Solving Murder Mistery of Sheena Bora by Prashna Jyotish Part 1

by astrodocanil

Prashna is a sanskrit word which means interrogation or question. The name is because , in this the individual with a desire of knowing his future approaches an Astrologer. The astrologer answers the query with the help of the chart drawn at the time of the query, since the Chart is made at the time of query and predictions made there in , this method derives it name PRASHNA.

Prashna Jyotish helps any blind case to be solved by the evidences available and my experience is using Mook Prashna with what ever little is available one can find out most mysterious facts of the blind cases . On my webpage I had solved the most mysterious case of Death of IAS DK Kumar with astonishing  mysterious facts which were revealed much latter then my findings. Article “What Stars Foretell : IAS Officer DK Ravikumar’s Death Mystery” link

Indrani Mukherjea, the wife of one former Star India chief Peter Mukherjea, was arrested in Mumbai on Tuesdaythe 25th August 2015 for the murder of her sister three years ago.
Sheena Bora was murdered on the 24th April 2012 in the evenings hours  and police sources say her body was dumped in the forests of Raigad, 84 km from Mumbai. Indrani Mukherjea allegedly helped dispose of the body. She has been remanded in police custody till August 31 2015

Ms Mukherjea’s driver, who was arrested on the 21st August 2015 on a tip-off, allegedly told the police about her role in the murder and also revealed the spot where the body could be found.Please be informed that the principles of Parashar Jyotish have not to be applied in Prashna Jyotish and the rules are governed by other classics mentioned on my webpage.

Role of Aprakashit Grahas take an important dimension for all activities relating to death and death like activities. I will be using these parameters with their different aspects  and not 7th aspect except Gulika

The Telegraph reports: “Sheena and her brother, who works in an airline now, were brought up by their maternal grandparents in Guwahati. The children eventually moved to Mumbai and Sheena did her graduation from St. Xavier’s College there. After Indrani married Peter, who made a name for himself at the helm of STAR India and during whose tenure the blockbuster Kaun Banega Crorepati was launched, Sheena moved in with the family. The family friend said Sheena, who was known as Indrani’s sister, became close to Peter’s son from an earlier marriage. It is not clear whether the alleged relationship played any role in Sheena’s death.” as per the link

Indrani Mukerjea  the Prime accused is an HR consultant and the wife of Peter Mukerjea, a retired Indian television executive. In 2007 she co-founded INX Media with her husband, where she took on the role of CEO. She quit the company in 2009 and retired. Infact she kept on hiding that Sheen awas her daughter till the day of arrest.

In Prashna Jyotish the Key parameters is the Date and the time of the event which can be corrected by Mook Prashna.  Let me also give the  dates which could also be used to find the parameters important in the chart by the Dates  as Below.

  1. Murder of Sheena on the 24th April 2012 around the 6.00 to 7.00 Pm.
  2.  Body of Sheena Recovered by the Police on the 23rd May 2012.
  3. Driver of Indarini mukerjea Questioned regarding Arms act. on the 21st August 2015
  4. Indarini Mukerjea Arrested on the 25th August 2015


Let use see the chart of 24th April 2012 19.16.30 hrs. Mumbai below


As per Prashna Jyotish using  Mook Prashna , since the Query is pertaining to a Jeeva,  we will use the Parameters to exactly find the time of the event.

Since the Lagna at the time mentioned on the 24th April 2012 is between 6.00 to 7.00 hrs. Pm., it is Libra Lagna and an odd lagna and for a Jeeva Query it has to be in the  3rd, 6th or the 9th Navamsha , The event will take place just when the navamsha changes.

Also human signs rising in the Lagna and aspected by human planets , the event is related to Jeeva, here the human sign Libra is rising and human planet Jupiter is aspecting , hence it is confirmed that the time taken by me as per the principles of Prashna Jyotish are correct..

7th Lord from Lagna is in the 11th house shows multiple marriages of Indrani Mukerjea, more so since Mars is aspecting the 2nd house as 7th Lord . Sun is the strongest planet in the Kendra and Placed in the 7th house and has exchange with Mars. Rays of Sun are 5 hence  Indrani Mukerjea could have been involved in the Present 5th Marriage .  and the 5th the Strongest ie Peter Mukerjea since Sun is Exhalted.

