Stock market Trends and the North Node Rahu in the Fortnight From 26th Feb. 2017

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Rahu The Demon and the Twin Eclipses In Feb. 2017” link…pses-in-feb-2017/. Let give more color to the Analysis mainly for the 2 Areas 1. The Airy signs afflicted by Saturn and Mars along with Venus giving rise to Air Crashes and Strong winds   2. The Stock market Color in the near Future

Let us Now Have a Look at the Planetary Positions for the Fortnight Starting from the 26th Feb. 2017 20-28 hrs .

Chart below



Let me reproduce the text written earlier

Malefic Parameters in this Eclipse as Below

  1. Day is Sunday and the Lord is afflicted badly , Sun is also the dispositor of Rahu
  2. Yama Lord of Sun is Mars and about to go in the 8th house on the 1st March 2017, as 3rd Lord and in the 7th house shows Tensions with Neighbors aggravating
  3. Mars and Saturn both in Dual Signs
  4. Mars aspecting Jupiter in the Lagna degree wise in Rashi chart and also influencing Jupiter in Navamsha
  5. Moon in the nakshatra is of Rahu and Rahu about to turn Normal Motion on the 27th Feb. 2017 the Monday
  6. Karna Lord is Mahesh and the 7th Lord Jupiter placed in the Lagna most Malefic
  7. Direction From where India can get a Problem is Eastern side
  8. Rahu in Forward motion till 27th Feb. 2017 and since Changing the Motion can adversely hit the Stock Market, since rahu has the capacity to turn the tables and there may be Profit Booking
  9. Lagna Lord Mercury in the 6th house totally eclipsed and aspected by Saturn
  10. 3rd House from Lagna and 3rd from Saturn influencing the Lagna , Hence 3rd house significations will sprout with Dimension
  11. 7th to 11th March 2017 will be crucial  for Activities with Neighboring Countries and Rahu Becoming very strong and Kingly Persons being influenced along with all Happenings taking a greater dimension which happened on the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016
  12. From the above it is clear that there will be Topsy-Turvy Situations in the Politics and not a single Party will come out with Flying Colors . The Saturn aspect on the Sun will influence and hence the Parties coming in Power have to have alliance else there will be hung Govt.
  13. Those Politicians who have strong Rahu will only form the Govt. with Alliance
  14. Stock markets Can be Topsy and Turvy , either side Taking a high  or low.
  15. The Eclipse is taking Place in Aquarius at 14.06 degrees . Aquarius being an Airy sign the significations of the Airy sign will be Prominent in this Eclipse  and there could be destruction due to Strong Winds and devastating Thunder Storms. Since the Eclipse is in the 6th house , it will influence the Kings along with Law and Order.. Earthquakes cannot be ruled out . Tug of War in  the Politics
  16. Saturn will become Retrograde on the 6th April  and fall in Scorpio sign on the 21st June 2016 will be worst since the Lord of the Sign Aquarius and then the Effects of the Eclipse will be felt more it will be in Gandantha  then  and hence again influencing the Coastal Areas as well . April, May and June will be difficult Periods .4th May Mars will aspect Rahu  and Mars will activate the Eclipse point on the 1-2nd August 2017 will be a crucial date for Untoward happenings.
  17. The Parameter which is also of a Concern in Feb. 2017 is also Venus ingress in Pieces on the 27th Jan. 2017 and overstaying in Pieces till 31st May 2017.I have written  an Article on this already .

Stock Market Short Term Trends

Sensex snaps 6-day gains; banks drag Nifty below 8900; RIL up 5%

Astrology is amazing . Look at the Nifty ad the Sensex Nifty closes 42 points lower and Sensex by 80 points the Moment Rahu attains its Normal motion on 27th Feb. 2017 after in Direct Motion . Most of the Astrologer miss this point . Look 4 Planets in Rahu Nakshatra with Mercury the Karka. Rahu has the capability of turning the tables upside down when it changes its motion . It has been observed close to the Eclipses it becomes very strong and when in forward motion or Stationary is extremely strong . Since Rahu has become come in its normal motion it has reversed the Trend.

The Chart Analysis of the 26th Feb. 2017 at 20-24 hrs

Lagna is a Bearish sign and so is the Navamsha
Mercury the Karka for Stock Market in 6th house in a Bearish sign as the Lagna Lord . Mercury is Eclipses with Ketu
Sun, Moon in the Navamsha Lagna which is Bearish and Jupiter also in Bearish Navamsha , since the Luminaries are in the Lagna and Bearish sign.
The Most Critical Parameter is the Planets in the 6th house in a Bearish sign but all in the nakshatra of Rahu and will behave like Rahu. When Rahu will be in Forward motion and change to Normal Motion there will be change in the Market Trend from the 27th Feb. 2017 . Between the 7th to 11th march Rahu will again be in Forward motion and will again change the Trends between this Period , 12th to 20th Rahu will be in Normal Motion will again change the Trends. The Market Trend may change from 27th to 5th March 2017 for a short while and then again become Volatile.
In Navamsha Mercury has improved and in the Bullish sign , Jupiter Retrograde is good for Bullish Trend . All said and done the Gann Theory of Cycles may also work and slowly the Market may again become Volatile .
According to Gann Theory of Planetary cycles, the Stock market can Touch approx. 9850-9900 , since the Market was around 6827 in Feb 2016 link…/live-bse-sensex-n…/209890/ Sensex Tanked more than 800 points and then in Sept. 2016 the Sensex was all time high closing at 8952 link…/sensex-hits-almost-17-mo….
The Nov. 21st 2016 Low was 7950 link…/…/55533408.cms
According to his Theory the Sensex can be Bullish and may rise to the above Level mentioned at 9850-9900 as indicated by the Stock Market Pandits. According to Gann there has to be almost double increase before fall from the numbers it had Fallen on the 21st Nov. 2016,Now  8952 -7950 =1002 points .The Present wave Cycle as per Gann says it may Touch 9850-9900. Let us see what happens . I am trying to do some research on the Stock Market.

The above dates mentioned may play a vital role in the Stock market  specially after the 4th May and after  or around the 26th May 2017 the Market may touch a new High.

The Gann cycle Theory may also Prove correct and the Nifty may cross around 9700 it so seems, but after 21st June 2017 could be Volatile and unpredictable as well

Stock market Analysis is not a childs play and lot of Research is required. Let us see which way the wind Blows. Please excuse me if the Market does not behave in the Fashion I have mentioned above.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

27th Feb.2017  16.15 hrs. New Delhi Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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Correction of Eclipse point activation by Mars done on the 27th May 2017  for 1-2 nd August 2017




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