Swearing-in Ceremony of YogiAdityanath :What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

Yogi Adityanath to take oath as CM of UP today at 14.15 hrs. Lucknow.

My Research Predictions failed using the Akshar  of the Names of the Candidates for the CM of UP, although Keshav Prashad Maurya had strong Akshar. The Date of Birth is seldom euthentic and I tried a exceptional method which did not work in the absence of the D.O.B data for the Politicians. Swathantra Dev Singh has been given a Responsible Position any way  .After the announcement of the CM of UP I searched the Birth details of YogiAdityanath on the Google  and Found him born on the 5th June 1972

After all the speculations on the possible Chief Minister candidate for UP, the BJP on Saturday finally designated the chair to Yogi Adityanath. The 44-year old Lok Sabha member from Gorakhpur has been declared as the 32nd CM of Uttar Pradesh. The other front-runners for the party were Keshav Prasad Maurya and Manoj Sinha. A large crowd assembled in major towns to celebrate the CM candidate announcement.

Yogi Adityanath who is believed to have a staunch Hindutva ideology will be sworn in on Sunday at 5 pm in Lucknow. Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dinesh Sharma will be the deputy CMs of the state. PM Modi and BJP President Amit Shah will along with other BJP leaders will be present for the swearing in.

As per Google the Horoscope of YogiAdityanath


Some other astrologers are also considering Virgo Lagna. I will use the Moon sign and correlate with the Oath chart in this Article.

In Transit Moon is Placed in the 10th house from Natal Moon . One of the most Powerful combination in Transit are the Saturn Transit aspect on the Sun and Jupiter  natal on the 26th Jan 2017 , this combination brings the native to Top position , like the case of Chief Minister of Punjab Araminder Singh. A similar happening with Amitab bachan when he was on the Ground and rose up again when Saturn influenced his Natal Sun and Jupiter .

The Mars and Venus combination for Leo Ascendant and Moon sign Aquarius is the Strongest Rajyoga in the chart and shows the Native is Karmsheel . The aspect of Jupiter from the 5th house shows his character crystal clear.

The Panchang of the Day and the Probable time of Oath as indicated by the media is 19th March 2017 at 14.20 hrs.

Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and Placed in the yama of Leo and the 2nd house of the Oath chart and the Yama Lord is placed in the 9th house with Debilitated Mercury and Venus and aspected by Jupiter  from the 3rd house .

Tithi  KP-7

Nakshatra  Jyestha Tekshan and Drauna . Good for Tantrik acts, killing , Aggressive deeds to divide others and action requiring looking straight. Moon Nakshatra Lord is also Debilitated . The native may be involved in in Aggressive and ruthless deeds

Yoga Preet inauspicious

Good Muhurat 13.15 hrs to 15.34 hrs. As per Panchak Rahita Viddhi

The Ascendant will be Cancer between 13.15 to 15.34 hrs . Movable sign not desirable for Oath Taking

Malefic Parameters at the time of the Oath


  1. Moon Debilitated and in Vish Ghati
  2. Combination of Day, Tithi,  Nakshatra  is Marana Yoga Very Bad
  3. Karna Vishti is not good and the Lord is Saturn and Placed in the 6th house  and will be fallen between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 , this Period will be most Critical for the Chief Minister . The Native may be involved in immoral deeds
  4. Lagna Lord Debilitated and Lagna in Dagdha Rashi.
  5. Yama Sign Leo having Rahu in the 2nd house .
  6. Hora  Sun till 14.15 hrs. then Venus  which is good but not connected to Moon.  Venus at 14.20 hrs .is good but again not connected to Moon
  7. Chandra Vela Devouring Poison
  8. Lagna Movable , Prishtodayo and aspected by Prishtodayo Planet Mars
  9. At 14.18 hrs Navamsha Gandantha and both Rashi Lagna Lord and Navamsha Lagna Lord Debilitated .
  10. Moon in 4 Malefic Vargas out of the Saptvargas the Lagna Lord , specially the Trishamsha Chart .
  11. Vish Ghati from 14.15 hrs to 15.31 hrs
  12. Massa Shunya Star
  13. Tithi Vriddhi
  14. As Per Pancha Pakshi the Muhurat is average from 01-48 hrs to 15.06  and not good .
  15. No good Muhurat exists on the 19th March 2017
  16. Fixed Lagna and Shisshodayo Rashi is Prefered in the Lagna .
  17. Day Lord Sun is ill placed from 10th house , 10th Lord Mars  and in Paap Kartariyoga
  18. Lord of Lagna Moon  and the 10th Lord Mars are in 6/8 axis in the Rashi Chart , in 1/7 axis in Navamsha and both weak, in Hora  both together in malefic varga, in Dreshkanne chart 2/12 axis , hence difficulty in achieving success
  19. Neither the 10th Lord nor the Lagna Lord Moon is aspected by Benefics .
  20. Yoga Karka Mars is not Poorna Yoga Karka since  not connected to the 9th Lord Jupiter and Placed in 6/8 axis
  21. Luminaries ill placed from 10th house, 10th Lord Mars
  22. Chaitra Rashi has Jupiter till 12th Sept. 2017 is good specially after 9th June when Jupiter becomes direct and is the 9th and the 6th Lord , and Mercury in Depression connected to Chaitra Rashi , hence lot of Struggles in achieving success . After 26th Oct. 2017. Saturn will be aspecting the Sign Virgo  will be most malefic Parameter for him, Hence when Jupiter leaves the Sign Virgo on the 10th Sept. 2017 the difficult time will start. Mars is also Karka for Property  and  the State will suffer on account of Real Estate as well
  23. DBA Planets is Mercury and Venus , Mercury is in Neecha bhanga rajyoga and is bound to show the negative results first . As per Reduced Vimshottari Dasha . The Dasha Of Mercury till 20-9-2017 and more so till Saturn is Fallen till 26th Oct. 2017 will be most crucial for the Chief Minister , Since the Mercury is Placed in the 9th house and is the Lord of the 3rd and the 12th Communal issue will sprout with Dimension, The Dasha of Ketu till 5-11-2018 will be worst , since Placed in the 8th house and the dispositor is Saturn placed in the 6th house aspecting Ketu . Venus and Sun dasha may not be Bad , But dasha of Mercury, Ketu, and Moon will be most Crucial for the Chief Minister

