The Future of India Using the Pieces New Moon Chart 2017

by astrodocanil

In this article I am going to discuss the Future of India  as per the Planetary positions in the Pieces New Moon Chart.  Let me first study the Foundation chart of India below.

During the Vimshottari Dasha we have seen the steps taken by the Prime Minister. The Dasha was of Moon-Mars till 8th Feb. 2017. Moon is Placed with 4 more planers in the 3rd House and all influence the 9th house, 9th Lord and 10th Lord Saturn  and Mars Placed in the 2nd House of The Financial condition of the Nation, since Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord and aspected by Jupiter from the 6th house Demonetization took Place. I had already Predicted the same and The Predictions in the month of Nov. 2016 were given date wise. We all know the Country is also influenced by the Foreign Policies . Surgical Strikes all signified by Mars and at the boarder due to Moon being the 3rd Lord of Boarders

The Present Dasha is of Moon-Rahu till 10-8-2018

Rahu is shishya of Venus and is Placed in the House of Venus the 2nd House of the Natural Zodiac and the Lagna of the Chart . The dispositor of Rahu is combusted and placed in the 3rd house , For Taurus Lagna Venus Placement in the 3rd house is not good since it owns the 6th house as the Moola Trikona sign and Venus gets set in the 3rd house  , Placement of Venus in the 3rd house will create Problems pertaining to Boarder issues, Marriages for the Celebrities in the Country . In the Chart Rahu is stronger than Venus. In the Panchada Maitri Chakra Rahu is Neutral to Moon  and in 3/11 axis in the Rashi Chart , but Moon in Navamsha in the Rahu-Ketu axis and in Dashamasha Rahu is Placed in the 12th house . In Navamsha and Dashamsha also Rahu is Placed in the 12th house is not a good Parameter .

Rudramsha Chart Rahu is in the Lagna and with Mars and Ketu . The Dispositor of Rahu here is placed in the 8th House  is a strong malefic Parameter . We know when India Got Independence the Dasha was of Sat-Sat-Ketu  and we saw the Bloodshed . Connection of Mars with Rahu and the dispositor in the 8th house is a strong Negative Parameter

The Indu Lagna is Taurus and in Transit Jupiter aspects the Sign Taurus hence till 12th Sept. 2017 the Economy may sustain. The Transit of Saturn over the Natal Ketu in the 7th house in a Fallen state may not sprout good conditions in the country since Saturn is the 9th and the 10th Lord in the Foundation chart , Already Saturn in Transit is in the 8th house of the Foundation chart and in the 6th from Moon  its Falling back in the 7th house will sprout negative results for the country from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017. After Sept. 2017 Rahu will ingress over the 5 Planets in the 3rd house will further aggravate the relations with the Neighbors. In Totality the Moon-Rahu Period may not be a good one ., since the placement of Rahu in the 12th house in Navamsha and Dashamsha  The Govt. may face obstacles during the Anter dasha of Rahu

Horoscope of the Hindu New Moon Year which sets the trend for the full year. On the Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada day New Moon and Sun will be in the sign of Pieces.

The Chart is Below of the 28th March 2017 08-27 hrs .

As Per the Panchang of the Day the Day Lord is Mars and is ill placed from 2nd House  and 2nd Lord  Venus , The Karna is Naga and Lord is Mahesh and controls the 7th house and is a malefic Karna , hence Significations pertaining to 7th house may not fructify and difficulties pertaining to the same . Lagna is in the 8th navamsha and since this chart is applicable for 12 months , there will be untoward happenings after 10 months and 18 days , This period will fall in the end of the Year and will fall on the 16th Feb. 2018

The Lagna is Aries the 12th house of the Foundation chart and the Luminaries are placed in the 12th house , hence the Significations of the 12th house will be more prominent in the year from 28th March 2017. 12th house in Mundane is war, losses, camps, espionage, secret plots, military hospitals, ambushes, foreign spies, miseries misfortunes, scandles. 12th house also indicates the Country Policies may be influenced by Foreign Powers. Conspiracies cannot be ruled out. 7th Lord Venus in the 12th house aspected by the 12th Lord Jupiter is making clear of the activities of the 12th house .

Lagna Lord Mars is Placed in the Lagna and in Mrityu Bhag as per Parashar and as per Tamil Texts it is in Vish Ghati is the Most malefic Parameter more so since Mars is in a Short Ascension and has veda by a Malefic RAHU in the Saptsalaka Chakra below. A planet in short ascension and veda by a malefic is most crucial for the Country as a whole since the Lagna signifies the People and the condition of the Country in general. National Disaster , General character of the People . Condition of the Cabinet, Shuffle and reallocation of the Portfolios among the Ministers . Mars in Vish Ghati will be responsible for the Tragic events in the year more so it is with the King of the Year Mercury since on the 28th March 2017 it is Amavasya and on the Pratipada the next day  and it is Wednesday.

