Red Planet Mars Activating the Eclipse Points In Nov.-Dec. 2016 Ammunition Dump

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my my Articles written on Mars and Saturn Exchange after 1st Nov. 2016 . Mars and Saturn were in Scorpio for 211 days from 20th Feb. to 18th Sept. 2016 . We all know when Mars Over stays in a Rashi in Square Position with Nodes is most Explosive when it activates the Eclipse points as mentioned by K.N Rao in the Book of Nehru Dynasty in the Chapter Inevitability . Mars works as a Ammunition Dump. Mars will ingress in Capricorn on the 1st Nov. 2016 at 08-38 hrs and Activate the Eclipse Point of 15.15 degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 on the 22nd Nov. 2016 .I have already written an Article dated 30th Sept. 2016, hence this Date 22nd Nov. 2016  could be explosive for the Relationships between India and Pakistan.

I have also written an article “Mars Ammunition Dump On Eclipse Points, Earthy Signs Affliction, Foretell Earthquakes Tsunamis” link…hquakes-tsunamis/ dated 27th July 2016 . These Perods are also Explosive for Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Natural and Unnatural Disasters

I have also written an Article “Eclipses In Sept. 2016 Signature Alarm Bells For War With Pak” link…for-war-with-pak/ dated 25th August 2016

Let us first have a look at the Solar ingress chart of the 1st Sept. 2016 .

Eclipse of Sept 2016

The  Solar Eclipses taking Place on the 1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial Since Mars and Saturn  Stationary Points will be 14.49 and 15.41 degrees in Scorpio and The Eclipse Point of 15.15  in Leo of  the 1st Sept. 2016 will be aspected by Saturn at same degrees, an Explosive Parameter.

Mars ingressing in Aquarius on the 11th Dec. 2016 at 18.56 hrs till 20th Jan 2017  and making Conjunction with Ketu will further Escalate the Effects of the Ammunition Dump.The Exchange of Mars and Saturn will also Prevail and the effects of the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio for 211  will also be felt , since in Astrology as mentioned by me in the earlier Article when 2 planets are in conjunction and for a Long time when the Planets go in each other sign give the results accordingly .

Mars and Ketu will be in Degree conjunction on the 25-26th Dec. 2016 . Mars Reaching the 15.15 degrees and aspecting the Eclipse point again and again on  21st-22nd Nov. 2016 and 31st Dec. -1st Jan 2017  could Prove explosive , More so after 11th Dec. 2016 when Mars will ingress in Aquarius and joining Ketu and till 16th Dec. 2016 also aspecting Ketu in Navamsha .Mars will be in Degree conjunction with Ketu on the 13th Dec. 2016 at 10-11 degrees . When Mars will be in the 2nd  Navamsha  it will be in Scorpio and again Have return aspect of Saturn . Mars in Aquarius will be crucial till it crosses the 5th Navamsha  of 16.40 degrees on the 2nd Jan 2017 .These Dates will be most Explosive for the Globe and specially for the Relation ships between India and Pakistan. I have already written enough articles about these combinations for India and the Globe.

From the above Parameters it seems that till Mars is in the sign of Sagitarius till 1st Nov. 2016 there could be number of Happenings concerning the Terrorism and the Situations can only go adverse one Mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees after 21st -22nd Nov. 2016  and Can Escalate when Mars Joins Ketu in Aquarius from 11th Dec. 2016 till 20th Jan 2017   

Combination for War 

  1. For India it has been observed that at the time of War the Taurus-Scorpio and Cancer Capricorn axis could be  afflicted  in the Annual Horoscope, Pieces New Moon Chart  and in the Paksha Kundali
  2. Affliction to Luminaries, Lagna and Lagna Lord of the charts CastAs Per the Planetary Positions the Hindu New Moon Pieces Year is cast as per the 7th April 2016 at 16.54 hrs New Delhi Below the Taurus -Scorpio axis is afflicted  and the Lagna Lord is Placed in the 8th house .
  3. In the Annual Horoscope of 14th August 2016 of 16.26.28 hrs Mars and Saturn are in the sign Scorpio in the 12th house
  4. In the Vedic Progression chart by Manu Smriti for the Year august 2016 to August 2017 below the Cancer Capricorn Axis is afflicted badly . DPYH2016

See the above chart and every thing goes with out saying . I have already discussed this chart at length in the article “Vedic Progression chart By Mannu Smriti For India : What It Foretells” link…hat-it-foretells/ dated 11th August 2016 . From the above it is clear that when Sun goes in Libra  to Sun is Scorpio will be the most crucial Period for India to enter a war like situation with the neighbors and obviously Pakistan and China Tension giving Countries . Hence a Period from 17th Oct. 2016 to 15th Dec. 2016 will be crucial Period.

5. Paksha Kundali of the 14th Dec. 2016 of 5.36 hrs is Most enigmatic for Crucial Results for Mars Ammunition Dump Below


From the above it is crystal clear that till mars activates the Eclipse point on the 21-22nd Nov. 2016  and asper the Dates mentioned above there may be Terrorism in the Country specially till 16th Oct. 2016  and Explosive situations after Mars Activates the Eclipse Points in Nov. and Dec. 2016 and Finally on the 31st-1st Jan 2017

Mars Ingress in Aquarius is most Explosive for the globe in Total since this Combination is Astrology is not a good One K. N Rao mentions this as the Most Explosive Parameter for Explosions, Terrorism, War

The Following Parameters are activated

Mars conjunction with Ketu and Saturn aspecting Rahu is another Crucial Parameter for Blasts , Explosions

Connection of Mars and Saturn

Moon will be in Rohini Nakshatra on the 13th Dec. 2016

Role of Eclipses

Activation of Eclipse points

Dasha of Moon Mars  till 10-2-2017 and specially Dasha of Moon-Mars-Ketu from 23rd Nov. to 6th Dec. 2016 in the foundation chart

Mars is the 7th and the 12th Lord Placed in the 2nd House is Most malefic and totally depends upon affliction of Mars in Transit to sprout war like conditions along with Ketu in Aquarius

Rahu From 10th to 14th Oct. 2016 Most malefic

Nov. 2016 Rahu 8th,9th and 10th and after that 21st-22nd Nov. 2016

 Article Date 2nd Oct. 2016 09-00 am

anil aggarwala BSc.Engg. P.E.C Ch.

 Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012



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