Red Planet Mars Will Activate 6.20 &18.40 Degrees Of Capricorn The Great Conjunction Of Jupiter Saturn & Jupiter Venus Respectively May Prove Dramatic Violent & Historical Landmark Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil
Violent & Historical

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‘Red Planet Mars Will Activate 6.20 &18.40 Degrees Of Capricorn The Great Conjunction Of Jupiter Saturn & Jupiter Venus Respectively May Prove Dramatic Violent & Historical Landmark Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ‘


All the Principles of the Mundane Astrology have been used as per the Book of Mundane Astrology  Guide K N Rao for Predicting the Events in this Article. The Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra  are used to fine tune the events as mentioned in this Book , Kindly note this

Jupiter and Saturn conjunction is most important  in mundane astrology  and takes place once in every 20 years  in each of the 12 signs in a Retrograde order  in the trines from the previous signs . The Conjunction in Earthy triplicates  fall in Virgo, Taurus and then in Capricorn. Many Important events are derived from this conjunction and specially in the Countries Ruled by that sign. Asper Varahamihra the Sign allotted to India is Capricorn

The Jupiter and Saturn conjunction is very important conjunction in Astrology since Jupiter is the 9th & 12th Lord and Saturn the 10th and 11th Lord of the Natural Zodiac. No Event can take place without the Dual Transit and aspect of these 2 Major planets . As Per Bhirat Samhita chapter 10 Jupiter and Saturn conjunction or opposition is a classical combination for civil unrest and crisis in the global economy. Shani Chaar Adhayaa stanza no. 19. This warns us of public unrest in many countries  countries  including India

Read My Article written non the 17th Sept. 2019  for Conjunction of Mars , Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn and for the virus spread from China  and all my Predictions pertaining to Coronavirus from China Proved spot on and I am the only astrologer who Predicted Virus Spread from China after the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019  parallel to spanish Flue which broke out in Jan 1918

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (


For China it is taking place in the Ascendant and will activate the natal Mars and Moon hence strong influence on China and may take aggressive stances for the Trade war with US. Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 in the Trik bhav 12th house over the Fallen Jupiter and 22DK sign considered to be dreaded one  may be most Venomous and Virus spread is not ruled out specially in the Dasha of Mercury-Mercury-Ketu from 24th Jan 2020 after the Ingress of Saturn in Capricorn WHICH COULD PROVE DISASTROUS NOT ONLY FOR CHINA BUT THE COMPLETE GLOBE. Mercury is also the 6th Lord of the China Foundation chart and placed in the 9th house totally eclipsed by disease Karka Ketu and Mercury losses the Lordship of the 6th house . For this Reason most of the Virus spread takes place from China. In the D6 Shashtamsha Chart the Sign Sagittarius is rising and the Lord Jupiter is Fallen in the 12th house as the 12th Lord . Hence China is Prone to Virus after the Solar Eclipse of the Dec . 2019 specially when Jupiter joins the sign Sagittarius on the 5th Nov. 2019. This will be most Venomous Virus which will last  till Ketu will be in Jyeshta star till the 10th May 2021 — Note these Predictions

Also Read My Article  Red Planet Mars Key Parameter To Activate Sensitive Arc In Capricorn For Untoward Happenings & Effect On Stock Financial Markets Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Significations of Jupiter 

Jupiter signifies Religion, philosophy, judiciary, finances ,, business , trade, capitalism, treaties, external affairs, ministers, ambassadors, nobility, prosperity and peace, international cooperation, birth rate, arbitration between countries. Jupiter is Jeeva Planet and since will be afflicted between the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 suffering  and represents resurrection and a new order. Jupiter is also planet of Kings, queens, royalty and is associated with constitutional type of Govt.

Signification of Saturn

Saturn signifies death,  national calamities , contraction, disease, war, loss or gain of territory in war, agitation, strikes, labour class,  democracy, farmers, miners, land and crops, It has  been noticed that  first conjunction falling  in triplicity which is also called the ‘Great Mutation’ has very important lasting events . Saturn has much to do with the rulers of the Country . Saturn is Death and Death of the Rulers also.