Jupiter is double male and with the strongest planet in the Kendra aspecting the Lagna and the 11th lord , hence 2 Males would have helped her to carry out the motive and the murder. as per the reports Ex husband Sanjeev Khanna and the Driver were also there at the time of the Murder, hence there were 3 persons at the place of Murder apart from Sheena bora the Victum . This also confirms that Indrani Mukerjea had multiple Relation with Males and the same for the 5th Lord Saturn since 7th from 5th and 11th from Lagna aspecting Saturn the 5th Lord and Saturn in the Lagna Retrogression and Mars aspecting 5th house also shows abortions for Sheena Bora.  There are 3 main accused in the Murder  Jupiter  Double male and Sun hence 3 Males in fact, Peter Mukerjea may not be involved directly but definitely a reason .

Lagna is Libra and the act has taken place at the time of Sandhi kaal since the Sun set is at 18.55 hrs and with in 24 minutes is not good for any act .

Retrograde planet Saturn  in the Lagna the native may have attempted 2 more times earlier but did not succeed it so appears  when Saturn retrogression and Stationary Points and Dates of Saturn in Libra.

Uday Lagna is Libra having a Malefic Saturn retrograde, Arudha Lagna is Sagitarius aspected by Saturn  and Chaitra Rashi is Pieces having Debilitated Mercury 12th Lord  and aspected My Mars , Chaitra Rashi is 6th from Uday Lagna and 4th from Arudha Lagna is extremely bad to give the most Malefic results . More so since Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna , Chaitra Rashi all are influenced By MSaturn and Mars , Moon with Ketu , the event is related top the Morality of the Primary Acussed in the Murder.Chaitra Rashi is having  Mercury a benefic and debilitated also shows sheena had plans to marry the male wirth whom she had illegitimate relations and also got pregnant.

Arudha Lagna is Placed in the 8th from Moon hence it is a Query for Murder of the Daughter  for Morality.

Saturn connected to the Lagna the Native Indrani Mukerjea is in Misery  and troubles created by her Daughter since Saturn is also the 5th Lord and aspected by the karka for Children Jupiter along with Sun a double male combination . from the 7th house of the Indrani Mukerjea  and 7th house is Spouse of Indrani, Hence  Indrani Mukerjea was Troubled due to some relationship of some close acquintance of Indrani Mukerjea with Sheena Bora. and double male  relations ships, since Sun is also the 11th Lord .  Indrani Mukerjea was afraid that if Sheena got married to Rahul Peter Mukerjea Son then she would lose her total importance  and hence wanted to Break the link  altogether .

Lagna Lord Venus  and Moon in the 8th house along with Ketu and Gulika Lord Venus.

Saturn in Lagna retrograde shows there will be total 3 Attempts to kill her children and 3 in number  the Targets of Indrani Mukerjea to be killed. it goes without saying who could be the targets. the reason is in Prashna Saturn connected to the Lagna Lagna Lord and Moon is most malefic and specially when it is in Retrogression. The Dispositor of Saturn is in the 8th house and in Rahu-Ketu axis and with Moon.

Normally when Moon is there in the 8th house it shows Fear regarding the Planet influencing the Lagna and hence Children  and since Moon is also with Lagna Lord and Venus shows for materialistic benefits  through husband

Lagna Lord is weaker than 8th Lord since Lagna Lord placed in 8th house loses the lordship of Lagna also it is placed in the 8th from Lagna , hence the event is related to  death like activity .

5th Lord is ill placed from 8th house 8th Lord Venus and also Moon , death like event for Children

Lagna , Sun under the influence of Retrograde Saturn death loke activity.

Lagna has Retrograde Saturn the Lord of 5th house and Gulika and Navamsha Lord of Gulika is also Saturn.

In Navamsha Gulika Lord is Placed in the 5th house with Mars and Sun, Navamsha sign of Gulika id capricorn and Gulika is also aspecting the 5th house and Saturn the Gulika Navamsha Lord and the 5th Lord of the event chart placed in the 8th house with Rahu.

In Saptamsha Rahu-Ketu in 1/7 axis and Venus 5th Lord and Gulika Lord aspected by Mars and Saturn

Aprakashit Grahas

Affliction to upgragas  is determined by conjuction with Sun, Moon , Lagna , dispositor of Sun then the lineage is hurt and there may be damage to procreative abilities , This is called Bhrama Sarpa and the event chart has this dosh, since Dispositor of Sun is  Mars is associated with Dhuma, hence killing of her children was on the cards of Indarini Mukerjea.

If Aprakshit Graha are conneted to dispositor of Moon then it is  Shiva Sarpa and the Event chart Venus the dispositor is with Paridhi/Parivesh , hence Shiva Sarpa, hence the Longevity of the person is also hurt, hence she can also face similiar situations .

