Syria:The civil war torn country and its fate…..

by astrodocanil

Syrian Arab Republic in the present day context  is known to the world for its tempestuous Political and Military history. (6th and 8th Lord Saturn and Mars in the 9th house indicate the same in the foundation chart). France granted independence  to the Middle-Eastern Syrian state, as a Paramilitary Republic in April 1946.The post independence time was how ever  was not peaceful at all and full of atrocities against the public , with number of  military coups keeping the country destabilized and under extreme  anguish and pain . Non democratic practices of Government have been keeping the voice of the people suppressed brutally. The country has witnessed  mass killings and violence. It is because of the internal conflicts that Syria has been suspended from the Arab League.  Syria is slowly landed itself towards a civil war.  The Governments of France, Spain, Bulgaria and Libya also have recognised the major opposition party of Syria, the Syrian National Council as the sole legitimate authority of the state. The year 2013-2014 astrologically was  extremely difficult year with strong push and pulls for President Bashar Al-Assad. A total  discontent escalated among the population  forced a change of regime but with the help of Russia the Country has almost come out of the Disaster  with Syria  regaining its Territory Aleppo

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, assisted by Russia and Iran, saw his forces retake Aleppo in the biggest victory against rebels in almost six years of civil war. Assad says he’ll turn his attention to the remaining opposition strongholds. His opponents vow to keep fighting in the absence of a political solution. There could be a surge in guerrilla conflict in areas reclaimed by Assad’s troops, while jihadists look to exploit any weaknesses. The world’s reaction to all this may depend on the emerging relationship between Russia and the incoming U.S. president, Donald Trump. The 2 Iron Men of the world it so seems may  help Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Let us now analyse the foundation chart of Syria together with the Hindu New Moon pieces charts ,foundation charts and progression charts astrologically and see what could be the outcome of the situation which is posing threat to the  dictators of the Arab World in their countries after the Russian Ambassador Shot Dead in Turkey as Syria Roils Region link dated 19th Dec. 2016

Read this also —Vladimir Putin Says Turkey Ambassador Murder Is Ploy To Wreck Syrian Peace Process link

Moscow, Russia:  President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that the killing of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey was a despicable provocation aimed at spoiling Russia-Turkey ties and derailing Moscow’s attempts to find, with Iran and Turkey, a solution for the Syria crisis.

In televised comments, Putin, speaking at a special meeting in the Kremlin, ordered security at Russian embassies around the world to be stepped up and said he wanted to know who had “directed” the gunman’s hand.

He heaped praise on the murdered Russian ambassador, Andrei Karlov, who was shot in the back and killed as he gave a speech at an Ankara art gallery, and made clear that Moscow’s response to his assassination would be robust.

“A crime has been committed and it was without doubt a provocation aimed at spoiling the normalisation of Russo-Turkish relations and spoiling the Syrian peace process which is being actively pushed by Russia, Turkey, Iran and others,” said a stern-faced Putin.

“There can only be one response – stepping up the fight against terrorism. The bandits will feel this happening.”

Putin, who said he personally knew the slain envoy, said he had agreed in a phone call with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan that Russian investigators would soon fly to Ankara to help the Turks with the investigation.
“We must know who directed the killer’s hand,” Putin told Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Sergei Naryshkin, the head of his SVR foreign intelligence service, and Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the domestic FSB security service.

Putin ordered security at Turkish diplomatic facilities in Russia to be stepped up and said he wanted guarantees from Turkey about the safety of Russian diplomatic facilities.



“I also ask you to implement the agreed proposals on strengthening security at Russian diplomatic facilities abroad,” Putin told the meeting.
The foreign and defence ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey are due to discuss the future of Syria in Moscow on Tuesday.
The Interfax news agency cited Leonid Slutsky, a senior parliamentarian, as saying earlier on Monday that the talks would go ahead despite the murder.
In an odd coincidence, Putin had been planning to attend a Moscow play on Monday night written by Alexander Griboyedov, Russia’s ambassador to Iran, who was murdered in 1829.
Putin cancelled when he heard his Turkish envoy had been murdered.

Surprisingly all Activities and Surprises are when Rahu is in Forward motion . In the Present Context Rahu was in Forward motion at the time of the happening and suggests that till Rahu is in Leo on the 12th Sept. 2017 , it is going to be a tuff time for Syria, but never the less Russia and US may help the Country come out the Masacare. While Puttin may help and US may take Aggressive Stance against Assad Regime

Foundation chart of Syria  is Below

If  you go through the  foundation  chart , it is of Virgo Lagna and the Lord of Ascendant Mercury is retrograde and afflicted by Ketu in the 5th House. Syria has been under the influence of dasha of Venus and  is aspected by Retrograde Saturn and Mars who are the lords of the trik bhava 6th and the 8th house. Saturn is also a fallen planet in the chart . A fallen planet is most venomous to give malefic results. The 9th house and 9th lord are totally afflicted, hence the law and order situation in the dasha of Venus will take a toll, more so since the planet of Democracy Saturn is fallen. The Antar dasha Lord Jupiter is placed in the 12th house and aspected by 8th Lord Mars, and Jupiter is 7th lord , hence in the Dasha of Venus -Jupiter-Venus there will be war like situations and rape of the democracy in the country  by the ruler.