Results of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

It has been observed from the past that USA President elected  under  or about the time  of this conjunction dies in office . The Cases cited are  of President William  Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, and A Garfield. Other  Presidents who died in office  were  William McKinley, Warren J Harding, Franklin J Roosevelt and John F Kennedy. With Leo ascendant in the US foundation chart Saturn is the 6th and the 7th Lord ( Marka) and Jupiter the 8th Lord

1960-1961  Saturn and Jupiter conjoined Capricorn sign. This Conjunction Took place 60 years back on the 17th Feb 1961

  1. Process of decolonization was started. British and French imperialism suffered defeat
  2.  Bombay was bifurcated into  Maharashtra and Gujrat state

21 January – Queen Elizabeth II start of Royal visit
12 July – Panshet Dam bursts in Pune causing a massive flood in the city of Pune. Over 1,000 people die.
1 November – The Hungry generation movement is launched in Calcutta.
17 December – India reclaims Goa.
18 December – India reclaims Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao and Diu
19 December – Goa is officially ceded to India after 400 years of Portuguese rule.
The Tenth[1] and Eleventh Amendments of the Constitution of India (1961)
Anti dowry Act (1961)

Process of decolonization was started. British and French imperialism suffered defeat
Bombay was bifurcated into Maharashtra and Gujrat
In 1961 , India occupied Portuguese enclaves of Goa, Daman and Deo.

YEAR 1962
The immediate effect was attack on India by Chinese. India suffered a crushing defeat. This was a shattering blow to the Nehru’s idealism.
In India it had effect on the Modernization of the Armed Forces so India became well prepared for war with Pakistan and China of 1965


The Results  of the Conjunction as can be seen in the immediate future  from the 14th April till 20th Nov. 2021 as can be seen from the Planetary positions

The First time Jupiter and Saturn met in Capricorn was between the 29th March 2020 to 30th June 2020

The Second Time Jupiter and Saturn met in Capricorn was between the 20th Nov. 2020 and they will remain together till the 14th Sept. 2020

Third Time when Jupiter and Saturn will meet in Capricorn will be between the 14th Sept. 2021 to 20th Nov. 2021

In this Conjunction Jupiter will be afflicted in 3 ways 

  1. As a Fallen Planet —— Most Venomous and Parallel situations like the 1st World war when Jupiter was in Retrogression  Fallen and in Debilitation in Capricorn
  2. Jupiter in Retrogression
  3. Jupiter in Debilitation

On December 21, a rare alignment  took place between Jupiter and Saturn at 6.20 degrees in the U Shadha Star, also known as a Great Conjunction, is set to shake things up politically, socially, and in our personal life as well. It only happens once every 20 years, so what happens now will have ripple effects for decades to come.

As per Research of Shri K N Rao the effects will be on the peak when Mars activates this 6.20 degrees in the Capricorn sign on the 24th April 2021 after the 12.30 hrs . This will be most enigmatic 

This  Transit  of Mars in Gemini at 6.20 degrees can trigger the Significations of this Great conjunction in the world  and India due to the following parameters 

  1. The Sensitive arc of Capricorn 6.20 being activated by Mars by strong 8th aspect 
  2. Mars will change its Star to Ardra on the 25th April 2021 and there will be vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra as per the Below  Chakras 
  3. Mars will Transit over the Natal Mars in Gemini in the 2nd House of the India Foundation chart where the Ashtak varga bindoos are Minimum. This can adversely influence the Economy of the Country 
  4. 24th April 2021 Mars will activate the Great Conjunction 6.20 degrees 
  5. 25th April 2021 Mars will enter Rahu Ardra Star  and between  the 14th-16th May 2021 Mars will activate the 18.40 degrees Conjunction of  Jupiter and Venus at the time of the 12th Feb 2021  which is Termed as Blood Shed as per the Mundane Classic of Myur Chitram and also authenticated by Shri K N Rao. Hence from the 24th April to 16th May 2021 will be the most Venomous and Volatile Time for the world  for the Significations of the 2 Conjunctions as explained above with dimension.
  6. The Coronavirus number will be Maximum after the 24th April to 16th May 2021 specially between the 24th to 10th May 2021  since there is Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra chakra and on the 16th May Mars degree-aspect on Saturn Natural and Unnatural Calamities, Earthquakes, Cyclones , brawl between the nations could take ugly dimension. Ketu leaving the Star Jyestha will give ease in the number of Cases in Coronavirus specially for India since Ketu is placed in the 7th house of India Foundation chart and the Transit Ketu is over the natal Ketu and the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 took place in the Jyestha star

See the Charts below

Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Between the 25th April to 16th May 2021 . 

Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra  between the 25th April to 16th May 2021 most Crucial



Jupiter-Saturn Together After 59 Years

Saturn completes its one zodiac cycle in about 30 years, and Jupiter takes around twelve years to complete its cycle in all the zodiac signs, after which it returns back to its original place. Thus, their conjunction is considered to be an extraordinary event. Jupiter, considered to be the most auspicious planet in Vedic astrology, will enter Capricorn on March 29, 2020, Sunday night at 7:08 PM, where Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, is already posited.

In this way, this conjunction of Guru and Shani will show its effect on the lives of natives of all zodiac signs. This conjunction will last for a period of about three months because on June 30, Jupiter will return to its own sign Sagittarius and remain there till November 20. Due to this planet coming back to Capricorn on November 20, 2020, this conjunction will again come into effect. Thus, Jupiter and Saturn are reuniting in Capricorn after about 59 years.

Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in History

If we look at the history, then about 59 years from now in the past, i.e. in the year 1961, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was seen in Capricorn, which continued till 1962. We all know that at the same time, the Indo-China war had started, during which India suffered major losses. It was during this period itself that the Cuban Missile Crisis came into sight, and the situation of nuclear war had arisen in big countries like Russia and America.

Hence we come to the conclusion that starting from the Mars transit in the sign Gemini- Cancer  from the 14th April 2021 to 20th July 2021  will be Prone to the significations of the Conjunction and specially  in the time frame between the 24th April to 16th May 2021 and then between the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 with dimension. Mars will activated the 6.20 degrees and 18.40 degrees twice  from Gemini by 8th aspect and from Cancer by 7th aspect most prone times  Natural , Unnatural Calamities, Global Economy, Earthquakes, Death of National Leaders, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism, War and War like situations, Blood Shed  and even Virus spread . Jupiter fallen in Capricorn as a Jeeva Planet  with Saturn is not good for Cure from Virus  Hence 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 can be Venomous even for the Virus cure  and virus spread. This Jupiter Fallen from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 is parallel to the 28th July 1914 when Jupiter was fallen at the time of the 1st World War at 26.34 degrees . I fear this Transit . Stock and the Financial Markets could also be influenced adversely . Time frames are mentioned crystal clear ——– NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS WITH THE TIME FRAMES 

Time Frames most Important 

Mars Activation from sign Gemini 24th April 2021 6.20 degrees activation

Mars activation of 18.40 degrees on the 14th -16th May 2021  18.40 degrees activation

Mars vedha to Saturn from the 25th April to 16th May 2021 —— Most Prone time

Mars activation from Cancer Sign12th June and 1st-2nd July 2021

Jupiter and Saturn conjunction for the 3rd Time  when Jupiter is also fallen planet and most venomous 

Hence from 24th April to 2nd July 2021 and then from 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 

Some Happenings in the month of April to July 2021 as below

April 2021 Read my Article below 

Insights & Psychic Predictions For April 2021 2nd 3rd 12th 24th -25th April 2021 Prone To Global Events Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

The Planetary positions from then 24th April to 16th May 2021  most Venomous for War like situations in the Country specially in Jammu and Kashmir

June 2021

Mars moves in Cancer sign  opposed by Saturn from Capricorn detrimental. There is chances of Military intervention . Rahu with Sun and  Mercury will create International Tensions.  The Situations in Russia, North Korea, US and Britain mat trigger. The Indo -China Brawl can take a bigger dimension. The Govt. In may Countries may be influenced . Tension in Jammu & Kashmir not ruled out due to Terrorism

July 2021

The Mars -Saturn opposition on the 1st July 2021 can prove to be explosive  in the movable signs and in the Gemini-Sagittarius Navamsha . The Collapse of Buildings and Air crashes are not ruled out . Political agitations in Countries . The Opposition of Mars and Saturn till the 20th July most crucial  for Tension with the neighbouring countries China and Pakistan

Planetary Positions parallel to 20th Oct 1962 in April to July 2021

14th 20th Nov. 2021

Volcanic Eruptions, Explosions, Man made disasters, Violations and Group demonstrations for legal rights  worst time for Economy , Military interventions.  Aggressive stance of China, n Korea and Russia cannot be ruled out . Strong Earthquakes around the coastal areas of the World


India-China Standoff: ‘Not An inch Of Land Lost Situation Same As Before’: Army Chief Naravane Mars Transit Between 25th April -17th May 2021 Crucial Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (



First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” 

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C C

1st April 2021 2-00 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS

ON THE 1ST APRIL 2021 12-00 HRS Added Text Prone to War  Most Important for the Article 
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