesh has already Transitted in the Lagna still the person has not arrived . This happened on the 13th April 2022

When Mercury the 7th Lord Transits the Lagna after the 17th June 2022, In this position both the Lagnesh and the Karyesh will be in the Lagna when they are in close degrees then the Missing person can arrive.

As Per  Shatpanchasika , number of houses where the strongest planet is placed be counted from the Lagna . Here it is the 11th house where Saturn is placed , hence we have to multiply 11 with 12 = 132 days  Hence the Person can come after 132 days from the day of Missing .

Thumb Rule 

Adding the Tithi , day, nakshatra, yoga, and the sign rising the Total is as under 

Tithi  14

Day Tuesday 3 

Nak.       23 

Yoga      19

Sign Risisng in the Horary chart  12 

Total =71 This sum is multiplied by 3 =213 and adding 6 constant = 219 now dividing by 9  The remainder is 3, therefore the Person can return in 80 days , 21st April 2022 has also passed  since the Combinations are weak for Return the Person has not returned 

Rahu-Ketu in the 3/9 axis hence difficulty in the return

Where is the Missing Person

Since the Lagnesh, Moon or 7th Lord Mercury not in the Kendras and are Placed specially the Moon and the 7th Lord in Movable sign and in the 11th house , the person is near the City 

The Strongest Planet is Saturn and hence gone in the West Direction

The Habitats of the sign  where the Strongest Planet is placed is the sign Capricorn ——— Place of Pilgrimage, lake, island, seashore, tribal homes. artisan’s colony area full of Water  . A person of the Traits of Rahu may be responsible for inducing him to leave   Chandaal, Person engaged in antisocial work earning through immoral things, under ground Worker

The Combinations for Return are poor and the Missing person has been induced by the Person like Rahu a Chandaal  and may be living in the Places mentioned above near the city in the west Direction with in 25-40 km of the pace of missing . Please search in the Trbal Colonies in the west near the City 


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
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