Malefic Parameters as per Simhasan or Panch Nadi Chakra

  1. Saturn and Rahu in Lowest Nadi Aadhar as per Simhasan Chakra. Saturn in the Nakshatra of Ketu and aspecting Ketu in Simha Nadi
  2. Moon is the most important Parameter in the Oath taking Chart and should in no case be afflicted. Moon is Debilitated and aspected by Mars by 8th aspect.
  3. Moon is placed in the lowest Nadi Aadhar , hence the Power of the King is curtailed and the Longevity and the Tenure of the King is also influenced. It seems the CM may have to work strictly according to his master  and may not be able to exercise his own powers  and the Juniors and the Deputy in line may become more powerful
  4. Sun in the nadi of Aasan is also not very good , but not afflicted by Saturn is a benefic Parameter.
  5. Navamsha Shisshodayo but Lord again Debilitated  and Navamsha in Gandantha , since Lagna Degrees 13.39 degrees.

Benefic Parameters at the time of the Oath Taking

Lagna Urdha Mukha , Sun and Venus in Amrit ghati

Mercury and Venus in Arudha Lagna , but Mercury Debilitated .

Shirshodayo Navsmsha Having Benefics in it

10th Lord Mars Extremely strong in Rashi chart but Debilitated in navsmsha , hence initially he will be extremely Strong .

Timing of Events

Lagna Is aspected by Mars  who is very strong in the Rashi chart hence the Chief Minister will be very Powerful initially , but as per the timing Below the Results may not be good ones.

  1. Timing of the Events   The Navamsha Lagna is Scorpio and Lord is Debilitated in Navamsha  and hence when Mars the Navamsha Lagna Lord reaches the Lagna Cancer of the event chart  and crossing the 13.30 degrees on the 2nd August 2017 could be Crucial for the Chief Minister  State since the State will have some untoward happenings . At this Point Saturn will be Fallen over the Debilitated Moon in the 5th house  , Hence the Significations of the 5th house would suffer . Saturn Stationary from the 25th 30th August 2017 and Saturn Fallen from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 will be most critical for his Tenure and Image 
  2. Lagna is Movable and in the 5th navamsha of a Malefic but Shirshodayo. Now since the tenure is 5 years and 60 months 9 Navamsha = 60 months and since 5 Navamssha have passed the Results will not be good after Passing of 4 Navamshas hence after 27.55 months there will be a change , Since the Navamsha Lagna is aspected by *th Lord Saturn and the Navamsha Lord Mars is Debilitated hence after 2 years  3 months and 17 days there will be Malefic Happenings . The Date which we arrive is 6th July 2019

Nut shell

From the above it is evident that the Oath Chart is not an auspicious one , and the CM may not be able to exercise his powers as desired by him and lot of Opposition may be faced by him from the masses during the Period from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017, although Saturn aspect on his natal Sun and Jupiter on the 26th Jan. 2017 is most auspicious one. Initially he may work strongly since Mars the 10th lord is very strong and as per Timing may give the results accordingly.

The Sun Saturn Combination in the natal chart will again be activated after Saturn falls back in Scorpio and when Sun goes in  Taurus, Gemini and then Leo on the 21st August 2017 may not be an auspicious one as per the natal Chart if this Birth details are correct. Similair Happenings as Akhilesh Yadav who suffered on account of the bhandan yoga of Sun and Saturn  as in the Chart of of the YogiAdityanath , YogiAditya nath  has no choice but to dance on the tune of N Modi , else he would face the same fate as Akhilesh Yadav.The Simhasan chakra is also not an auspicious one and shows the Power of the King is curtailed.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

19th March 2017  14-25 hrs. New Delhi  

Modified at 13-00 hrs on the 17th March 2017

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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