Russia’s Threats To Dominate Ukraine And Dictate Stems Warlike Conditions Feb-April 2022

by astrodocanil

“Russia’s Threats To Dominate Ukraine And Dictate  Stems Warlike Conditions Feb-April 2022”

 I have been mentioning in all my Articles that the year 2022 is prone for Brawls between the nations taking ugly shape specially the Ukraine-Russia,  Indo-China,  China-Taiwan, China-US and in the Gulf Countries . Russia’s Threat seems to be dominant in the immediate Present and Future between the Feb-April 2022 and in the broad spectrum till March 2023. Due to the Following Reasons as per the Foundation chart and the Transit of the Planets . Let me add here the Planetary Positions and specially the Malefics in the Cardinal Signs from 17th March 2022 till 8th April 2022 we have some what Parallel Positions like the WW1 and WW2 . My Article dated 1st Sept. 2021  for the Predictions seems coming True .


12th June 1990 13.45 hrs Moscow

  1.  The  Transit of Saturn over the Natal Saturn in the Sign Capricorn in the 5th house and aspects on the Mars in the 7th house of Wars.
  2. Mars Transit in the sign Sagittarius in the 4th house and  the aspects on the natal Mars in the 7th house  from the 17th Jan to 27th Feb. 2022.
  3. Mars Transit will activate the Natal Mars at 15 degrees on the 6th Feb 2022 prone to warlike situations.
  4. Placement of Mars in the chart of Russia is prone to wars since in the 7th house as the 3rd and the 8th Lord having aspect of Saturn the 5th and the 6th Lord . Both Mars and Saturn will be activated in the Transit.
  5. 1st Feb 2022 Lunation chart has the 4 Planets Sun Moon Mercury and  Saturn in the sign Capricorn  and according to Principles of warlike the Lagna Lord Mercury afflicted , 7th house  afflicted together with Luminaries. Mercury will be over the Natal Saturn degree wise in Transit and Russia may be in War mood and may do this mistake of Invading Ukraine . Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord Mercury can be responsible for the Aggression.
  6. Conjunction of 5 Planets in the 5th house on the 27th Feb. 2022
  7. Close conjunction of Mars and Venus from the 10th Feb. to 10th March 2022
  8. Saturn Combustion and joining Dhanistha Star Prone to Warlike  situations from the 1st Feb. and 18th Feb. Respectively . Transit Saturn will keep on hovering over this star through out the year 2022 since it will become Retrograde on the 5th June 2022. It will only leave the Dhinistha star in the end March 2023. Hence the Tensions between the Ukraine and Russia will be hanging fire  for almost one year .
  9. Presently Nodes in 1/7 axis of the Sun and Mercury specially Rahu over the Natal Sun and Over the Mercury the Lagna Lord in very close degrees.
  10. Nodes change sign on the 17th March and Rahu joins the 8th house  and Ketu the 2nd house  and having Degree aspect of Mars on Rahu and Saturn on the Ketu are most malefic parameters on the 3rd April 2022.
  11. Dasha in Operation of the Rahu Moon till 26th Jan 2023 when Dasha of Rahu-Mars will start which will also be Prone to war like conditions the Country may enter with the Neighbouring Countries .
  12. There are very strong possibilities that Russia may invade Ukraine and may be isolated diplomatically by US and European Union.

24th August 1991 18-00 hrs Kiev

Ukraine  became independent after the Fall of ‘Soviet Union in June 1991’. In the Foundation Horoscope of Ukraine  the Moon is placed in the Dhansitha Star ruled by Mars , now as mentioned above when Saturn transits the Dhanistha Star on the 18th Feb. 2022 stems serious boarder clashes and a possible Territorial War in the region. USA and the European Union have already warned Russia of any Invasion against the Ukraine. Saturn Transit over the Dhanshta Star from the 18th Feb. 2023 to 3rd week of March 2023 may prove to be most venomous for the country for Boarder clashes with Russia and war like situations and Economy break.

 The Chart is below 

The Chart is of the Capricorn Lagna  with Moon and Retrograde Saturn. Saturn is with Moon the 7th Lord of Wars and is also Marka  and there are no planets in the Kendra . This combination of Saturn and Moon in the Ascendant is a strong Arishta yoga . The 4 Planets Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are placed in the 8th house from the Ascendant and also from the Moon , hence  no power yogas and therefore the Countr has to Struggle though the Balance of Mars Dasha and  Rahu Dasha. . The Present Dasha in operation is of Jupiter Venus and both are placed in the 8th house as mentioned above  and then the Dasha of Jupiter -Sun who are also placed in the 8th house . 1991 to 1999 for 8 years the country was in economic crisis. Moon is afflicted in the Rashi and Navamsha by Saturn made the Country to struggle for Financial aspects .. 

Presently the  Dasha of Jupiter is running which started in 2013 . Jupiter is a functional malefic for this Capricorn Ascendant . Now the Dasha of Jupiter-Venus is in operation and both are placed in the 8th house from Lagna and the Moon and both are combusted . This time frame till 13-2-2024 is troublesome for the Country  due to Economy and Boarder disputes .Sun and Venus in debilitation in the Dashamsha chart speak about the outcome in the Jupiter-Venus  and Jupiter-Sun Dasha .

The Transit of Saturn over the Natal Saturn and the Natal Moon  over the Janma Moon in Dhinstha from the 18th Feb to 3rd week of March 2023 may be most enigmatic for the Country and the Country may reel in Economic Crisis. The Transit of the Nodes in the 4/10 axis will add fuel to the fire after the 17th March 2022.

