Solar Ingress In Aries: Women Politician May Be Instrumental To Bring NDA In Power Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

885 Articles and Predictions in just 47 months from April 2015

Venus the 3rd and the 7th Lord Placed in the 10th house from the 10th house the Shooksham Sthan of the 10th house indicates Women Politician may be instrumental in Bringing back Narendra Modi Back in Power

This is with Reference to my Article “Sun Entry In Aries It’s Exaltaion Sign : What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ dated 16th Jan. 2019. These Predictions were also Published in the Astrology Magzine ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the April 2019 edition on the page 17.

Read My Article “My Articles In ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ April 2019 Edition Page 17 & 22 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 18th March 2019

Sun and Mars Transit are Crucial Transit and In the Present Scenario they acquire an Special Dimension
My 2 Articles have been Published in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER ‘ In the April 2019 Edition

Surya Veedhi : Solar Ingress in Aries Page 17 Read Full article in the Magzine . Glimpse of the same below

Another Article On the Page 21 ‘Red Planet Mars in Taurus ”

Now Let me Reproduce the Text of the Article “”Sun Entry In Aries It’s Exaltaion Sign : What It Foretells ?””

Hindu Astrologers in India have great predictive techniques available to them which are unknown to western Astrologers. It is for this reason that Indian Astrologers who have their roots ingreat spirtual traditions of India score over the Western rivals and make brilliant predictions. Many slokas in the ancient text have been given by our Maharishis for predicting the events. It somestimes becomes necessary to find out which particular month in the life of the nation is likely to become historic in terms of achievement or disaster.

This is easily done by making what is known as the Surya Veedhi or the Solar ingress chart.Special consideration is given to the entry of Sun in a cardinal signs 1,4,7,and 10 Aries, Cancer, libra and Capricorn. It is believed that Surya Veedi Charts in the above signs results for the coming 3 months.

Special attention to be paid to the position of the Sun and malefic and Benefic influences on the Sun. The Matters pertaining to the house where Sun is located would figure prominently during the year and the coming 3 months.
As Per the Chart Below it seems Solar Ingress in Aries May Bring the World Economy To Break, Since Mercury is Debilitated. Political Parties may have to Form New Alliances due to Mars and Saturn Inauspicious Yoga
The Chart of the Solar Ingress in the Sign Aries is below of the 14th April 14-09 hrs

The day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and also the Lagna Lord at the time when Sun is moving in its Exaltation sign in the 9th house of the Chart. All the trinal houses are haiving aspect of Jupiter placed in the 5th house.Karna Lord is Mercury is Debilitated and not connected to the 10th house,hence the year may not bring fruitful results as expected. Lagna is also in Gandantha and so is the 5th and the 8th Lord Jupiter . Mercury in the house of a Planet who is in Gandantha further adds fuel to the fire for the Global Economy, More so Jupiter will fall back in the sign Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 and till 11th August. It will be retrograde and in Scorpio and will join back Sagitarius after 5th Nov.2019 only. Hence the Party who comes in Power will also face tuff situations to bring the Country on the path of Growth and Prosperity
1.The Political Leaders Confontration may reduce since Sun is placed in Exaltaion and in the 9th house in its own Yama also. This also indicates that the Ruling Govt. may come back in power, since the Lagna Lord is stronger than the 7th Lord
2.There will be New Alliances between the Political Parties
3.Mercury as the Lord of the 2nd and the 11th placed in the 8th house in Debilitation. This indicates the malefic influence of the significations of the Planet Mercury is Karka for Earthquakes. Weather,Stock and the Financial Markets hence It indicates weakness for the Global Economy.The Stock and the Financial Markets therefore may limp. Strong Roller Coaster rides may not be ruled out.
4.The Ketu ingress in the sign Sagitarius on the 25th March 2019 where Jupiter will also join on the 29th March 2019 and Jupiter in Gandantha will add fuel to the fire in the limping Global Economy. The Trade war in the 2 Prime economies US and China of the World may also take an ugly shape it so seems.
5. For India Since the Watery sign Pieces is afflicted and 12th Lord Moon in its own watery sign The South Western Gujrat,Maharashtra, Karnataka may suffer due to water related diseases and there may be loss of life and money
6. Venus the 3rd and the 10th Lord in the 7th house and about to go in its exaltaion sign and aspecting the Lagna indicates that in the Centre The Women Politician may play an important role in the Politics of the Country for bringing back the ruling Govt. in power directly or indirectly.
7. The Planet Venus aspecting the Lagna the women will acquire a special status in the year and the Govt. will also take positive steps for the betterment and the Security of Women.
8. The Yoga Karka Mars as the 4th and the 9th Lord is placed in the 6/8 axis with Saturn who is also the 6th and the 7th Lord and forming inauspicious yoga indicates natural and unnatural calamities. There may be fall in the Prices of Wheat, Rice etc
9.The Tensions at the Boarders of the Country may not bring any respite and rather it may take an important dimension
and there may be Boarder clashes. The Time Frame After 25-30th April, 18th June, 11th July and till Jupiter is Retrograde in Scorpio on the 11th August 2019
10.There will also be a Tug of War in the Political Front after the above dates mention in the point 9.
11. During this time frame there could be loss of Crops also
12. The Positive part is that Jupiter from own sign from the 5th aspects the Lagna and the 9th house Shows some new steps will be taken in the Policy making for improvement in the Travelling , Transport and the Vehicular System of the Country.
13. Religion, Spirtualism Guru’s will take interest in the General Elections of the Lok Sabha 2019. This may give surprising results for the ‘Vote Bank’
14. Mars and Jupiter aspect on the Lagna show that although there may be success for the Ruling Prime Minster he may have to join hands and form alliances with other Parties. A Women Politicain will be most instrumental in this Alliance.
15.The inauspicious yoga of Mars and Saturn in 6/8 axis will pose Problems to the ruling Prime Minister to Form the Govt. in the Coming Lok Sabha Elections of 2019, But since the Lagna Lord is strong and the 3rd Lord Venus aspect the Lagna along with Jupiter Narendra Modi will have to join and establish an Alliance with a Party lead by a Women Politician
16. Saturn with Ketu aspects Rahu in the 11th house. Saturn as the 7th Lord is also the 6th Lord.The fear of war will be like a hanging fire .North and North West Direction will be under Threat and Terrorism in any form . There can be Untoward happenings as well since Mars and Saturn are in 6/8 axis and Mars Karka for Fire , Blast, Terrorism and is Ammunition Dump.
17.Sun is ill placed from the 4th house and the 4th Lord Mars Hence opposition parties will not leave any stone unturned to damage the image of the Ruling Govt. NDA and specially Narendra Modi.. There efforts may go invain but there will certainly damage the vote bank of the NDA to some extent
18. From the above it becomes imperative that BJP Govt. Forms an Alliance with a Party led By a Women Politician indirectly before or after the elections to come in power. It so seems.

Written on 16th Jan. 2019 14-00 Hrs. New Delhi Earlier


Written on the 24TH April 2019 at 22.10 HRS
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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