Stars Foretell Red Planet Mars , Roman God Saturn and Nodes Playing Their Game From 21st Nov. to 31st Dec. 2016

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my earlier Articles written on the Planetary Positions between  Nov. and Dec. 2016 vide link

Now Let us have a closer look at the charts of the sensitive dates  for the Relationship between India -Pakistan and also for the Globe . The Planetary Positions are most disasterous  for War , Terrorism, EarthQuakes, Natural and Unnatural Disasters , All depends upon the Foundation chart of the Countries . My Focus is more on the India-Pak Relationship . We all know the Tensions are aggravating between the 2 Countries  as predicted by me and on the dot as per the Planetary Positions . I am not discussing the other Dates which are also Triggering Points in the Present Scenerio since they have already been discussed in my previous articles . Here in this Article  only 4 dates the Most sensitive ones are Being Put and the Charts are showing Crystal Clear the events as already  Predicted and analysed in my Previous Articles .

Have a Look at the Chart of 21st Nov 2016 19-00 hrs  New Delhi


Needless to write here since I have written enough on the Planetary Positions and specifically this Date Mars Activates the Eclipse Point of 15.15 Degrees in Leo for the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016, Mats also aspects Degreewise Rahu at 15.01 Degrees .  The above charts are showing  what these Planets are upto and what game they are liable to Play . Mars is ammunition Dump and showing the Aggravation of the events and Terrorism taking a Greater dimension  and posing Threats of a War.


Date 12th Dec. 2016 –9-00 hrs  New Delhi


Mars reaching the Leo -Aquarius Axis where Eclipses have taken Place , Most Volatile for those countries who have the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016  in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon or Sun For US it is in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and the Moon . For China it is in the 8th house and 1/7 axis of Saturn  in the 8th House as the Lagna Lord .. I have already given my Predictions for other Countries on my webpage . China is also Running the Dasha of Sat-Rahu  could also be Crucial for the Country .

25th Dec. 2016 21-00 Hrs New Delhi


Degree conjunction of Mars and Ketu  in the 8th house of the Vedic Progression chart and the 3rd House of the India Foundation chart most Explosive  for Events at the Boarder, Rail and Air Accidents , Terrorism with Magnitude  and even War

31st Dec. 2016  21-20 hrs New Delhi


Most Crucial Date is 31st Dec. 2016  when Mars reaches the Eclipse Point Degrees and aspects the Leo Sign for the 2nd Time first on the  21st Nov. 2016 and then on the 31st Dec. 2016. As per K N Rao this Parameter is Ammunition Dump and those countries who have the Leo-Aquarius Lagna , Moon , Sun will be disasterours specially the ones also running the Anter Dasha of a Planet like Rahu ot who has the Capacity to Kill.

Hence the Dates  21st Nov, 12th Dec., 25th Dec  and 31st Dec. 2016 are the Most sensitive dates for the relations between India and Pakistan

I have already mentioned in my Previous articles that a War will take Place between India and Pakistan like the Kargil War after 21st Nov. and 12th Dec. 2016

anil aggarwala BSc.Engg. P.E.C Ch.

 Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012



Video on Planetary cycle on

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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