Red Planet Mars Stay Pisces-Aries Signs For 249 Days Till 22nd Feb. 2021 May Put World In Enigmatic Spiral Of Wars In South China Sea Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1362 Articles and Prediction in just 62 months from April 2015


 Every 2 years and 2 months Mars goes in retrogression and over stays in 2 signs for more then180 days . It has been observed that when Mars ingresses in a sign and when in Square position with Sun then it overstays in a sign and also goes in Retrogression. There is also possibility at this time when it can fall back in a previous sign like the present Transit and becomes most malefic as a fallen planet 

Red Planet Mars Stay Pisces-Aries Signs For 249 Days From18th June 2020 to 22nd Feb 2021  May Put World In Enigmatic Spiral Of Wars In South China Sea  as can be seen from the Planetary positions

Mars ingresses in the sign Pisces on the 18th June 2020 and will move on to Aries on the 16th August 2020. It will go in Retrogression n the 9th Sept. and fall back in the Pisces again on the 4th Oct 2020. It will become direct on the 14th Nov. 2020 and join Aries again on the 24th Dec. 2020. It will move to Taurus sign on the 22nd Feb. 2021 . Hence Mars vibrates in the signs Pisces and Aries for 249 days . This Transit is most enigmatic .

First it stays in Pisces for 59 days from the 18th June to 16th August 2020

Then it Stays in Aries for 48 days from the 16th August to 4th Oct 2020 

It becomes retrograde on the 9th Sept 2020

Then it Falls in Pieces on the 4th Oct to 24th Dec. 2020 

It moves again in Aries on the 24th Dec. 2020 and remains there till 22nd Feb 2021

On the 22nd Feb 2021 Mars moves in Taurus and meets Rahu who will shift to Taurus on the 20th Sept. 2020

The Most malefic Parameter is the Mars Fallen in Pisces from the 4th Oct to 24th Dec. 2020 and its depositor Jupiter also Fallen till 20th Nov. 2020. Depositor of Ketu  Mars the most enigmatic Planet also Fallen. These combinations will drive the world in war like conditions. I have been mentioning this in all my articles

The Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 will add fuel to the fire and then the Degree conjunction of the Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Capricorn  all these combinations may take the world in Enigmatic spiral of Wars 

Now let us check if there could be wars since the Mars is indicating the same asper the above time frame


Since the time of Varahamihra, Hindu Astrologers like late Hardeo Sharma Trivedi Shastri  adopted various Techniques for anticipating wars. Which are as follows

  1. The annual horoscope of the Country.
  2. In the National Horoscope we should see the following parameters

Affliction to the Lagan and the Lagan Lord

Affliction to both luminaries

Affliction to 7th house of wars

Affliction to Muntha

Affliction to Muntha Lord

Affliction to the 6th house , if it is a serious Boarder clash only and not full fledged war

My Research  affliction in the Solar or Lunar Eclipses and Activation of the Eclipse point

Serious affliction in Vedic Progression chart by Mannu Smriti  for the Country

Chaitra Shukla Pratipada  New Moon Pisces  Chart  of the Country

New Moon Charts on the eve of the year . One of the Common rules of interpretation which gives accurate results  but not necessary condition is in the Fortnight there are 3 Sundays, Tuesdays, and 3 Saturdays


Chart of the 28th July 1914 Below

The Parameters which acquire important dimension are as follows

  1. Jupiter Fallen in the sign Capricorn. In the Present Scenario Jupiter is fallen in Sagittarius from the 30th June to 20th Nov. 2020
  2. There is acute affliction to Mars and Venus by Ketu and Saturn 3rd aspect
  3. Sun in Kartari Yoga
  4. Ketu in Fiery sign Now Ketu in Sagittarius sign                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            WW2

