Amazing Predictions For Marriage Day by Vedic Progressions of Manu Smriti

by astrodocanil

 Amazing Predictions For Marriage Day  by Vedic Progressions of Manu Smriti

This Article has been Published in the Astrology magzine STARTELLER in the Sept. 2015 Issue on the PAGE 66

Here I am taking up the VEDIC PROGRESSION Method for the Prediction for an Individual case of A girl Marriage, based on the Horoscope of  26th June 1975 07-10 hrs New Delhi  on Vedic progression method.

This is based on Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi Granthas and so called Pitra Jatakam.  Before I predict, let me explain the basic method. This has been taught to me by My Teacher Astro Guru Mr. S. GANESH. I salute him. DPYH — Daily Progression Year Horoscope.
Definition of Time Time is defined as the linear progression of the state of being, divided into various cycles and sub-cycles. The utility of some of these cycles, or progressions, can be studied in detail.
Progressions of Time for Human BeingsOne year of human life is the equivalent of 1 day of the Gods – Manu Smriti  so called  Pitra Jatakam.The Sun’s movement demarcates the movement of time.   In the course of his regular transit the Sun moves through twelve signs of the zodiac in one year, and thus one sign of the zodiac in one month, and one degree per day.  A year is thus defined as a Samvatsara, or the time taken for the Sun to transit 360 zodiacal degrees. This principle is the basis of all progression and dashas systems in Vedic astrology. The Sun’s movement at this rate to the end of the first Nakshatra Paryaya indicates the end of life for human beings. The year 120 (the full life span of humans) is reached at one degree per year progression. Hence Constructing the Chart of a Particular year by this Progression method.

The basic principles of marriage Early Delayed  or Denial to be seen from the birth chart only for  Promise, Condusive Dasha and Transit Fructification. This Vedic progression chart is confirmation Tool and gives 100% results ..

Through this after superimposing the Planets in Transit on that year  acquiring important dimension when activate the respective points  will be the day of Marriage and for other events accordingly.

.This Technique of Vedic Progression gives  amazing good Results, using the Lagna Nakshatra and the Placement of Moon and its nakshatra Lord. The parameters which are important are as follows in the example case.

First Let me give the basic Principles  .

  1. Most of the planets remain in the same sign , specially the slow moving, hence concentration on the planets which are fast moving . Moon, Mercury, Venus and Lagna are most essential when they change sign, nakshatra .
  2. Slow moving Planets Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn also important along with their nakshatras and any exchange, Forming Eclipses etc ..
  3. Moon Nakshatra Lord and  its connection with Moon and the Planet for Fructification , should not be ill placed The Lagna and Moon should not have affliction, since then the year becomes tiring and full of hinderances  .
  4. Fixed Karka Significations most important. Like Moon Mother Mind, Sun Father, Career Govt job, Ketu disease, Venus Marriage, Vehicle  ,Jupiter  Karka for Spouse of Girl , Prosperity, wealth , Mars property, operations , Saturn, Longevity, Career MNC . we can use according to the Significations of the Planets .

Girl  is born on the 26th June 1975 07-10 am New Delhi Chart below.


Let me analyse the marriage through the Vedic Progression I am not discussing the basic Promise , condusive dasha  since it is not the Area of the Article.

The Progression chart of Marriage Year

Marriage analysis

The chart above is satisfying the conditions and showing amazing connections which have actually happened for marriage, Moon nakshatra Lord is Pushya Saturn the 7th Lord of the chart is aspecting Venus and 7th Lord from Venus is again Saturn  . Venus is also aspected by Jupiter confirming the acceptance of marriage by the Parents . Moon is Placed in the 5th house with Rahu, Love Marriage .  Now the Planets which are important are Moon, Rahu with Moon, Venus , Saturn and Jupiter in this  Progression chart and should influence the Transit  in 1998 year at the time of marriage.Moon has to activate the event it is signifying .

Let us  now draw the Chart of Cancer Lagna 21.37 degrees of Transit chart in 1998 of  26th June Chart of Cancer Lagna 21.36  degrees below( Lagna of the Vedic Progressed chart is Cancer and 21.37 degrees  to see when will be the date of marriage after looking at the ephimeries .

Now See the amazing connection of the Planets on 26th June 1998  Transit and then superimpose   on the Progression chart href=””>Transit 26-6-1998

Moon in the Lagna , Saturn the 7th lord aspecting the 7th house , Rahu was in the nakshatra of Saturn and is over Venus who was aspected by Saturn   who was in the Leo see the degrees also  Venus aspecting the Moon in the Progressed chart. Now when Venus goes in Scorpio over Rahu marriage will take place  . Moon  Should activate Moon and Saturn

Now according to this The Marriage will take Place on the 2nd Dec. 1998 and see the Planets satisfying the above Parameters 100%  as below.


Moon has Jut activated Saturn and gone in Taurus and activating Moon in the Progression chart along with  Rahu , keep a close track of the nakshatras if possible and the Degrees of the Planet and the navamsha, when in the same Navamsha or just changed navamsha and all conditions satisfyiny will be the Day of the event. All the combinations are al;so showing it is a Love marriage . God bless

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala   astrodoc.vedic astrology

23rd August 2015 20-00 hrs 

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