Paridhi in the 8th house with Moon and aspecting the 5th house where Inderchapa is placed   most malefic in the chart for the results for the mother Indarini and the child Sheena, It depicts death like activities for both. Placed in the 4th from the 5th house shows Financial embezzlement , cheater and Punishment for Sheena Bora and Placed in the 8th from Lagna determination  and suffering from some kind of theft , but self is very strong .

Dhuma with Mars and both aspect Rahu in forward motion, Dhuma also aspects the 12th Lord with Mars Mercury Debilitated .

Dhuma is a violent son of Mars  . it is capable of inflicting death due to highest heat , the point where you head simply burns. Dhuma in the 7th from the 5th house confirms that Sheena had extra marital relation ship. As per media reports she was pregnant at the time of killing by Strangulation and then Burning by Petrol . Placed in the 11th from the Lagna for Indarini Mukerjea Lot of wealth , gold and houses. Knowledge of many Arts.

Inderchapa aspecting the 9th house and Lagna where 5th Lord Saturn and Gulika is Placed. Visionary for Indarini Mujerjea and Perennial health troubles to Sheena Bora .Inderchapa placed in the 5th house  creates terrible destruction and killed the daughter .

Vyatipata with Rahu and and as mentioned above aspected by Dhuma and Mars  and Rahu Poison since in forward motion. Placed in the 2nd house confirms that Indarini is  Wicked, Crook , Bilious, Materialistic, Sinful, Ungrateful and Eloquent speech.

UpKetu In the 6th house from Lagna Indarini will be destroyer of Enemies and hence it shows clearly what ever is conspiring between the mother and the daughter .

Since the Event is related to the murder of the Daughter 7th lord  from the 5th house, Planets in Kenrdra and the 11th Lord are the culprits and the strongest has to be taken, hence the culprit planet is Sun and placed in the watery navamsha hence more then 1 person is involved in the act.

Age of the Prime Accused Sun is placed in the 7th house and the age at the time of the event of the native will be around 42 years . As per media Reports Indarini mukerjea  is Born in 1971-1972

Significations of Sun of the Culprit to be seen from Sun and PAC with Moon

As per the above The time of the event will be from 19.16.30 hrs to 19.31.30 hrs when Aries navamsha will rise and  Navamsha of Aries will rise having Rahu-Ketu and Saturn the 5th Lord afflicted badly..