The Parameters acquiring Important Dimension are as follows

  1. Venus Afflicted in both WW1 and WW2
  2.  Saturn or Mars with Ketu and Influence of Saturn and Mars on Ketu, Rahu and Ketu in Own Nakshatra . This will happen on the 6th Feb 2023—- Note this date
  3. Mars will influence Rahu and Ketu after the 22nd Feb 2021 —– Note this date . Rahu and Mars  will be degree conjunct on the 26th March 2021 in the sign Taurus. Venus will also be combusted  on this date
  4.  Rahu and Mars in Rohini Nakshatra considered  to be most inauspicious  specially for India —– Note this Parameter
  5. Note One Parameter Saturn in Aries and Mars in Capricorn, Now after the 16th August Mars will be in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn and both will be in square position like the WW2

Have a Look at the chart below of the 26th March 2021 

GULF WAR–1991) Timeline of Gulf War (1990–1991) … It began with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 and ended with the Liberation of Kuwait by Coalition forces. Iraq subsequently agreed to the United Nations’ demands on 28 February 1991. The ground war officially concluded with the signing of the armistice on 11 April 1991.

2nd August 1990

The Parameters acquiring important dimension are as follows

  1. Saturn Fallen in the sign Sagittarius a Fiery sign . In the Present Context Jupiter Fallen in Sagittarius from the 30th June to 20th Nov. 2020 More critical till 13th Sept. 2020
  2.  War Just at the time of the Eclipse taking Place after few days
  3. Luminaries both Afflicted
  4. Venus under affliction
  5. Mars in Aries and we will Have Mars in Aries after the 16th August 2020 will influence Sun in Cancer and so will Saturn

In this Article I will check the Parameters for India China and US for the Possibility of War and Economic Recession in the coming Future


Rahu and Mars conjunction in Taurus is again a malefic parameter specially for India . It has been observed as per the past that when ever the Rahu and Ketu transit in the Taurus-Scorpio axis it is war like condition for India . The affliction to Cancer -Capricorn and Taurus-Scorpio axis is most enigmatic for India as per the past .


Saturn Transit in Capricorn in the Present scenario is parallel to the 20th Oct 1962 War with China. Rahu and Ketu were in the signs Cancer and Capricorn respectively and Saturn with Ketu and Mars with Rahu and there was degree -conjunction between the 4 of them


On the 3rd Sept 1965 when  war with Pakistan took place Rahu and Ketu  were in Taurus and Scorpio respectively. Mars aspects Rahu from Libra by 8th strong aspect and Saturn aspects Ketu from the sign Aquarius by 10th strong aspect 


In the Year Dec 1971 when the war broke out Saturn was in Taurus in Retrogression and aspects Ketu in  Cancer and Mars was with Rahu in Capricorn  in the annual horoscopeand had just separated and was in 6/8 axis wit


Let us first Study the Chart of India of the 15th Aug 1947 00-00-01 hrs

The Dasha in operation is Moon -Saturn most enigmatic one till July 2021 

After Sun Transit in Cancer on the 16th July 2020 can aggravate the situations with the boarder Countries and Saturn will be exactly at 180 degrees from Sun on the 21st July 2020. There will be affliction to the Cancer and Capricorn axis  hence prone to Boarder tensions 


As per the Principles mentioned above  there is affliction to the Lagan and the Lagan Lord and the 7th house of Wars

Muntha is Placed in the 7th house of Wars and the muntha Lord is placed in the 8th house under affliction by Retrograde Saturn.

There is affliction in the Cancer-Capricorn Axis . Hence the War is certain with the Boarder Countries China and Pakistan 


 24th March 2020 14.53 hrs.