As Per the foundation chart, Dasha of Venus-Saturn started from 15-5-2014 and will be there  till 15-7-2017. Saturn as mentioned above is Fallen and most malefic for the foundation chart and is with 8th Lord Mars. This combination of Mars and Saturn is also bad for the 10th house for the  Ruler of the country since from 10th house Saturn is the 8th Lord from 10th house . This  is a classical combination that eighth lord from Lagna if associated with any planet than see the house from where that planet becomes the eighth lord and the Karaka tatawa of that house will be destroyed. Hence  in Saturn anter dasha  Syria might see the violent toppling of its President Bashar Al Assad… more so when Transit Saturn is also debilitated in Transit and aspects the natal Saturn between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017. This Period will be most critical for the Ruler President Bashar Al Assad, More so since Transit Saturn will activate the Natal Saturn 2 times first in the 1st Week of Jan 2017 and then as expressed above. Transit Mar will be over the Natal Moon in the 6th house and aspect the Natal Mars. 7th Jan 2017 will therefore be most Critical also .

 In mundane astrology an original research of Shri K.N. Rao says that the placement of Mars in the horoscope of a nation defines its war mongering tendencies as follows

1. Placement of Mars in the 3,6,7 and 12th house shows troubling neighbours, getting involved in boarder clashes, war or suffering as a result of foreign plots. This can also happen when Mars aspects these houses and their Lords, or conjunct with them. We can further divide it into two different categories, Most Prone and Prone. The above chart of Syria satisfies this rule and hence the Nation will always be involved in this activity and more so after 12th Sept 2017 when Rahu-Ketu transit over the Natal Rahu-Ketu  hence between the 12th Sept. to 26th Oct. 2017 will be the most Crucial period for Syria

(A) Most Prone category will be the countries who have Mars placed in the 12th house and the 3rd house /aspecting the Lords or in conjunction .Syria also satisfies this condition

(B) Prone will be Mars in the 6th , 7th , 9th and Lagna/aspecting 3,6,7,and 12th lords /conjunction. Countries having Mars in the 7th house will try to dominate on other countries , this is another sensitive point in the chart , since 7th house being the house of foreign affairs, hence we can take it as Most Prone as well.

2. According to same authority (Shri K.N. Rao) the role of the 7th lord its Maha-dasha/Anter-dasha /Pratyanter-dasha or its conjunction or aspect on other planets can cause war and strife. We can further analyse it by 7th house/Lord affliction as well .

Dasha of planets who are aspected or influenced by Mars in the chart specially who have Mars placed in the most critical houses as explained above.

Role of Pratyanter-dasha could be terrorist activities clashes on the boarder etc..

Role of Anter-dasha could be terrorist activities, clashes on the boarder for a longer period which can lead to war like situations.

Role of Maha-dasha will be same but in segmented portions when PD is also involved. Syria has Mars placed in the 9th house aspecting the 3rd and 12th house . It is also with 6th Lord Saturn who is Fallen. Syria comes in most prone area, since Mars is connected to the 3, 6 and 12th houses

Hence in the Present Scenerio since Syria is running the Dasha of Venus-Saturn dasha till 15-7-2017 will be critical.Even after Venus-Saturn Dasha the Dasha of Venus-Mercury also may not be good since placed in the 8th house from the 10th house and the 8th Lord from the 10th house is fallen and Placed in the 12th from the 10th house with the 8th from the Lagna

The Dates when Saturn will be in Stationary Position Over the Natal Sun in April 2017 from 1st April to 11th April 2017 will also be Crucial , April month when Ever Rahu will be adverse there could be Terrorism around the 5th to 7th April and after 20th April 2017. The Head of the nation could could take some Crucial Steps

The worst will be when Saturn is Fallen after 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017, when Transit Fallen Saturn will be aspected by Natal Saturn degreewise .After 12th April 2017 Mars will be over the Natl Mars till 26th May 2017 , Hence this Dates and Periods are most crucial for Syria , Saturn Transit over the natal Sun after 26th Jan . 2017 will sprout some strong Actions Taken by the Head of the country



Vedic Progression Chart by Manu Smiriti and the Transit on the 20th Dec. 2016 at the time of writing the Article

Now See the Transit on the 20th Jan 2017

The Vedic Progression chart does not show good results for the Country . Rahu placed in the 9th House with Fallen Jupiter the Lord of the 2nd and the 5th house  and aspected by Saturn from the 7th house of Wars

Sun the 10th Lord is Placed in the 8th from the 10th House and aspected by Fallen Jupiter the 8th Lord from the 10th house placed in the 12th from the 10th house who is also aspected by Fallen Natal Saturn of the Foundation chart

On the 20th Jan. 2017 the Following Parameters are most Critical  as per the above chart .

  1. Mars and Saturn at the same degrees and activating the Natal Mars and Saturn degree wise
  2. Jupiter the 8th Lord from the 10th House aspecting the Sun the 10th Lord as per the Progression chart  in the 3rd house which is the 6th from the 10th house and the Natal Ketu is placed there
  3. Moon over natal Moon and in the Nakshatra of Rahu who is in Adverse motion in the 10th house
  4. The Eclipses in the 4/10 axis of the Progression chart in Feb.2017 and August 2017 will be most Crucial Factors for the  War Prone and Torn Country and Around April 2017 will be explosive for Syria as per the Dates mentioned
  5. 3rd Sept. 2017 when Mars activates the Eclipse point will also be crucial for the country

All the above are not indicative of Good Happenings for the Country and the President . Hence from the above we can say the Future of Syria may not be a Bright one Sun Transit in the 3rd house of Boarders shows the involvement of the Country in Terrorism and War Prone activities with Magnitude .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

Date 20th Dec. 2016 10.00 hrs. Singapore

Mobile Singapore From 4th Dec. 2016 till 1st Jan. 2017 +6582078002

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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