Panchang of the day is the most important element in Prashna Jyotish

  1. Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and is placed in the 11th house in an inimical sign as per Prashna Jyotish  aspecting the 5th house of children Day is Malefic  and not good for good acts and Longevity of any query. For Malefic acts there is fear of being caught and Jail is 12th house . The Day Lord Mars is ill placed from 12th house and 12th lord Mercury. Mercury is debilitated and aspecting 12th house with 100% aspect is bound to give Jail for a malefic act. Mars is Placed well from Lagna and Lagna Lord , hence the Culprit will be successful in attempting to achieve the motive.
  2. Tithi SP-3
  3. Nakshatra  Rohini Nakshatra  is connected to our Poorva Punya Balam ansd we  all know that the dasha balance is calculated from Moon and in this case the Dasha  Balance is Moon-Saturn-Mercury. Moon is placed in Rohini and in the 8th house with Parivesh is most malefic for children for queries related to Children and even the mother. Moon is with Lagna Lord and 8th Lord Venus and in close degrees with Ketu. Rahu and ketu were in forward motion on the from 24th April Evening to 30th April 2012  was the Most malefic parameters at the time of the event.
  4. Karna Gara. The same is seen if the Karya siddhi will take place properly or not , in this connetction  if the culprit will be caught or not, since the Karna Lord is not connetced to the 10th house or Lord Moon the fructification of theevent will not take place properly and the culprit will be caught. The Karna Lord is also not Placed well from the Lagna Lord Venus.
  5. Yoga Shobahna  Lord is Sun and a malefic Yoga , it is with 6th Lord Jupiter and ill placed from Ketu and aspected by Gulika placed in the Lagna with 5th Lord Saturn is clearly showing the event .
  6. Dagdha Signs are Leo and Capricorn and day Lord is Placed in the Dagdha Sign is not good what ever act will be done will bring negative results .
  7.  Avyogi Planet Saturn placed in the Lagna the Act will  strong negativity for the culprits.
  8. As Explained Above Rahu-Ketu in forward Motion from 24th April 2012 evening to 30th April 2012 , Hence we all know Rahu is Jail and when Rahu and Ketu change signs to the 12th house of Jail and the 12th Lord Joins there there will be jail to the culprits. Rahu Changes Sign on the 14th July 2014 to Virgo and amazingly The Police has been keeping a Track and observing the Culprits for quite some time.
  9. 5th Lord Saturn in transit  when ingressed over Rahu on the 2nd Nov. 2014 a special feature of the chart sinceRahu was  in forward motion at the time of the the act and Saturn become Retrograde on the 14th March 2015 at the exact degrees of Rahu at 11.11 degrees . Saturn was stationary when went in retrogression at 10.56 degrees .The probe of the Police started  reviewing the case and got some leads of Sheena missing from the family for a long time.
  10. 27th July to 7th August 2015 Saturn was again in Stationary motion and aspected  Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in close degrees on the 6th August 2015  I have already written an article on this “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link
  11. Since the Planets involved at the time of the Grusome Murder are activated By Saturn the 5th lord of the Event chart on the 6th August 2015, and when Rahu will be in Forward motion and the 12th Lord of the event chart joins the Culprits will apprehended by the Police and Put in custody. Surprisingly Rahu was in Forward motion again on the 18th August to 24th August 2015 and Mercury ingressed Virgo on the 23rd August and Indarini Mukerjea was arreasted on the 25th August Morning Hours.
  12. Mercury was in Leo in Mrityu Bhag on the 21st August 2015 and the Driver of the Indarini Mukerjeee was questioned by the Police and getting some clues they Arrested Indarini on the 25th August 2015.
  13.     Yama of the Day   . The Day Lord Mars is placed in the 5th yama of Scorpio and the 2nd House of the chart where Rahu and Vyati Pata are Placed and Rahu is in Forward motion and Poison for the event , When Rahu Transits the 12th house of virgo will put her behind bars the Moment mercury goes in Virgo and amazingly when mercury has gone in the 12th house of the event chart on the 23rd August and Rahu in Forward motion The Police took decisions to Arrest her on the 25th August 2015 morning.  Mars the Day Lord is also connected to the Karya bhav  and also connected to the Karyesh Jupiter since Jupiter is aspecting Mars .
  14. Place, Distance  and Direction of the Place Jupiter is also aspecting Saturn the 5th Lord in Lagna. The Lagna lord is placed in the North East Direction in the yama chart, hence the Murder would have taken Place in the North East Direction, Since lagna Lord is in Fixed sign at the time of the event , hence the place of Murder will be out of mumbai since Lagna lord is not in Kendra and near about place  Venus is in 7th Navamsha  and own sign hence the distance will be double then the normal distance , since in 7th navamsha  each navamsha = 5 KMs  hence = 2x 7x 5 = over  70 kms  since the degrees of Venus are 22.36 and exactly speaking = 76.5 kms. Taurius sign is signified by  Forests, Farmlands , Cowsheds, close to places where Buisness is transacted .
  15. Name of the Person  The 7th Lord from 5th house is Sun and mars is Placed there and there is exchange of mars and Sun, hence 2 Males are involved as mentioned above and Sun and Mars both in Fiery sign and As per The Alphabet which rules for fire for Sun Vovels and  is  Ei in Hindi Starts with Indrani and Mars in Firey sign is signified by  Kavarge Kha Hence Sanjeev Khanna . Most amazing . Sun Age is 50 years  hence Indrani 42 years as mentioned for Indrani since placed in the 7th house and each house is 6 years in the clockwise direction  and for the  and Sanjeev Khana 50 years at the time of the Murder in 2012.