The Affliction to the Lagan a, Lagan Lord , Luminaries, 7th house and 7th Lord crystal clear shows War like conditions

The Navamsha also indicates the Situations are grim. 7th house rising and Mars and Mercury in the Lagan


I need not write any thing all is crystal clear. The above chart shows trouble after the Ingress of Mars in Aries AFTER THE 16TH august 2020, Rahu-Ketu Transit in the Taurus-Scorpio axis AFTER 20TH SEPT. 2020  and Sun Ingress in Cancer sin after the 16th July 2020

From the above parameters and from the Rudramsha chart it is obvious that the relations between India and the Neighbouring Countries will take an ugly shape specially after the Sun Ingress in Cancer sign after the 16th-21st July – 2020——- Note this Parameter


Have a look at the Foundation chart of China of the 1st Oct 1949 15-15 hrs Peking below

The Dasha in operation is of Mercury-Mercury till 19-2-2022 most enigmatic time for China . Mercury loses the Lordship of the 6th house since placed in the 9th house in own house , Afflicted badly will give worst results for the Country. In fact the Coronavirus started after Mercury Dasha started on the 26th Sept 2019 when Rahu also entered in the Ardra Nakshatra

China to face the ICJ soon 9th Lord Mercury Combusted Retrograde and eclipsed by Ketu as I have Predicted , Ketu is Avyogi the Country is bound for Insolvency as per Astrology wait and see my Predictions. China may refute all allegations of the Coronavirus spread and the loss of the Lives of the People across the World . Another Parameter is the 12th Lord and the 22DK Lord Jupiter has fallen over the natal Jupiter and now see how China Dances to the tune of the Planets . If Xi knew Astrology he would not do what ever he is doing so is the case with Trump Both have Bleek Futures as already Predicted by me long back. Mars over stay in Pieces-Aries sign till 22nd Feb 2021 for 249 days may put the world in Enigmatic Spiral of Wars . Both China and US will have major losses

The Transit of Jupiter in fallen state over the natal Jupiter Fallen will bring extremely malefic results for China till 26th July 2020 since Jupiter will be in the U Shada Nakshatra  and also after that . China has no relief till specially the 13th Sept. and then upto 20th Nov. 2020. There could be economic down fall of the Country since all the world may bycott the Trade with him


It is obvious from the above VARSHPHALA CHART  That the Country will enter in a War like situations since the Muntha  is placed in the 8th house and Transit Muntha will also fall on the same which is also the 22DK sign in the China foundation chart 


The Combinations are perfect for war like conditions. In the Navamsha it is clear Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis and they will transit in this axis after the 20th Sept. 2020. Makes every thing obvious that China will have war like conditions


The Chart is of Aries Lagan whose Lord is Debiliated in the Foundation chart
The Lagan is in Mrityu bhag and the Nakshatra is of Krittika and the Lord is Sun in the 8th house in Mrityu Bhag
Moon and Rahu in Sarp Dreshkanne and in the nakshatra oF Aslesha and in Vish Ghati the Lord of Aslesha is placed in the 22DK sign of the Natal chart and is in the nakshatra of Ketu who is in Transit over the Mercury in Sagittarius at 4 degrees and is ill placed from the Moon, 6th Lord from the Lagan is placed in the 6th from Moon and the 6th House has Ketu .
Moon is also Influenced by the 22DK Lord of the Foundation chart who is in Debilitation
Rahu-Ketu in the 6/12 axis most prone for Virus and diseases and untoward happenings

7th House in Paap Kartari yoga , 7th Lord with Debilitated 9th and the 12th Lord . Lagan Lord afflicted by Saturn in the 5th house  who is also bhadak

Sun in the 8th house has aspects by Mars
 Next Year chart is below from the Oct 2020-Oct 2021 

Transit of Rahu and Ketu over the 1/7 axis after the 20th Sept. 2020 will be prone to war like happenings

Lagan is also has aspects of Saturn from the 4th house

Lagna Lagna Lord connected to Debilitated Jupiter the 8th and the 11th Lord

7th Lord in Rahu-Ketu axis  and has aspects of Debilitated Jupiter

There are combinations of War like conditions in all the above Parameters employed for China and seems that after the Ingress of Rahu and Ketu  and after  Mars joins the sign Aries and aspects the natal Mars in the 7th house  China will be in aggressive stance and there will be war like conditions . Hence after the 16th-21st July and 16th August 2020 China may play some games but the most prone time frame will be when Mars is fallen in Pieces after the 4th Oct. to 24th Dec. 2020 and till Mars remains in Aries till 22nd Feb 2021  . A Navy war since Mars in the Watery sign 