I have written so may Articles explaining that the Planetary positions are parallel WW1 and WW2 and may prove Chaotic for warlike situations between the Countries around 1st week of April 2022. Russia is piling up it’s Military on the Ukraine Boarder  and My Predictions seems to be Proving which have been made much in advance.


This Article is dated 1/9/2021 Let me reproduce the text here for Ready Reference for the Prediction made much in advance citing the Planetary positions at the time of WW1 and WW2 and Predictions also made for the Stock and the Financial Markets

In all the above Cases cited above in the Heading Saturn was in the sign Capricorn Hence till the 29th April 2022  for the immediate future  of the Stock and the Financial Markets  seems to be like a bubble burst  Starting from Sept. -Dec..2021 which could be only to the tune of 8-10 % but Jan. to April 2022 could  be a bubble burst . In the immediate Future One should be alert  in Sept. and then In Nov.-Dec  2021 specifically 

Please note that  Disclaimer Clause is applicable  and this is only an Astrological analysis. The writer of this Article is not responsible for any losses incurred by any Investor, Individual, Corporate or Company . In case any Person suffers losses he shall be responsible for the same due his whims and Fancies . The Writer shall no way be a Part of the same . Please Note this before reading this Article and also looking at the video for the same 


In this Articles I am going to use the above to predict the Future of the Financial Markets looking at the time of CRASH IN THE FINANCIAL MARKETS AT EARLIER TIMES STARTING FROM OCT. 1929 the ‘Great Recession’

As mentioned in my earlier Articles  Declination of Planets is most important .  Hence from any event in the globe  if the Planets influence the  same chart as per declination there could be similar happenings in the world . Giving you examples from the 1st and the 2nd World War  we could see similar situations after the 10th August 2021 and  we are experiencing war like situations in the Afghanistan , which could escalate  in the immediate future and  till April 2022.


From the First world War which took place on the 28th July 1914 we have completed 107 years and running the 108th year . The Planets which acquire Important dimension are as follows .

  1. Jupiter 
  2. Mars 
  3. Sun

Have a Look at the chart below  of the 28th July 1914 and the chart of the 10th August 2021 when we had the Afghanistan crisis. The Left hand side is the 1st World War and the Right had side is the Transit on the 10th August 2021

 The Planets which are also influencing the Chart of the first world war are also Sun, Jupiter and Mars as per declination and also as per the Transit of the Planets amazingly .  For this reason the Afghanistan Crisis took place exactly after the 10th August 2021. This also Indicates that the 108th Year from the 1st World War will be Most Venomous specially till the 28th July 2022 for war like conditions in the Globe may be it is China-India China -Taiwan  China -US  Ukraine-Russia or Trouble in the Gulf Countries.


The 2nd World War took place on the 1st Sept. 1939 and we have completed 82 years   today the 1st Sept. 2021. and running the 83rd year. The Planets which acquire an important dimension are as follows  which are near the declination points are 

  1. Jupiter
  2. Mars
  3.  Rahu

 In Transit when these Planets fall over the Planets at the the time of the previous event there could be similar happenings around the 5th April 2022 Have a Look at the chart below. 3RD TO 5TH APRIL MOST SENSITIVE TIME FRAME 


  1.  Mars and Saturn in Kendra from Rahu and Ketu IN CARDINAL SIGNS PARALLEL AT THE TIME OF WW2.
  2. Mars over Mars.  
  3. Mars and Saturn are degree conjunct in Capricorn now and at the time of the WW2 Saturn and Ketu were degree conjunct in Aries sign.
  4. Ketu Over Rahu and Rahu Over Ketu.
  5. Mars afflicts Rahu and Saturn afflicts Ketu , at the time of WW2 Saturn was with Ketu was afflicted badly  by Saturn and Mars , Now the affliction to Ketu is less but parallel the WW2.
  6. Venus and Sun were Afflicted by Mars Now Jupiter and Venus together in Paap Kartari yoga and Sun afflicted by Saturn.
  7. Venus and Jupiter is a deadly combination as per the Mayur Chitram and Termed as Bloodshed  on the 5th April 2022.
  8. Earlier Mercury was afflicted by Mars Now Afflicted by Saturn.
  9. The affliction is not 100 % like the WW2 but definitely 70-80 % like the combinations of the WW2.
  10. Brawl Between Nations Ukraine-Russia , Indo-China, China-Taiwan, China -US could have Ugly Relations.


The Planetary Positions are Parallel like the WW1 and WW2  specially when Mars and Saturn will be degree conjunct in Capricorn and Mars will aspect Rahu and Saturn will aspect Ketu Degree-wise in the First week of April 2022. The Transit Mars activating the Natal Mars of Russia in the 7th house around the 6th Feb. and Saturn combustion and entering Dhanista Star from 18th Feb. 2022 to 3rd Week of March 2023 may Prove chaotic for both the Countries and Both of them may suffer in the Longer run. The Stock Nad the Financial Markets could also be influenc3ed adversely specially till the 2nd April 2022. ———-NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS.



My Disclaimer Clause is applicable . This is just an Astrological Analysis as per My Research Techniques . My Predictions may also May go wrong since exact data taken may be wrong  This is  a Research Article  The Above Predictions have been made on the bases of the information available on the Internet and Planetary positions some what parallel to earlier Stock Market Crash.

Who is the best astrologer in India in 2021?

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, lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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My Opinion is, Mr. Anil Aggarwala from Delhi is a Best Astrologer in India 2020–2021. He wrote more than 2500 articles in the 2–3 years. He is the only astrologer in the world who predicted about Covid 19. Everything is happening As per his predictions. His Predictions about the share market and virus spreading are 94-98% accurate. You can check Predictions on his website and YouTube Channel. You can learn many prediction techniques from his Articles.


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
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Anil Aggarwala” 

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