Hence the King of the Year is Mercury


Saptsalaka Chakra to see the Veda for Planets in Mrityu Bhag and Vish Ghati

The Minister of the Year will be the Lord of the Day at the time when Sun enters the Aries, Now Sun Enters Aries on the 14th April 2017 02-04 hrs at Delhi . As Per the Hindu System the day is considered from Sun Rise to Sun Set and on the 13th April 2017 , hence since the Day was Thursday the Minister of the Year is Jupiter. As Per Bhavishya Phal Bhaskar if the King and the Minister are benefics  Mercury and Jupiter the People in general will be happy  good rainfall and Harvest , But since Mercury is with Mars undoward happenings cannot be ruled out specially when Mars is in Vish Ghati and in a Short Ascension and having Veda from Rahu.

Economic Condition

2nd Lord Venus Exhalted in the 12th house indicates Tax Reforms and lowering of interest Rates  between the 28th March to 31st May 2017. Venus has entered the Declination point in Pieces and will over stay in Pieces for 124 days , hence the Lowering of Interest Rates will be much more than expected.

Jupiter is Placed in the 6th house and aspects the 2nd House and also aspects the 2nd Lord Venus placed in the 12th house . There are possibilities of major reforms in the Banking Sector.

The connection of Jupiter the 9th and the 12th Lord with 2nd house confirms the Foreign Investment in the Country .

Jupiter as the 9th and 12th Lord in the 6th house is not good for Judiciary  and hence there may be Tensions between the Govt. and the Judiciary.

For Aries Lagna Saturn is the 10th and the 11th Lord Placed in the 9th house is good but since the 9th Lord is Placed in the 6th house and aspected by Saturn  who is Bhadak for the Aries Lagna and Jupiter the 12th Lord Cancels any Rajyogas in the chart , this Parameter makes Jupiter a Malefic in the chart and may not give the Required strength for Benefic Results . Lagna is Prishtodayo and has a Prishtodayo Planet Mars and close to the MEP who is in vishghati

All the Trinal Houses have Malefics and there are no Benefics in the Kendra except the Mercury who is in infant stage

Boarder Clashes

The Saturn aspect on the 3rd house and the 6th house together with Jupiter the 9th and the 12th Lord indicates Terrorism and Boarder clashes and Espionage from Foreign Elements

Kings and Queens

Saturn Transit as a Fallen Planet in the 8th house between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 will be the most malefic Parameter and around the Solar Eclipse of the 21st August 2017, Saturn as a Fallen Planet and aspect on the Rahu and Sun will be crucial for Kings and Queen of the Country ,specially when Saturn will be in Jyestha Nakshatra . Politicians will suffer the Most and a Tug of War is indicated . Saturn as the 10th Lord and in the 8th house and when aspected by Mars the 8th Lord will be the Most  Sensitive Parameter for the Head of the States and the Kings of the Country , Mars will be in Leo at the Eclipse point on the 3rd Sept. 2017 can prove a Bolt from the blue .Saturn is a Planet of Destruction, Death , Masses and Democracy when in the 8th house there could be Mass Deaths in the Country specially when aspected by Mars and Rahu in Forward Motion

Jupiter aspecting the 10th house of the Rashi chart may not be able to give the Required Protection since aspected by Saturn Bhadak for the Aries Lagna , As per Tamil Texts it is said that if Saturn aspects Jupiter it t is worst, infact it should be the other way round , that is Jupiter aspects Saturn then both become strong Planets and attribute positive results . The Efforts of Narinder Modi may not bring Results since Saturn will be in malefic State and Jupiter is aspected by Saturn , Jupiter transit in Libra may ease the situation but Mars reaching the Eclipse point could be Explosive on the 3rd Sept. 2017. Saturn as the 10th Lord in the 8th house is also masses losing their jobs abroad and in house . It could be due to the H1B and L1 Visa restrictions . A Fallen planet is the most Venomous and can act like a snake bite . Saturn takes his journey to Scorpio from Sagitarius on the 6th April 2017 and will again be in Gandantha around the 21st June 2017. A planet who controls the Longevity as the 10th Lord of the Natural Zodiac will put thousands in Trouble. Jobs will not be as per taste and permanent one . I see a downward trend in the Financial Markets sprouting around the Sept. 2017 after 25th August 2017 till Saturn Reaches the sign Sagitarius on the 26th Oct. 2017

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

28th Feb.2017  16-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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