Foundation chart of US of the 4th July 1776 10-20-30 Hrs Philedelphia

The Dasha in operation for US is Rahu -Rahu and the depositor of Rahu is placed in the 7th house of Wars . The 21st June Solar Eclipse has taken place over the 4 Planets in the sign Gemini and also over the Natal Lagna Lord Sun and according to Principles of Theory of Inevitability the Country is bound for a Fall and depression in the Economic Condition of the Country as well


The Luminaries afflicted. The Lagan Lord afflicted  the 7th Lord afflicted and the Lagan in Kartari yoga .



The Year July 2019 to July 2020 is also not a good one WE CAN SEE FOR UR SELF AND NEED NOT BE EXPLAINED

USA Annual Horoscope 2020-2021 - Journal of Astrology













Annual horoscope of US 2020-2021  244 years completed
Lagna and Lagna Lord afflicted
7th house and the 7th Lord afflicted
* Lagna lord Jupiter is at Rahu/Ketu axis and is aspected by 6L Sun.
* Lagna lord Sun (of birth horoscope) is at Rahu/Ketu axis and is aspected by Mars.
* 2L Mars is aspected by retrograde Saturn from 11H.
* There is ISHRAF YOGA (inauspicious yoga) between 2L Mars and 8L Venus.
* Muntha and Muntha Lord both are at Rahu/Ketu axis.
Most malefic combinations in the year  July 2020 to July 2021
US is bound for a deep Recession also apart from it falling in war like conditions in the Country may be it is civil war of war with neighbouring Countries  and in the present context with China
Transit of Rahu and Ketu in the 1/7 axis after the 20th Sept. 2020 will be the most malefic parameter
Lagan Lord in the 12th house aspects  by Saturn from the 6th house
7th Lord Mars Fallen in the 5th house
Moon afflicted
Rahu In Most malefic State as in Forward motion in the 3rd house and Dasha of Rahu-Rahu

The Most Important parameter in the Oct. 2020 is that Mars will be a Fallen Planet and the Depsitor of Mars Jupiter will also be fallen till the 20th Nov. 2020. Rahu Ketu become more malefic when their depositors are afflicted . Hence Ketu will become strong and also Karka for Virus and Diseases . I fear this combination. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th Dec 2020 at 29 degrees will take place in the Jyestha Nakshatra supposed to be most enigmatic and the Saturn and Jupiter Degree conjunction on the 16th Dec. 2020 may add woes to the relation between the Countries ——- Note this Parameter 

From the above it seems that we are in for Trouble after the Rahu and Ketu Change signs after the 20th Sept. 2020 and Mars Fallen after the 4th Oct to 24th Dec . 2020 and the worst when Mars joins the Sign Taurus on the 22nd Feb 2021 and the 26th March 2021 most explosive day for any war like conditions in the world

For India this Combination is worst as explained above  may be it is war or Recession in the Country  may be it is due to Virus , Untoward Happenings , Terrorism etc. The World will experience the worst time for  the Brawl between the Nations could take Ugly turn as mentioned above . Hence we are bound for a Deep Recession as well

Hence Starting from the Day Sun Enters the sign Cancer on the 16th July 2020 and then when Mars goes in Aries  and Taurus signs will be the time frame for the world getting into Enigmatic spiral of Wars . I wish My Predictions go wrong . The Highest point will be as under. It may happen or not has to be seen all the above Predictions are based on the earlier Planetary positions  and this is a Research Article Please note this 