  16. 7th Lord from the 5th house is Sun and has complete and Poorna ithasla with Mars the day lord both are same degrees 10.44 and 10.17 degrees respectively, These are also the Degrees of Saturn on the 14th March 2015 when Saturn was Stationary at 10.56 degrees and went into Retrogression.   There is also Exchange of Mars and Sun. Mars and Sun both in the Quadruped signs and damage sideways and Planet aspecting sideways is influencing from upper portion of the hip to neck, Since just changed Dreshkanne it is the Joint of the Neck and the body she would have been  Strangulated , which is what the media and the Police Press conference is stating.  
  17. From the above it is clear that 3 persons were involved in the Murder of Sheena Bora. 1. Indrani mukerjea. 2. Sanjeev Khanna. 3 Driver. 
  18. The Most was honour Killing since Sheena was pregnant by Present husband Peter Mukerjea and Sheena was Troubling Indrani for Finances and Materialistic benefits for the future . Indrani was lost in all this since in that case all the wealth would have gone to Sheena Bora.
  19. Timing of the Event  The Timing of the event is already discussed above that since Rahu was adverse on the day of the murder it acquires a special dimension more so with Vyatipatha and aspected by Mars and Dhuma , hence when Rahu influences the Chaitra Rashi ( Future and hidden things)the Brutality and the Morality of the 3 would be exposed after 14th July 2014 and  when Saturn the 5th Lord of the event chart comes over Rahu in the event chart of the murder after 2nd Nov. 2014 and when in Transit it is Stationary would expose the same . As explained above Saturn was Stationary on the 14th March 2015 at exact degrees of Rahu at 10.56  and wenrtinto retrogression and on the 28th July to 7th August 2015 at 4.13 degrees it was agin stationary and aspecting degrees wise Jupiter, Mercury and Venus on the 6th August 2015, After Sun ingressed in Leo  Saturn is also aspecting Sun as in at the time of the Murder and  see the next analysis as per below chart of the 25th August 2015 when Indrani mukerjea was arrested.
  20. Let us see the chart of 23rd May 2012 when the body of the Sheena was discovered burnt. See the chart Below
  21. Body
  22. Now the Saturn the 5th Lord has fallen back in the 12th house of Virgoand aspecting  Rahu in the 2nd house hence when Saturn transits over Rahu the culprits will be apprehended and put behind Bars . Mars and Saturn both aspecting Rahu who was Stationary at the time of the Murder. Hence after 14th March 2015 will be a Period which could expose the secret behind the Murder and Police may come to know and get some leads of missing Sheena for a long time from the family. The Importance of Saturn over Rahu in Scorpio all the more becomes important for Fructification of the timing for the cat coming out of the bag and culprit exposed.
  23. Let us see the transit of the planets on the 25th August 2015 with the same Lagna of Libra with 6th navamsha rising.
  24. 25-8-2015

Amazingly the day is again Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and Indrani Mukerjea would have been arrested around 11-20 hrs. Mars is Debilitation . The Most amazing Parameters here is the Conjuction of Venus, Mars  in Cancer sign in Transit on the 25th August 2015 which is the Navamsha sign of Sun Mars and Venus at the time of the Murder on the 24th April 2012. . Venus is fallen and is the Lagna Lord and supposed be most malefic and  shows multiple affairs of the Prime Accused Indarini Mukerjea.

Some Amazing Time of Frutification for the 3 Accused in the Murder as per the dates mentioned below

1.Sun is reaching the same degrees as at the time of the Murder 10.44 on the 28th August 2015 and aspected by Saturn as at the time of Murder.

2. Rahu will also be in Forward motion from the 1st Sept. 2015 to 6th Sept. 2015 with 12th Lord Mercury who will be with Rahu till 29th Oct. 2015.

3. Mars Debilitated and Fallen Venus meeting degreewise on the 1st Sept. 2015, hence on the 1st Sept. 2015 there is a Possibility that Indrani Mukerjea may break and the Cat may come out of the bag and all exposed

4. Mars reaches its position in the Leo at the time of the murder after 15th Sept. 2015 and reaching 10.17 degrees on the 2nd Oct.2015 are crucial Dates for the Exposure of all the above

Venus is Retrograde till 6th Sept. 2015, hence Indrani may not agree that she Committed the murder till 1st Sept- 6th Sept. 2015, but may break after that. 30th Sept. Venus goes in the sign of virgo and in Debilitation and hence Indraini in Jail along with others . The results final may come after mercury goes in Lagna after 29th Oct. 2015 and Venus also comes in the Lagna and before rahu changes sign on the 9th Jan 2016.

Transit of Rahu in Leo after 9th Jan 2016 for a Period of 1.5 years and specailly in March 2016 will be the infact time when the Real time Punishment to the Culprits. Hence till Rahu is there in Virgo and Leo will be the worst time for the Accused. 

Vital clue will be got by the police on the 28th-29th August when Sun reaches the Degrees of Mars at 10.44 degrees in Leo, since there was exchange of Sun and Mars and both had a Poorna ithasla the most vital in the case , Mars is also Karka for Cobrotheres and hence the brother may expose and give a vital clue on the 28-29th August 2015.

In a nut shell the motive of the murder was to break the link between Rahul and Sheena  since as mentioned above , she would lose her total position  , also Sheena was black mailing her mother for the finances given to her as kick backs in some banami deals and her becoming Pregnant before marriage . I shall be writing More details on the Article on this webpage ,  Article contd.

God bless

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala   27th August 13-15 hrs.

Disclaimer: this is only a Astrological analysis as per Prashna Jyotish and not any personal poinion and nothing to do with the # Accussed in the case directly or indirectly. the writer does not hold himself responsible for any situations arising out of the Article

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