Red Planet Mars What He Has Up His Sleeves Till 7th May 2019 For Brawl Between India And Pakistan? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

822 Articles and Predictions in just 46 months from April 2015

Mars Transit in the signs Aries and Taurus is Prone to Wars as per Prashna Jyotish and specially those nations and Head of the Country who have the Dasha of the 7th Lord running and have Mars in the ascendant , then Prone to Take Aggressive stance and hence war like conditions

Mars Represents Armed Forces, Naval and Air Commands. It is a planet of Wars and Strife’It represents Violence in any form

I have written the following Articles on the Mars the Red Planet of Wars and Strife in Transit from the 5th Feb. to 7th May 2019

1.”Red Planet Mars, North Node Rahu & Saturn On Wheel : Fear Of Secret Plans Of China Looming Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
China Has Mars debilitated in the 7th house of Wars and Transit Mars from Aries aspects the Natal Mars by 4th aspect is crucial till 22nd March 2019 for getting involved in war like situations directly or indirectly. The Country is bound to be involved specially till 22nd March 2019 and when Mars goes in Taurus and in Rohini Nakshatra from the 7th April to 26th April 2019. Mars Transit till 22nd March 2019 there fore acquires a special dimension and when Mars goes in Debilitation from the 22nd June to 8th August 2019 can prove most venomous and the Country may be involved in war loke activities with the neighbors

2. “Will Mars Ingress In Taurus Escalate The Unrest In Trouble Ridden Kashmir ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎22nd Feb. 2019
Mars debilitated in the 7th house and Transit Mars aspects the natal Mars in the 7th house of Wars . The State is bound for Trouble specially till 22nd March 2019 and when Mars goes in Taurus and in Rohini Nakshatra from the 7th April to 26th April 2019. Mars Transit till 22nd March 2019 there fore acquires a special dimension and when Mars goes in Debilitation from the 22nd June to 8th August 2019 can prove most venomous

3.”Stars Foretell Pakistan In Hot Waters Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 22nd Feb. 2019

4.”Stars Foretell Troublesome Period At The Boarders From 21st Feb. 2019 Onwards As Saturn, Mars and Nodes On Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 19th Feb. 2019

5.”Vedic Progression By Mannu Smriti Of India Foundation Chart :What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ dated 12th Feb. 2019
In the Progression chart for the year from August 2018 to August 2019 Mars is Debilitated in the Lagna and and aspects the Ascendant Lord Moon in the 8th house by 8th aspect is most Venomous in this Progression chart and Mars Transit till 22nd March 2019 there fore acquires a special dimension till 22nd March 2019 and when Mars goes in Debilitation from the 22nd June to 8th August 2019 as well

6. “What Mars And Saturn Forming Inauspicious Yoga’s Have Up Their Sleeves From 22nd March-8th August 2019″…-8th-august-2019/ ‎ dated 9th Feb. 2019

7.”Mars In Taurus And Rohini Nakshatra From 7th -26th April 2019 : What It can Spell ?”…hat-it-can-spell/ ‎ dated 3rd Feb. 2019

8.”Mars Planet of Energy Violence Explosions It’s Stay In Aries And Taurus : What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎dated 31st Jan . 2019

The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension in the Prashna Jyotish related to Wars and Brawl between the nations and specially for India and Pakistan.

1.Mars Transit in the sign Aries and Taurus it is Prone for Wars due to the fact that these signs associated with malefics and specially Mars makes the enemy move on to inflict defeat to the King .
2. A Malefic in the Lagna and specially for India Taurus sign and for Pakistan Aries sign since Mars will be transitting will be most Prone to wars and the Brawl between the India and Pakistan may take an ugly shape. Hence India will be more aggressive after 22nd March to 7th May 2019 and Pakistan will be involved in Terrorism till 22nd March 2019 it so seems .
3. Malefics in the 4th house signify the return of the enemy, hence when Mars enters the sign Cancer on the 22nd June to 8th August 2019 Pakistan may return after suffering a defeat.

Let us also Consider the Prime Ministers of the Country Narendra Modi and Imran Khan where their Mars and placed what if they have the Anter dasha of a Planet related to the 7th house of Wars
Narendra Modi Birth details 17th Sept. 1950 11.55 hrs Mehsana Gujrat For this Please read my Article “Horoscopes Of Narendra Modi, Mamta Banerjee and Mayawati What They Foretell For Lok Sabha Elections 2019…a-elections-2019/ ‎

Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari Saturn 10 year 4 months and 4 days.
The Present Dasha he is running from the 24th Feb. is Moon-Venus and Venus the Dasha of the 7th Lord , hence bound to take aggressive stance specially when Mars transits over his natal Venus after the 22nd March 2019 against the Terrorism created By Pakistan.

Imran Khan Born on the 5th Oct. 1952 11.50 hrs Lahore

The Present Dasha he is running is of Jupiter- Mercury and hence the Anter dasha of the 7th Lord Mercury till 29-9-2020. Mercury will be in fallen State from the 15th March to 11th April 2019 and Jupiter will be Fallen from the 23rd April 2019 to 5th Nov. 2019 Hence the Dasha Lords in the Transit will not support him and can have a down fall
In the Present Scenario Mercury went in debilitation on the 25th Feb. 2019 and in retrogression on the 5th March 2019
See the Natal chart and the Transit chart and you can see for yourself the Results which will be there in the near future
As Per Jyotish Shastra when the dasha of the 7th house is in operation for the Country or the Primeminister than there is war like situation specially when there is a brawl with any nation

Hence from the above it is clear that the brawl between India and Pakistan may not be eased and may take an ugly dimension as per the Transit of Mars and may lead to a fierce fighting . Pakistan may have to beat a hasty retreat it so seems specially when Mars goes in the sign Cancer 22nd June to 8th August 2019.
For US I will write a separate Article Since US and Donald Trump both have Mars in the Ascendant and Trump is also running the Dasha of the 6th and the 7th Lord Saturn. Jupiter-Saturn dasha.

Written on the 8th March 2019 at 6-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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