16th July-21st July 2020—— Start of the ugly relations between the countries taking a bigger dimension . Saturn will be at 180 degrees from Sun on the 21st July 2020. There will be affliction to the Cancer Capricorn Axis —– Note this Time frame  Sun and Moon both will be afflicted and Saturn aspects Mars and Mars aspects Rahu and Mercury. 16th to 20th July Rahu is also in Forward motion. ——————Most Venomous Time frame for the world .  US, China will be in aggressive stance. China against India and US against China  some untoward happenings possible . Terrorism Possible even from Pakistan 

Saturn  180 degrees from Sun on the 20th July 2020 Most Prone  for malefic happenings 

Nodes Ingress in Taurus-Scorpio axis on the 20th Sept. 2020


4th  Oct 2020 Mars Retrograde Fallen and nearest to Earth may create havoc.Most prone for wars  between the 4th Oct to 24th Dec. 2020. In this Connection read my Article—- “Red Planet Mars Nearest To Earth Oct. 2020 Warns Of Warlike Conditions In Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala   link

Jupiter Fallen till 20th Nov. 2020

14th Dec. 2020 Solar Eclipse

16th Dec. 2020 Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Capricorn


11th Feb 2021 6 Planets in the sign Capricorn and Mars aspect on Ketu degree-wise in the New moon chart Most Prone to War like happenings——- Shall write a separate Article 

26th March 2020 The Chart is given above   Most Crucial date for the Brawl between the nations taking ugly turn. From the past it has been observed that when Ketu is afflicted by Mars and Saturn then there is intense fight and wars, here the combination with Saturn is missing. I have mentioned this in my Video also. Hence the War may not be of Intense kind  please make a note of this  

Worst Influenced will Be US and China in the above game of War . India may also have to bear the burnt it so seems specially due to Nodes influencing the 1/7 axis of the India Foundation chart  and when Mars and Rahu are in Rohini star — note this parameter

Detailed Predictions as per Solar Ingress and Lunation chart will follow shortly  specially for the 16th July Solar Ingress in Cancer and the lunation chart of the 20th July 2020 which acquires a special attention since the Luminaries Sun and Moon will be opposed by Saturn degree-wise   at 4. degrees and Rahu  will be in 6/8 axis with Saturn and also in 2/12 axis with Luminaries 

My Video for the same 


Please read my following Articles before reading this Article

1.”Jupiter Affliction As Fallen Planet 30th June-20th Nov. 2020 May Put China US &Trump In Enigmatic Spiral Astrologer Anil Aggarwala  “

2.”Predictions Spot On ! Mars Activates Eclipse Point Havoc For China Transit Fallen Jupiter Over Natal Jupiter After 30th June May Add Woes Astrologer Anil Aggarwala 

3.”2020 Destined Parallel To Uneventful 2001 Earthquakes Terrorism Warlike Mass Happenings Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4.”Red Planet Mars Nearest To Earth Oct. 2020 Warns Of Warlike Conditions In Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

5.”Red Planet Mars Transit Pisces-Aries 18th June-24th Dec. Most Turbulent Time For Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

6.”Rahu In Ardra & Mrigshira Ketu In Moola & Jyestha Nakshatra May Leave Deep Scars In 2020-2021 Parallel 1890 &1918 For the World Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


In the end I Thank God Bow Before him and Stand Up  to Give Ovation to My Guru For Inculcation of Astrology skills  

Please read the Article in the link CORONAVIRUS THE BURNING TOPIC

Read My Articles I Predicted long back in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019
1.”Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala –
Read the Predictions for China made on the 17th Sept 2019 much before the Virus actually spread and anu News . It is basically due to the Cluster of the 6 Planets at the time ogf the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec 2019 over the Natal Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK sign and China Dasha starting in Sept of Mer-Mer the 6th Lord with Ketu the disease Giver and Specially the Transit of Ketu over the 22DK sign. Rahu and Ketu also Ingress in the 7th house of the D6 Shatasmhsa

The First Astrologer to Predict the Virulant Virus from China as per My Articles Dated 17thb Sept 2019 link…/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-…/
Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
5th July  2020 14-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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